OoC Chat

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Mar 14, 2021 10:36 am
Haha yes sorry!
Mar 14, 2021 1:49 pm
If anything i am trying to play a character far from my usual self, so sometimes it feels hard to get into the attitude. But i think its quite common to put a huge chunk of yourself into your characters 🤔

As for the gate, i think Kaa (or someone else quick and sneaky) could distract the green monster while our two casters (and the rest) move there.
Mar 14, 2021 9:03 pm
I was intending a discussion when we got back.
Mar 15, 2021 2:29 pm
Should I check for traps or something?
Mar 16, 2021 9:44 am
It's been a rough day. It might be a day before I post (no need to wait or anything).
Last edited March 16, 2021 9:45 am


Mar 16, 2021 4:53 pm
Astroloma says:
It's been a rough day. It might be a day before I post (no need to wait or anything).
Hope things smooth out for you soon!


Mar 16, 2021 5:04 pm
Hey folks, as Hilmar casts a spell, we will go into initiative order. Given the situation we will assume everyone has surprise, which means you get 1 free round to act before the enemy can take their actions. Depending on your initiative roll, you might get 1 or two actions before they get to go. Hilmar's spell will only take out one of the bandits, so this will be necessary.

Some tactical considerations: the water on the map is a waist-deep mud pit, and requires 10 feet of movement per square. You are also in single-file order in the drainpipe. Let's assume you are lined up in the order you take your turns. That means the first character who takes their turn (Hilmar) needs no movement to get to the opening, the next character needs to spend 5 feet, the next character needs to spend 10 feet and so on.

Initiative won't matter during the surprise round but if the night blades survive the survive round it might. So, include an initiative roll in your post to see when you will go in round 2.

Mike, you might want to have Hilmar move out of the way of the entrance to avoid blocking other characters from acting in the surprise round.

Let me know if there are any questions.


Mar 16, 2021 5:07 pm
PS: we will say the character's turns start at L10 and Nb2 is the one that fell asleep from Hilmar's sleep spell.
Mar 16, 2021 5:32 pm
I rolled Initiative, then had a thought: I do not mind if you roll initiative for everyone when an encounter begins, I think that makes things smoother as we do not have to wait for a round of everyone posting, and it does not take away from the roleplaying.

Although some people prefer to roll their own dices, so to say, so I am definitely not speaking for everyone :)) but if everyone is okay with it, its an option.


Mar 16, 2021 5:34 pm
This is an option I have used before, but for people learning the game I like having people rolling their own initiative so they understand what is happening.

In this instance, rolling initiative is tied up in your action for the surprise round so it shouldn't slow things down.


Mar 16, 2021 5:40 pm
Pitrio, please review this post for instructions on how to take your action during this surprise round. Rolling initiative is a good start, but you can take your full surprise round turn right now.
Mar 16, 2021 7:29 pm
Ahh okay okay, I edited my post to include actions then. I do not think it will be needed, but a question: does surprising a target also gives advantage to attack rolls, or would that require something more/else?


Mar 16, 2021 10:26 pm
Surprise itself does not grant advantage, no. Attacking from a hidden location could do this where the attacker cannot see the attack coming at them would grant advantage. In terms of the situation, the coming out of the drain pipe is surprising and catching them off guard, but they can see the attacks coming at them plain as day in the well-lit chamber.

You're right that won't be necessary. You've one-shot the remaining guard.
Mar 17, 2021 12:33 am
I am working another late shift tonight, followed by an earlier one the next day so my posts might be a bit erratic over the next two days.


Mar 20, 2021 3:25 am
Hey folks, I kicked a rock and fractured a toe today! I will be back posting ASAP, probably tomorrow. Looks like I didn't miss anything today. Everybody doing okay?


Mar 20, 2021 3:26 am
Mike says:
I am working another late shift tonight, followed by an earlier one the next day so my posts might be a bit erratic over the next two days.
Thanks for the heads up as always Mike!
Mar 20, 2021 5:09 am
[ +- ] lenpelletier says
Ouch! Nasty. I hope it is not too serious and that the recovery process is not too protracted and awkward.
Mar 20, 2021 7:10 am
lenpelletier says:
Hey folks, I kicked a rock and fractured a toe today! I will be back posting ASAP, probably tomorrow. Looks like I didn't miss anything today. Everybody doing okay?
Mar 20, 2021 11:52 am
Sorry if I'm taking too long with my posts, gonna make some today, been very busy!
Mar 21, 2021 12:32 am
Oof! Hitting that toe is unfortunate, I hope you are gonna be alright, Len!

Comrades, I wanna share something.
So you remember I learned Morse code, right? Wanted to for a long time, but just wouldn't start for some reason.
There's this place online, it is a virtual radio, where people communicate in Morse. Only one button to press and make different rhythmic signs.
And I met someone there. Someone who has changed my life. I actually feel happy. Imagine that, me - happy! Enjoying every moment! That character I made for DnD was ironic and nothing like me, as I was just spiraling down the depression swamp. That person taught me how to meditate, got me into spiritual stuff. Me, a rationalize-everything type of person. So now I just enjoy weird non-scientific stuff I forbade myself from enjoying. I go outside more, I enjoy every mundane thing, I dropped procrastination and some other bad habits I had. I even started to write poetry which I didn't do for 5 years. Never felt so good!

And now to why I wanna tell this. Besides that I just wanna share it with someone.
Everyone has this thing they always wanted to do, but never started.
Do it.
Just do it!
Do it, and get something great out of it!

Sending love and hugs
Last edited March 21, 2021 12:39 am
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