Aug 16, 2020 10:42 am

The king is dead. His son, the only heir, is dead, murdered by his cousins.
The kingdom plunged into civil war between Lotar Brightborn and his twin sister Lorelei Brightborn as they both claim their right to the throne.
Noble houses divided between the twins, fiefdomes change their owners as one noble assassinates another.
Pirates rule the sea and bandits prey on the caravans.
Orc tribes are gathering in the north, presenting the threat of possible invasion.
And there are rumors that the dead are rising from their graves.
Perfect time to be a mercenary.
This will be my first attempt at DMing.
Initially, I was planning to try last year in November, however, due to real life complications and my desire to make sure that all possible preparations are finished (like that is even possible) it was postponed. So, I decided to run it now, ready or not, and see what happens, hopefully, something good.
The concept is heavily inspired by Battle Brothers. The players will join a mercenary band and rise in rank, eventually, possibly, taking over the band or starting their own. It will be mission/quest based with an overarching plot that players may or may not be able to affect.
It will contain mature and dark themes! (I intend to make the game fun but won't shy away from grittier themes) The rare races are rare, so are the magic wielders (they are not considered normal), meaning that in different locations people will treat rare races and spellcasters differently.
Characters start at level one, they are fresh recruits and received barely any training. PHB races and classes only (mainly due to me not having other books). Progression is milestone based. I am thinking of making a one-on-one prologue/training with each character until they reach level 3 (one or two missioins, depending on time) and then they will be formed into a squad. I am looking for 4-5 people.
For those interested, please, submit your application in the following format:
[ +- ] Recruiting Pamflet
Want to travel the world?
Want to lead a life of adventure?
Think you are tough and have what it takes?
If your answer is yes, then fill in the form and present yourself to the Captain at your local inn.
Training (Class):
Marital Status:
Children (if yes, how many):
Reason for joining:
(If your character has a secret or maybe a little bit dishonest with the information in the form, put it in Note tag here.)
Last edited Aug 16, 2020 10:46 am