Jun 17, 2020 9:38 am
Hello, gamers!
Call me Tea! I'm a moderator over at r/PBP on reddit. A couple of people mentioned GP on a thread there and I thought it was time I diversified outside Discord.
I was a forever GM and limited in what systems I could try before I discovered play-by-post. But now I'm a player in games of Pendragon, Ironsworn, Blades in the Dark, Kingdom and D&D. PBP is this lovely mix of games and writing that really is perfectly made for someone like me.
I might not be starting games very soon but I'm happy to be here and am looking forward to becoming a part of this community and meeting you all.
(The New Player Guide is very nice btw.)
Call me Tea! I'm a moderator over at r/PBP on reddit. A couple of people mentioned GP on a thread there and I thought it was time I diversified outside Discord.
I was a forever GM and limited in what systems I could try before I discovered play-by-post. But now I'm a player in games of Pendragon, Ironsworn, Blades in the Dark, Kingdom and D&D. PBP is this lovely mix of games and writing that really is perfectly made for someone like me.
I might not be starting games very soon but I'm happy to be here and am looking forward to becoming a part of this community and meeting you all.
(The New Player Guide is very nice btw.)