1.1 Giddy Fortune's Furious Fickle Wheel [Sprout+}

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Nov 27, 2020 12:25 am
Well if nothing else perhaps Patrick and Yanric met when the Lady contacted or met with Eddie -- where Yanric's appearance would have been enough to almost set Patrick off as he hunts vampires with a passion when he can - so I am sure that Yanric knows that Patrick does not hold a soft spot for him at all

That way no edits are necessary -- we have a brief but shared past that well has set the stage ;)
Last edited November 27, 2020 12:26 am
Nov 27, 2020 12:25 am
KCC69 says:
I wrote a similar OOC on my first post. I guess when we find out for sure, we can edit our post
I'm good with editing. We shall remember that!
Nov 27, 2020 12:27 am
Oops I think a cross post just occurred -- do I need to go back and change things or can we have had a brief tense initial meeting prior to this one
Last edited November 27, 2020 12:27 am
Nov 27, 2020 12:28 am
I'm okay with a brief, tense initial prior meeting. Perhaps McGregor ws held in check by Kebi's presence? Or, common sense?
Nov 27, 2020 1:18 am
"Well, seems that we're a group. I don't do well in groups, I must say. I'm a notorious attention hog. But I'll attempt to play nice."
Nov 27, 2020 1:24 am
Kebi glances up at Sprout, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"I wager you play nice quite well."
Nov 27, 2020 11:22 pm
"Kind of you to say. If you don't mind my asking, what is this all about? Why have you gifted me with this gathering? Even I don't know when my birthday was, so that can't be it."
Nov 27, 2020 11:48 pm
Kebi turns her eyes to to the others who have thus far arrived - including McGregor who is still waiting for his very specific meal choice.

"If everyone would be so kind as to have a seat, perhaps I could explain."

Glancing towards the detective, she continues once the remainder of her companions is seated.

"It is about haze. It is a psychoactive substance gaining quite a following on the street. Normally, a street drug would not concern me ever much beyond my normal concerns for the health and well being of others. Haze, however, is something different.

"Detective McGregor and others in the police force have likely heard of the drug and the extreme reactions surrounding it. They might not realize, however, that the samples seized and thus far sent off for evaluation have been intercepted and the chemical tests adultered such that the samples are inconclusive. This is a temporary measure, I'm afraid, since the Met is not the only law enforcement agency engaged in these investigations."

She looks down at her bowl and then pushes it to the side slightly, the topic of the conversation apparently disturbing her for some reason.

"The substance is highly addictive. And, for anyone of Fae blood, so far, fatal - over time." She drums her fingers on the table. "I know that there are many irons in the fire these days, and we are concerned with maintaining the veil over our continued presence in this world. But, if haze is addictive and fatal to the Fae, its effects on mortals may well be ..." She spreads her arms out with her palms up in an expression of helplessness.

"I believe there is more to this than merely some sort of new intoxicating substance and cannot help but think that this could be a catalyst that might propel us into the open in the worst possible way. I was hoping that we might pool our resources to look into this matter even as we continue to engage in our usual activities.

"If we wish to protect both our people and the mortal realm from the worst that the shadows have to offer, then we certainly must ask questions of this new threat."
Nov 28, 2020 6:08 pm
Sprout Simon closes his eyes, and tries to see the big picture. She's told them nothing except that there is a threat to them in this haze, and it's dire.

"Do you have any leads? Even just where the drug first appeared? Any description on the dealers?"
Nov 28, 2020 8:04 pm
Patrick sat in silence listening, doing is best to remember what is transpiring in case he needed to relay that to Eddie a bit later but as far as detective work went Eddie was their brains and Patrick was the brawn. Which seemed to work out quite well, all things considered.
Last edited November 28, 2020 8:04 pm
Nov 29, 2020 1:29 pm
The group hears a scuffle towards the front door of the Kettle, the lingering remains of shouted obscenities just fading away as the door is pushed open. Standing in the doorway, head turned away so the face is mostly in profile, a medium height man, long trench coat and rumpled suit, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, is gesturing at someone outside. As he turns to enter the premed is fully, they hear him exclaim "Oh fer fucks sake, sorry Patrice", before he turns and flicks the cigarette out the doorway. He looks harried, and a little tired, but seeing the party towards the back of the Kettle, he marches over determinedly.
"Sorry ‘bout making you all wait. Some scavvy little twerp tried to nick me wallet right out me pocket. I don’t reckon he will be trying that again, but I’ll have to put another ward on it now". He sits, and looking around for any staff, but noticing none, he grumbles about ’Service in some places’. He slaps Patrick on the shoulder as he sits, and looks expectantly at the group assembled
Nov 30, 2020 2:30 am
Patrick turns his head slightly when Eddie slaps him on the shoulder and says softly, "She'll be back soon just left with orders and we're discussing the Haze issue."


Nov 30, 2020 10:16 am
Ah, finally. The less pungent one has arrived.

"So good to see you again, Eddie! We heard you were being overly delicate with company resources. I trust everything is okay?"

Yanric finishes his meal and wipes his mouth with a napkin.

"Yes, we are just discussing the business with Haze. How much do the regular police force know? And the irregular police force, for that matter!"
Dec 1, 2020 1:30 pm
"Delicate with comps.......Patrick you git. I’ll be honest, both sides of the police are at a loss on this. The regulars, to them it’s just the hot new street drug, they haven’t picked up a dealer yet, just some of the unfortunates who’ve come close to overdosing. The irregulars.....pretty much the same thing. The community has been a bit tight lipped about it all so far. We know it’s out there, we know it’s not ‘normal’ and we know it’ll eventually cause a rift, the type neither side wants to happen"
Dec 1, 2020 1:36 pm
Kebi looks down at her bowl for a moment and then sets her spoon next to it, seeming to have lost her appetite for the moment.

"Detective Edwards," she says with a polite nod of her head. "So good of you to finally join us."

She looks between Eddie and Patrick, then back to Yanric. "Whatever else the detectives might know of this substance, my sources tell me that it has only recently appeared - perhaps no more than 6 months ago. And, as I mentioned, it is deadly to those with Fae blood. It is also highly addictive, I understand." She pauses and then looks between her companions about the table.

"The Courts," obviously referring to the assorted Fae courts, "Have not yet deemed this to be worthy of their notice and attention." A hint of disdain seeps out and into her words. "Likely, since it seems that the impact has thus far been limited to Changelings."
The detectives would have heard of Haze.
[ +- ] For the detectives
Dec 1, 2020 2:58 pm
Sprout Simon shudders. The fae courts. Magnificent and terrible in the same breath. As a Changeling he feels mostly fear when he hears them mentioned, and cannot repress his reaction.

"Then it falls to us. It would be a terrible thing of one of the high mucky mucks are to be exposed. They would undoubtedly crack down on us even harder, blaming us for its spread."
Dec 1, 2020 5:06 pm
"I’ll be honest Sprout, I could care less about the high muckety mucks. I’m more worried about how this thing will upset the balance, and how bad fallout could be if it unveils the hidden. Plus, it seems bloody dangerous. We ‘ad an incident a few nights ago. I was able to pick up the call in time. Thank god an’all, this feller on haze was all hyped up and tearing about like the Tasmanian devil, nothing seemed to stop him or slow him down. I ‘ad to risk a bit of talent on the fly, hopin no one would see, to try and box him in with a ward till Patrick could get to him. Once the haze had wore off though, damn, he truly looked like death warmed up. But his brain was all mushed up, couldn’t tell us where he got the stuff, nothing". The detective leans back in his chair as he tails off, a sigh escaping his lips "The quicker we can get some solid info, the better. I don’t wanna be bothering the courts or councils. I’m chasing up a lead, it’s a slim one, about a dealer. Whether they have haze or not I won’t know till we collar them. But it’s a long shot. As far as I know, they’re not really affiliated with the hidden, so they may just be a patsy."
Dec 1, 2020 7:27 pm
Patrick had been eyeing Sprout ever since he had sat down and after Eddie finishes he talks rather bluntly to him, "I kind of know what the lady does," he gestures towards Kebi, "and him," thumbs in Yanric's direction, "meh.. but you," he points a finger at Sprout and asks, "what do you bring to this table?" He taps the finger he had pointed at Sprout upon the table.
Last edited December 1, 2020 7:29 pm
Dec 1, 2020 7:54 pm
So we're not going with the backstory we came up with, then.
Caught off guard by the crude man, he automatically responds with, "Maybe you better stick with investigating reports of stolen wagons and noise complaints, copper. If you can't tell what I am, you're three stories out of your depth."
Dec 1, 2020 8:11 pm
"Gentlemen, gentlemen," Kebi implores to her associates, her voice warm and smooth. "While each of you might not yet entirely appreciate what the other brings to our eclectic association, we are each focused towards a similar goal."

She sighs.

"Our world is in a precarious position. We have some outside the hidden world who seek through happenstance or intent to bring our world into the light of day, and others who, through their dastardly acts, threaten to do so. I suggest we consider how we might work with our associates here," she gives a not to the two detectives, "To remove this poison from our streets."
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