Hello - Complete Newbie

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Jul 27, 2020 11:10 am
Hi everyone! As per the title, I’m completely new to role playing having never actually tried it out before, only ever having listened to a few podcasts/videos of people playing. I’ve been interested in getting into it for quite a while now but never had either the time available or interested friends. I stumbled across the r/pbp subreddit where someone had recommended this site so I’ve been taking a look around and thought I’d jump in as it looks like the perfect way for me to get involved.

Since I’m a complete beginner, I’d be looking for a game where I’d be able to learn the ropes, is that something that comes up at all here? I’m also reading through the D&D Basic Rules PDF at the moment; is there anything else that you’d recommend I either take a look at or get my hands on before joining a game?
Jul 27, 2020 11:29 am
Welcome, PanchamKing!
There's always beginners showing up here and most GMs won't mind showing a newbie the ropes. When you apply to a game, just let the GM know and they'll help you out.

What you need to read depends on what game you're joining. If you're looking for D&D specifically, then browsing through the 5e core rulebook sounds like a good start. If you're just looking for any game system (many of which are easier for beginners than D&D), then it might be better to just look through the New GP Member Guide and some public games to get a feel for how the site and PBP roleplaying works and then only read a rulebook when you joined a game and know what you're going to play.

You should keep your eyes on the Games Tavern, which is where GMs advertise their games and look for players. You can apply to game game openings there when they come up.

You might also want to join us on the Discord server. People there are always willing to help out with any questions, rules-related, about site organization or anything else. It's also just a nice place for some casual chat.

Happy gaming!
Last edited July 27, 2020 11:30 am
Jul 27, 2020 12:43 pm
Hello and welcome!


Jul 27, 2020 4:41 pm
Jul 27, 2020 5:04 pm
Greetings and welcome!!
Jul 27, 2020 6:32 pm
Howdy! If you're brand-new to RPGs, my suggestion would be not to hitch your wagon to D&D just yet. Instead, check the forums here for announcements of new games coming up. If the theme or premise sounds interesting to you, reach out to the GM (person running the game) and ask them if they're OK with you joining up and learning as you play.

In short, I'm not saying avoid D&D. I'm saying that since you are brand-new to the hobby, you can be open to other games and systems, too. You'll be surprised how awesome many of them are!
Last edited July 27, 2020 6:33 pm

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