Jun 22, 2020 11:28 pm
Hailing to all GamePlaners,
Here's your regular wannabe-nerd, self-fancied role player intruding your forum in search of new ways to deliberate that he's a lousy at role-playing.
Out of here, my name is Andrea, my pronouns, for those who care about this stuff, are he/him - but being Italian, I never cared too much about "this stuff", mostly because I would (and do) get them wrong on a daily basis anyway. Anyway Xain will do, it's a nickname that I chose when there still were buzzing 56k modems and that stuck mostly because i am too lazy to come up with a better one. Bonus points to those that get the reference, by the way.
Let's start with what I don't know. I don't know the second thing about tabletop RPGs - meaning that i should maybe know the first thing about them, but barely. I fell in love with the idea of roleplaying as a child, when the big brother of my best friend allowed us brats into a session of Lex Arcana, an Italian TTRPG set in an alternate Roman Empire - and that probably was never translated to English. Of course, he grew tired soon enough of playing with us kids, so my appetite was left unsatisfied. Since then, I had some periodical fall-back into role playing: an Call of Cthulhu campaign (don't ask me which one, wouldn't know), aborted after a few sessions, countless aborted attempts of DnD - well excluding a three months campaign that ended up in a disaster for our party. Some one-shots, the last one in a wonderful game called Sine Requie (another one that will never be translated into English.). I seem to recall that I even had a go at play-by-post once, on a French website, for a CoC campaign - only to feel that I could not follow the pace of the other players and get my Master's done.
But now I am at it again, and that is what I know - that I want to try my best, and be surprised. I am scared as hell of course, since playing in a language that is not even my second (second being French, I guess) is not easy. Scared as hell because you all seem so knowledgeable of countless systems, while I basically remember the DnD rulebook - oh, and Sine Requie (useless in here).
Since I can't really speak about game systems, I can at least say what I do like about RPGs - the unreal realism, the world-building, the way each player can contribute in the creation of a narrative, and in which characters are fleshed out through play and become alive. I am not a huge fan of min-maxing, although sadly I have more often than not played with people who thought that in a party you'd need "a tank, a fighter, a healer and a wizard". Let's say I prefer story over tactics, and realism over fantasy - which does not necessarily mean that I am bothered by either tactics or fantasy, or that I am good at either storytelling or being grounded.
Oh, I never DM'd, as you'd expect from the newbie I am, but the idea crossed my mind more than once - so, maybe one day I will? For now, I hope to join a game, and see where it leads to.
Here's your regular wannabe-nerd, self-fancied role player intruding your forum in search of new ways to deliberate that he's a lousy at role-playing.
Out of here, my name is Andrea, my pronouns, for those who care about this stuff, are he/him - but being Italian, I never cared too much about "this stuff", mostly because I would (and do) get them wrong on a daily basis anyway. Anyway Xain will do, it's a nickname that I chose when there still were buzzing 56k modems and that stuck mostly because i am too lazy to come up with a better one. Bonus points to those that get the reference, by the way.
Let's start with what I don't know. I don't know the second thing about tabletop RPGs - meaning that i should maybe know the first thing about them, but barely. I fell in love with the idea of roleplaying as a child, when the big brother of my best friend allowed us brats into a session of Lex Arcana, an Italian TTRPG set in an alternate Roman Empire - and that probably was never translated to English. Of course, he grew tired soon enough of playing with us kids, so my appetite was left unsatisfied. Since then, I had some periodical fall-back into role playing: an Call of Cthulhu campaign (don't ask me which one, wouldn't know), aborted after a few sessions, countless aborted attempts of DnD - well excluding a three months campaign that ended up in a disaster for our party. Some one-shots, the last one in a wonderful game called Sine Requie (another one that will never be translated into English.). I seem to recall that I even had a go at play-by-post once, on a French website, for a CoC campaign - only to feel that I could not follow the pace of the other players and get my Master's done.
But now I am at it again, and that is what I know - that I want to try my best, and be surprised. I am scared as hell of course, since playing in a language that is not even my second (second being French, I guess) is not easy. Scared as hell because you all seem so knowledgeable of countless systems, while I basically remember the DnD rulebook - oh, and Sine Requie (useless in here).
Since I can't really speak about game systems, I can at least say what I do like about RPGs - the unreal realism, the world-building, the way each player can contribute in the creation of a narrative, and in which characters are fleshed out through play and become alive. I am not a huge fan of min-maxing, although sadly I have more often than not played with people who thought that in a party you'd need "a tank, a fighter, a healer and a wizard". Let's say I prefer story over tactics, and realism over fantasy - which does not necessarily mean that I am bothered by either tactics or fantasy, or that I am good at either storytelling or being grounded.
Oh, I never DM'd, as you'd expect from the newbie I am, but the idea crossed my mind more than once - so, maybe one day I will? For now, I hope to join a game, and see where it leads to.
Last edited June 22, 2020 11:30 pm