Sep 1, 2020 1:35 pm

Baldur's Gate doesn't go by many handles - the Gate, the Grey Harbour, and B'gate. Baldurians don't call it a den of iniquity - Baldurians can't spell iniquity. City of Thieves? No dice - that shorts the buttonmen, grifters, sad sacks, pikers, bent bulls, fluffs, and plugs that drift in the Gate's criminal stew. You can't even call it the Big Horseapple on account of horses not being allowed inside the city - just as well - the moochers would eat them. A wretched hive of scum and villainy? That's hooey - hives are organized. City of Angles would be a swell handle - because there sure as hell ain't any angels.
The dame's case was a golden opportunity for B'Gate Investigators - and in The Gate, gold means trouble. Gold is the colour of death.
Fool's Gold. A short 5e DM's guild adventure for 4-5 level three adventuring private investigators in Baldur's Gate.
Grab your fedora and roscoe crossbow, spark a gasper, and put on some smooth saxophone jazz - the Grey Harbour just went noir.
I'm looking for players who are new to Gamers' Plane, or have only a couple of games on the go at the moment. If you're already in three or more games, then please don't apply - let the newcomers get a game too.
Either PM me or drop a post on this thread if you're interested.
Last edited Jul 6, 2021 10:23 am