New Player Looking For Star Wars FFNG!

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Jan 19, 2021 6:15 pm
Hello all! First and foremost. I hope you’re all doing well in this world of ours! I hope everyone is staying heathy and sane wherever the world finds you.

To start off, I’m both new to the forum and also new to tabletop roleplaying. While I’ve been reading a lot of the Star Wars FFG books I have no practical knowledge aside from watching a lot (and I do mean A Lot) of videos online about people playing the game. It’s grown as an interest to the point where I’ve finally decided to put myself out there and see if I can’t find a group to play with.

I’d like to think I won’t need to much handle holding once we get into it however. I’ve watched enough of it to get the gist of the idea. The only thing I’ve really not seen anything on at all is the character creation side of things and might need a fair bit of help with that. Overall though I’m not entirely green with the idea of Roleplaying itself because I’ve been doing play by post narrative stuff for years.

Other than that I’m open to any sort of game being run across any of the three books. I’m more than happy to do the research on whatever adventure you and your group are getting into it you’ll have me! Thank you for your time.
Last edited Jan 19, 2021 6:19 pm
Jan 19, 2021 6:28 pm
I know a couple of Star Wars games just got started up. There's mine, which is Star Wars meets film noir detectives, and then another that I think is more general Edge of the Empire shenanigans. As a brand-new player, the detective game might be a bit confusing for you, as I'm bringing in a lot of rules from Genesys. Also, the game is leaning into the tropes of hardboiled detective fiction, which means it isn't leaning into a lot of standard Star Wars tropes (e.g., gear optimization, starship flying, Rebels–vs.–Empire, Force-users).

That said, send me a PM if it sounds like something that might interest you. Here's the thread where I originally pitched the idea.
Jan 19, 2021 7:02 pm
I happened to see your game! The Neon Noir concept intrigued me a bit! The only thing that I wasn't sure on was of what the Gensys side of things were. I wouldn't mind learning about it though!

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