Need Semi-Specific Character for DnD5e Game

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Jun 24, 2020 5:30 pm
Okay I lost a player in one of my games and due to the current characters and the current story line I am looking for someone interested in playing a strong, sassy, and/or spirited female character who has a wealthy merchant/magic-using adopted-father [ or father if that fits better but the character would have to be a fFolk (aka Half-Elf) ]. Now while I would prefer a character either more focused on Magic-Using or Fighting that is not a requirement especially if the concept you present appears it would enhance the current mix. Still the character will acquire certain influences and such due to their father so that their needs to be room in the concept for tweaks if needed.

Note - I take experienced as well as novice players as I do not discriminate on any level -- the character however (due to game restraints) must be of a heroic bend (aka LG, NG, CG, or LN) -- if it helps father is Neutral Good
Jun 24, 2020 5:49 pm
What's the tone of the game and the current storyline like? How much focus is on combat compared to roleplay and what level is it at?

The concept you need sounds like a fun character to play, I'm just curious if the game would be a good fit for what I'm interested in
Last edited June 24, 2020 5:57 pm
Jun 24, 2020 8:08 pm
Well currently -- Tone well its just started so tone is still actually being set mostly although I am bending towards what the players communicated they would like to see -- note I do not run "modules" I run campaigns -- still I am hoping to create challenges that are fun with combat being there when it happens kind of thing -- if the players choose to focus on role-playing then I am there -- if they want to get down and dirty and slice-n-dice I am there --- so in the end the players are more responsible for the tone than I am -- well beyond the players being required to be heroes or heroines
DeJoker sent a note to bowlofspinach
Jun 24, 2020 8:16 pm
That does sound pretty cool. I would be interested for sure.

I would go with a magic class, I think, either wizard or sorcerer. As for race, you mentioned being adopted as an option. I love playing orcs or half-orcs so if that works for you, I would go with that. Otherwise, probably a human or half-elf
Jun 24, 2020 9:50 pm
Well now that would be a big twist -- and the village actually has Yrocs (sounds like Orc) -- now while she has attitude -- she is also upscale -- and I think it would be interesting to have an upscale Yroc but a Uriak (half-orc/human) works too we can discuss more in game I will PM you an invite -- and you can look things over --
DeJoker sent a note to bowlofspinach
Last edited June 24, 2020 9:51 pm
Jun 25, 2020 12:56 am
Any chance you'd accept another too? Apparently I need more games to play in. :D
Jun 25, 2020 3:26 pm
Well Armitage -- I do have another group that needs a character but this would not be anything specific other than something that might fit well with the other PCs -- if that sounds okay to you -- Go Here and post your interest and I will pop you in I have already gone through a few of the folks in Queue and dropped them do not none responsiveness -- so do read that first post in that thread so you can see what the games are more about and what the expectations are
Last edited June 25, 2020 3:31 pm

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