RECRUITING: Mercenary Tales (D&D5E)

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Aug 16, 2020 10:42 am

The king is dead. His son, the only heir, is dead, murdered by his cousins.

The kingdom plunged into civil war between Lotar Brightborn and his twin sister Lorelei Brightborn as they both claim their right to the throne.

Noble houses divided between the twins, fiefdomes change their owners as one noble assassinates another.

Pirates rule the sea and bandits prey on the caravans.

Orc tribes are gathering in the north, presenting the threat of possible invasion.

And there are rumors that the dead are rising from their graves.

Perfect time to be a mercenary.

This will be my first attempt at DMing.

Initially, I was planning to try last year in November, however, due to real life complications and my desire to make sure that all possible preparations are finished (like that is even possible) it was postponed. So, I decided to run it now, ready or not, and see what happens, hopefully, something good.

The concept is heavily inspired by Battle Brothers. The players will join a mercenary band and rise in rank, eventually, possibly, taking over the band or starting their own. It will be mission/quest based with an overarching plot that players may or may not be able to affect.

It will contain mature and dark themes! (I intend to make the game fun but won't shy away from grittier themes) The rare races are rare, so are the magic wielders (they are not considered normal), meaning that in different locations people will treat rare races and spellcasters differently.

Characters start at level one, they are fresh recruits and received barely any training. PHB races and classes only (mainly due to me not having other books). Progression is milestone based. I am thinking of making a one-on-one prologue/training with each character until they reach level 3 (one or two missioins, depending on time) and then they will be formed into a squad. I am looking for 4-5 people.

For those interested, please, submit your application in the following format:
[ +- ] Recruiting Pamflet
Last edited Aug 16, 2020 10:46 am
Aug 16, 2020 1:39 pm
Name: Balian Rohmner
Age: 21
Race: Human (possibly alternate version)
Training (Class): Fighter
Occupation: Criminal (former Enforcer)
Marital Status: Single
Children (if yes, how many): None
Reason for joining To make a better life for himself
Aug 16, 2020 2:09 pm
This sounds great. Absolutely love the premise. I hope my character isn't too off base from what you were looking for. I almost always play martial based characters, so naturally I thought this was the perfect game to play a caster in, lol. I don't know what is wrong with me.
Name: Dorrick Bergen
Age: 44
Race: Human
Training: Self-taught singer and story teller. Accomplished player of the lute, flute, and pipes. Oh, I can also use a sword. The seas are a dangerous place but low moral is the silent killer of the battlefield, eh?
Occupation: A damn fine cook and a sailor.
Marital Status: Technically yes, but she ain't talking to me.
Children: One son.
Reason for joining: To see first hand the bravery and heroics of the battlefield and to tell the tales of soldiers to anyone that will listen.
Filled it out in character, but if it wasn't clear, Dorrick is a bard.
griffrpg sent a note to MagnificentFly
Last edited Aug 16, 2020 2:11 pm
Aug 16, 2020 3:02 pm
Ready to give that a try:)
Aug 16, 2020 3:24 pm
Name: Silvia Marwen
Age: 26
Race: Half-Elf
Training (Class): Ranger
Occupation: Hunter
Marital Status: Single
Children (if yes, how many): None
Reason for joining: To get out into the world, see new places, and meet new faces.
FayeFlight sent a note to MagnificentFly
Aug 16, 2020 3:30 pm
(Stealing the filling out in character)

Name: Brianna Elcor
Age: 22
Race: Human (Variant maybe, depending on stats)
Training (Class): I have been taught thing here and there. Never managed to stick as an apprenticeship, but I remember what I was taught. Currently working as a locksmith.I can put them together, so can't see why I can't take them apart. Though if you have anyone who can train in magic I;m sure I can pick that up (Rogue, attempting to head into arcane trickster if available)
Occupation: Whatever brings in the money at the time. I can do most odd jobs
Marital Status: Working on it.
Children (if yes, how many): There is enough mess in my workshop without thank you very much.
Reason for joining: My town is boring, I've trained various jobs and none just click. So I want to see the world, travel, meet new people, learn new things. Also to find someone who can teach magic. Magic sounds cool, I'm sure I can pick it up. My town disagrees. With the cool part. Apparentally magic is bad news.

LightOfMidnight sent a note to MagnificentFly
What artificer. There is no artificer here? :P
Last edited Aug 16, 2020 3:40 pm
Aug 16, 2020 6:59 pm
Name: Delic Redbeard
Age: 138
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Training (Class): I smash with me hammer, my clansmen and I been doing it this way for hundreds of years. (Barbarian)
Occupation: Clan member line breaker (Barbarian Tribal Member or Soldier if not available)
Marital Status: Married
Children (if yes, how many): Yes 2 boys, Merric, and Davos
Reason for joining: Show me wife I still have what it takes to be a line breaker. To make some coin for me family and clan. To bring something back to me boys to look up to. To bring honor to my kinfolk.
Aug 16, 2020 7:16 pm
Looks like I’m late to the game and there are plenty of applications. If someone bows out let me know and I would be more than happy to fill in :)
Aug 16, 2020 9:50 pm
I am going to wait until Wednesday (GMT+5) before I make final choice. Wanna see more apllications and give an opportunity to apply to people from all time zones. I might consider to make second party/squad if there will be enough players and I will feel confident that I can manage two parties. So, keep 'em applications coming!
Aug 17, 2020 4:04 am
Winks. I guess that I should have put more than just interested and wanted to play.
Aug 17, 2020 5:48 am
For a second group if it gets going. 😃

Name: Therasta Talvandir
Age: 26
Race: half-elf
Training (Class): (sorcerer) I grew up running the streets with a crew of delinquents. We ran whatever scheme we could to get by, from robbery, blackmail, to simple pickpocketing, and i got good at them.
Occupation: scout and negotiator, doing my best to put fast hands, fast words and quiet feet to legit use.
Marital Status: single
Children (if yes, how many): 0, 1 deceased.
Reason for joining: Trying to parley my criminal skills into a legitimate life
claypigeons sent a note to MagnificentFly
Aug 18, 2020 2:58 am
Name: Jherek Rainor
Age: 32
Race: Human
Training (Class): Learned to stand in a shield wall marching with Duke Rashan of Tylos. Picked up a soldiers standard array of tricks While marching with them boys as well. I helped the quartermaster for a time and I’m good with numbers. (Fighter)
Occupation: Soldier, Color Sergeant, Spearman.
Marital Status: Been divorced twice, they are better off not being attached to me.
Children (if yes, how many): Yes, got five whelps in the world. One from a tavern girl up north, he’s the oldest Jorrun. Strong boy. The middle two are from my first wife. Delayna left me for a cheese monger whilst I was campaigning...don’t see them two much. Dasio and Della. The last two are half elves. Eli and Anastacia. Their mother is a noble lady...Marissastansa Ebonleaf.
Reason for joining: I’m to young to be proper retired. I’m bored, want to see the world some more. Maybe learn a few new tricks. If I’m unlucky I’ll find my next ex wife and get filthy rich doing it, eh?
Aug 19, 2020 12:52 pm
Alright, I have chosen the players whose applications I liked the most. The invites are sent.

For those who didn't make the cut, I will keep you in mind if some of the players will drop out or I will decide to make a second group.
Last edited Aug 19, 2020 12:52 pm
Aug 21, 2020 11:27 am
Alright well good luck and have fun
Sep 22, 2020 7:14 pm
You walked through the market square, hoping to find some work, as a young boy ran to you and handed a folded pamflet before running further and passing paflets to other people he encountered.
[ +- ] Recruiting Pamflet

The RECRUITMENT is open once again!

I am looking for two or three more players.

The party/squad has not yet been formed as the prologues are still ongoing, however, the remaining players are soon to finish theirs. So, in order to get things moving further, new players will be starting at level 3 and won't have one-on-one prologue, unfortunatelly, as it would take too long and the party will never be formed. The characters would still join the band at level 1 or 2 but advancement to level 3 will be discussed OOC with the help of some rolls.

Those who applied before but didn't make the cut last time, let me know if you are still interested.

For new applicants, please fill in the form provided above.
Sep 22, 2020 7:24 pm
Name: Donavon
Age: 24
Race: Human
Training (Class): Rogue
Occupation: Gem Cutter
Marital Status: Single
Children (if yes, how many): None Claimed
Reason for joining: Owns too much debt
(If your character has a secret or maybe a little bit dishonest with the information in the form, put it in Note tag here.)
Sep 22, 2020 9:10 pm
Jubei flings aside the skewered chicken feet he'd been snacking on to squint at the pamphlet. This is the opportunity he's been looking for! A new purpose quickens his stride. I'll see you again, Nianian, my love. But not yet... not just yet.

Name: Jubei
Age: 36
Race: Variant Human
Training (Class): Fighter
Occupation: Sellsword
Marital Status: Widower
Children (if yes, how many): None
Reason for joining:
ancient.astronaut.64 sent a note to MagnificentFly
Sep 23, 2020 2:31 pm
Name: Merric Goldfoot
Age: 20
Race: Stout Halfling
Training (Class): Barbarian
Occupation: Store Clerk
Marital Status: Single
Children (if yes, how many): None
Reason for joining: Angry at his rich family about his cozy upbringing. Wants to have "real" experiences.
Sep 23, 2020 2:59 pm
Mar Thoma received the invitation graciously and thanked the boy. He read over the missive, folded it carefully, and tucked it into his sash. It would be good test his skills and receive payment for them.

Name: Mar Thoma
Age: 28
Race: Variant Human
Training (Class): Monk
Occupation: Sellsword and Mystic
Marital Status: Widower
Children (if yes, how many): None
Reason for joining: Seeking glory and gold.
Galdr sent a note to MagnificentFly
Sep 23, 2020 4:05 pm
If there is room.
Want to travel the world?
Want to lead a life of adventure?
Think you are tough and have what it takes?
If your answer is yes, then fill in the form and present yourself to the Captain at your local inn.

Age: Jerick Knightfall
Race: Human (variant)
Training (Class): Paladin
Occupation: Mercenary
Marital Status: Widowed
Children (if yes, how many): None
Reason for joining: To gain power and influence enough to take revenge on my wife's murderer.
(If your character has a secret or maybe a little bit dishonest with the information in the form, put it in Note tag here.)

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