OoC Chat

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Jun 8, 2021 11:47 pm
Hey all, I keep meaning to write but I feel I have so much to say but not enough time to say it. So, I'll just write something instead of waiting to find the time.

First off, amazing epilogue posts everyone! This is such a talented group of creative writers, I can say without hesitation that this has been one of my favorite play by post games of all time.

Second, I hear people talking about playing more pbp games and thinking about alternative systems - great! There are so many kinds of games to play, try out lots of stuff. I hear people being really into the storytelling mode more than the tactical mode, and many people play those games on gp and other pbp platforms.

If you'd like help navigating the community or if you are struggling to find a the right kind of game, let me know. I am a moderator on the site and pretty much see all the games that are starting, so I might be able to help.

I'll still see you all out there on the site (and I'm not closing the game so please continue to chat and hang out) but in case we all go separate ways: thank you for a great, friendly, rewarding experience. These are not the best of times for anyone and this game has been an important outlet and source of energy for me. And thanks for enriching this world so much! When next I run it it will be a whole knew place. Honestly, I don't want to touch it for awhile. I want to savour this experience and this story a while longer before writing any more chapters.

PS - fun fact, Pitrio you mentioned Tavern Tales. I used to play that game back when it was in playtest mode, before the Kickstarter. I really enjoyed talking with Dabny, the creator, and saw it go through a lot of iterations. Neat system, cool ideas, rad character building, fond memories.
Jun 9, 2021 7:26 am
Callan - I think I'm lukewarm on Kingdom like your siblings. Maybe if I knew what the setting was and a little more about the game system. On the surface of it, it sounds like it's driven by a series of randomly selected crossroads cards. Like you draw one, roleplay the situation, draw another. But I'm only guessing here.
Jun 9, 2021 7:33 am
Len - I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Thanks again for making it happen and thank you everyone for what you brought to this experience. It's been inspiring for me.
Jun 10, 2021 7:40 am
Astroloma says:
On the surface of it, it sounds like it's driven by a series of randomly selected crossroads cards. Like you draw one, roleplay the situation, draw another. But I'm only guessing here.
The crossroads in Kingdom are created by players, actually — as is the setting. It's like the everyone takes it in turn to be a mini-DM and dream up a scenario, but then there are also mechanics that players can use to flesh out the scenario during the roleplay scenes. To me, it feels like a really elegant way to replace the typical DM role.

It would be nice of the rules were free so you could look them over. That's actually something I wanted to ask Len about — how do people on the site usually handle cases where some players own copies of the rules and others don't? Do people share pdfs, or is that frowned upon?
Jun 10, 2021 8:11 am
Callan - I love the picture. It's a great caricature of our party and an excellent memento of our adventure.

Also, I do like the sound of Kingdom now and I'm happy to try it. I'd like to explore what D&D has to offer too but that can wait or, possibly, happen concurrently.
Jun 10, 2021 8:21 am
Awesome picture! Love it!
Jun 10, 2021 10:47 am
Haha, the picture captures the essence of the characters nicely!
Jun 10, 2021 10:55 am
Thanks, guys :) I had a lot of fun creating it.

Astroloma — I created a game and invited you. I want to try to get 1-3 more people involved. I may post on open recruitment thread to that end. Thanks for trying this with me!
Jun 10, 2021 11:02 am
I joined.

'Number of characters per player = 4' seems odd.


Jun 10, 2021 1:53 pm
Wow! Callan, that picture is amazing!!! May I share it on the GP discord? Or if you like, you can join and share it yourself in #arts-and-crafts. Might be a good place to see if anyone is interested in Kingdoms as well.

Here's the join link (for anybody!) GP Discord Server
Jun 11, 2021 12:07 am
lenpelletier says:
Wow! Callan, that picture is amazing!!! May I share it on the GP discord? Or if you like, you can join and share it yourself in #arts-and-crafts.
Thank you :) and sure, you can share the picture around. I haven't really used Discord before, but I may check it out at some point.
Jun 13, 2021 11:09 pm
[ +- ] Jusika says
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it. Due to real life I procrastinated before doing my post and amended it in the light of Euphoria's epilogue.

This has been a brilliant campaign - the best PbP I have played, although I have been playing a far shorter length of time than Len!

Thank you to Len for 'DMing' it and to all the players for the posts in the game. I enjoyed everyone's posts in the epilogue. Callan's picture of all of our characters in character is great.
Jun 13, 2021 11:32 pm
Wait I'm pretty sure I have seen that post before. Am I experiencing a Deja-Vu? Ha-ha. Anyway, yeah, procrastination is a big thing with me too. I'm actually sort of glad this game has ended, in a way. Because it lasted until the end and one can not really take this for granted in PbP. And also because it kind of gives me more free time to explore many other games and settings. Which I might. I'm even entertaining the idea of trying a live game over discord. The game called "The Wildsea" or something has caught my attention, it almost feels like the perfect setting for me! So maybe I'm brave enough to try and get my shy butt out there, we'll see though!

Hurray to all the future games!

P.S. Len, your pride month picture is genius :D
Last edited Jun 13, 2021 11:34 pm


Jun 17, 2021 3:10 am
Many thanks for all your kind words! I already miss playing with you all. Hope you're having a blast, gaming or otherwise :)

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