Mission/Chapter 3: A New Dark World

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Sep 25, 2021 6:01 am
Rolled 18-1=17, it is tier 5. 17 divided by 3 gives atleast 5. 5 +2 +1 = Tier 8. Damage: 2 unarmed, +3 Wreck, +1 Capable Warrior, +3 Effort, +2 rolled 18 = 11.
I see that Dragon Bane damage bonus is only when a weapon is used.
The powerful strike from Reeve hammers into the Captain. Reeve felt that there is some hard material under the uniform, like armour that is thin as cloth. But from the reaction of the leader, the blow was strong enough to produce a pained grunt.
Enemy turn

The Radiation Guns start to hum as the users aim them at Reeve.
"That... surprisingly hurts. I'll make sure you will not escape from here. For Nouen-Penti! Security, for all needs!"

The two Lieutenants also chanted the last sentence as all three fire upon Reeve.
(Make 3 Might defense rolls. The damage ignores armour.)
The guards meanwhile keep away from the fight happening at the heavy-storage section. They try to form a firing line, but well aware that their guns have no effect against their opponent. They watch at a distance, and a few also cheered for their leader.
End turn
Gabrien can see dense graffiti all over the low buildings and walls. Most of it does not make sense, but he could identify that some are warnings to leave, while others depict skulls and symbols that looks to be runic.
I'll give 1xp to Ash and Gabrien for finding Cemetary Street, (South border of Dark City).

Reeve, small reminder, you could try to fight in different ways. But it is ok if you are still intent on being a pugilist.

Party's turn!
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Sep 25, 2021 2:06 pm
[ +- ] Does Resilience (T3 move) apply for those attacks?
Edit: Punches are actually listed as light weapons on p.13 if that change anything with interpreting the Dragon Bane trait.
Last edited September 25, 2021 7:52 pm


Might def (trained) Captain - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Might def (trained) Lieutenant 1 - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Might def (trained) Lieutenant 2 - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Sep 28, 2021 2:31 pm
"So how we doing this? Sneak in find a safe house? Then when people come sniffing to inspect or kill us we knock them out take their stuff?" Ash inquires looking at the layout of the buildings trying to find what would meet the requirements.
Sep 28, 2021 3:21 pm
"Well that's my favourite plan so far, Ash. But let's just hide in the house for now. You get what rest you can, and we'll see if we can figure out the next move when it's kicking in our door. We think well on our feet, better than we plan, right?"
Sep 28, 2021 4:33 pm
"Works for me but I have all my things though, we might find stuff to cobble together out there also..."
Sep 29, 2021 4:05 pm
Oh yeah, resilience applies. Also, now I see it, you're right, light weapons count for punches and kicks. I'll edit the damage dealt.
Reeve brings on a stance that uses his arms to block and clenches his muscles to the incoming energy attacks. He doesn't see it, but he can feel a burning sensation in his insides. (Received 3 Might damage from lietenant 1.)
Reeve still has his action.

Also, Ash and Gabrien, just in case if I explained it poorly, the situation is that the doctor's actual house is somewhere away from this Cemetary Street. He only came here as a detour to escape the chase. So now you may still choose to find a hiding place at the current area, or find a way to the doctor's house, or any other plan.

If you choose to find a place here, then I'll give you some options. A store, a motel, a clinic, a gas station, a hut, or something else you may want to describe a bit.
Sep 29, 2021 4:30 pm
@Qralloq well I'm assuming the doctor's got running water but we'd stick out. I'm fine wither way really, you're the talky one.
Sep 29, 2021 11:18 pm
"Doc, drop us off at that empty looking house. I'd rather hide where no one could possibly think to look than at your undoubtedly comfortable yet conspicuous abode."

Gabrien points at the most remote, most abandoned looking building.


Perception (Specialized) - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Oct 2, 2021 1:21 am
I'll roll for a sunder on the captain weapon, switch the roll to a attack like the last one if the sunder is not aloud.
Grunting from the burning sensation, Reeve switchs tactics and brings down his two fists on the Captain strange weapon.
Wreck (trained for damaging an object) + 1 might effort at the cost 2 might pool

Edit: Spending 1 exp to reroll

Edit again: lol, yea. The way its going, this seems like it'll be the end of the tough guy after all :P
Last edited October 2, 2021 1:25 am


Sunder (trained +1 effort) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Reroll - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Oct 14, 2021 1:35 am
I believe Reeve will just escape at this point. He should be able to do that pretty easily with his points left and moves. I'm sad about the rifle, but it's time to cut the loses.
Oct 15, 2021 5:11 am
Everyone gets 3 xp for compensation.
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
The doctor looks to where Gabrien is pointing and agrees.
It is a 2 storey building, with stairs leading up to the upper level. It's concrete walls are cracked and full of webs.

Entering in, it looks like noone is inside. Either on the 1st or 2nd level. There are abandoned rotting furnishes, but if there was anything of value inside, it's long gone. There are some signs of people using this space before, due to the furnitures being dragged to the sides, but its probably not recently as the dust on the floor boards is undisturbed.


Reeve tries to go for the weapon, hoping to sunder it instead of attacking the man. Perhaps it was the weird pain that made his attack not as effective, or that the captain is rather agile despite his size and uniform.

Anyhow, Reeve now decides that the situation is more troublesome than it was earlier. He forgoes his pursuit of the taken weapons, and ran out of the storage room. The crowd of guards waiting outside couldn't do anything to Reeve as he shrugs off their shower of bullets.
Would Reeve be going to the roof?

Btw, Idk when I may post again, but I'll say probably in a week. If I can post earlier, I will. If I post later then I will try to mention the possible date again.


Place - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Oct 16, 2021 6:56 am
Roof would make sense. Less resistance and he may have seen signs pointing to it. Or he could just jump through the nearest window if there are any :P
Oct 16, 2021 2:15 pm
Entering the building, hoping for trouble and not finding any, Gabrien looks around. "Let's find a back room, away from the front. Somewhere Ash can rest and recover. I'll keep an eye on the front windows for movement while you recoup."
Oct 16, 2021 9:15 pm
"Thanks we need an alternate route out, once I'm functioning better we need new clothes and possible try and cobble some new cyphers... "
Oct 17, 2021 4:50 am
Reeve tries to find a way up the building. After a while of searching, he finds a doorway that leads to a stairwell. He climbs up hurriedly, brushing pass one or two squads that tried to block him. The amount of stairs is impressive to him, as he reached about two dozen floors and the top is still not reached.

Taking a quick look at the current floor, he finds that are windows along the corridor outside the stairwell. There are some men and women in suits and ties staring in surprise.

Looking through the windows, Reeve can see that the ground is some distance far below. A blockade of black vans and guards have formed around the compound of the building. Luckily, Reeve remembers he has another magical Cypher that he can use to float some distance away.

The guards of this level are now hurriedly asking the office workers to evacuate in a mix of the common tongue that Reeve knows, as well in other languages.


Gabrien was able to find a room inside the old building. The mattress is gone, leaving only a bedframe. Despite the lack of comfort, it could still be used to rest in.
If Gabrien wish to continue looking around, I'll do a GM Intrusion of encountering trouble. 1xp to deny, but 2xp and possible other rewards if accepted.
Oct 18, 2021 10:56 pm
Reeve continues until he reaches the roof or a window he can jump from.

Taking a mighty running start, he jumps as far as he can to go over the blockade if possible before activating the cypher to reach the ground safely.
3 speed effort (cost 2 speed pool), trained in running, trained in jumping, move tier 4 runner.


Running jump (2 effort, 2x trained?, runner move) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Oct 19, 2021 5:13 am
Gabrien gets 1xp, and 1xp to another.

And Reeve... oof.
Reeve manages to find a window that can be pushed open and is low and big enough. With a running start, he vaults over the window frame and out towards the brightly lit city. He aims for the roof of a lower building across the street. Perhaps he may have overestimated his skill of jumping and gliding, as the moment he activates the dragon statue and the aura of dragon wings sprouted out, Reeve was already going very fast. He crash lands onto the roof of a few buildings ahead. The armour aura absorbed most of the blow, but he still suffers a bit of injury. (2 Might damage.)

As he picks himself up from the small crater he made, he finds himself next to a large signboard advertisement of some strange food, and the roof door to the stairs that leads down the building...
Gabrien leave Ash alone with the doctor. As he searches the lower floor again, he now notices a trapdoor partially hidden under a collapsed shelf. Opening it up, the trapdoor reveals stone stairs that leads to a dark basement. As he try to peek into the very dark basement, a pale blue glow began to appear, lighting up the stone chamber a little. The room has another bed, a pile of newspapers, a cupboard, and... a skeleton in rags.

The glow now takes the form of a ghost. It is a man with a neck beard dressed in a dirty fur coat, and it's legs end in a blurry tail.

"I was having a good sleep... Why must you wake me up to feel the pain of undeath again?..." The ghost speaks in an upset, echoey voice.
Oct 19, 2021 10:14 pm
Extra xp to Ash.
Gabrien slams the trapdoor shut, backs up against the far wall, and closes his eyes, counting to five. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

He opens them again, trying to remember how to dispel ghosts.
Oct 20, 2021 1:04 am
Lol yea... the dice are all or nothing for Reeve
Reeve shake his head to get over the impact and look as his surroundings. He take advantage of still being on higher ground to spot familiar building from the familiar neighbourhood of the dormitory and exterminator headquarter. Once he does, he takes the quick way down and jump down this building also, taking advantage of the lenght of time the cypher is active.

Once down, he start sprinting toward is destination, cutting through alleyway and others smaller path to make pursuit harder for those in the metal carts.
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