OoC Chat

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Mar 7, 2021 9:18 am
If sentient people are animals too in this sense, what would non-animal urine be? 🤔

That was fast indeed, but i think reaching level 2-3 is supposed to be fast as by then the basic character concepts flesh out (like our wizard gets to choose school), and it gets slower afterwards.
Mar 7, 2021 6:38 pm
I am working another late shift tonight, followed by an earlier one the next day so my posts might be a bit erratic over the next two days.


Mar 9, 2021 5:21 am
Pitrio says:
If sentient people are animals too in this sense, what would non-animal urine be? 🤔
Touche! 🤣
Pitrio says:
That was fast indeed, but i think reaching level 2-3 is supposed to be fast as by then the basic character concepts flesh out (like our wizard gets to choose school), and it gets slower afterwards.
Yes, this is the norm. Every table is different though, so for future games it might be one of those things you ask your DM at the beginning so you know what to expect.


Mar 9, 2021 5:25 am
Looks like the action is pointed at the Lonely Tower so I've updated "Working Title" to be Lonely Tower. Sounds like the plan is to hike out there and then, once you're in sight, send some stealthy scouts to reconnoiter the location, then reassess. Great plan!

I think we're almost good to go. If anyone wants to write the post that pushes us out the door, feel free! We can always retcon questions or in-town actions if we rushed anyone.


Mar 9, 2021 5:29 am
Hey, one more thing - there is a mechanic in D&D called "Inpsiration." You gain Inspiration when you roleplay your character true to the personality that you described on your character sheet. In PbP I let players cash in their inspiration as a reroll on any d20 roll - a skill check, an attack, a saving throw, even when you roll initiative!

You have all done a tremendous job of roleplaying, so you've all earned "inspiration!" Remember that I can't give it to you again until you use it up, so don't hang on to it for too long 🤣
Mar 9, 2021 8:54 am
lenpelletier says:
Yes, this is the norm. Every table is different though, so for future games it might be one of those things you ask your DM at the beginning so you know what to expect.
Aaa god to know! Push done also.

I always forget about mechanics like inspiration! Thank you, and for remembering it! 😅


Mar 9, 2021 8:12 pm
I'm pretty terrible at remembering too :D Feel free to remind me by giving fellow players shoutouts for great posts in this channel!
Mar 10, 2021 11:59 am
Jusika says:
A lazy post from lazy me. Was doing a lot of monotonous file-sorting recently and am tired as hell. Sorry!
Sometimes i feel my posts are lazy too - or just uninspired. And sometimes I feel like it's just me talking and posing as my character. Sometimes it's easier to roll play than other times.
Mar 10, 2021 1:10 pm
Astroloma says:
Sometimes it's easier to roll play than other times.
True. It's just I typically try to include some descriptions, character actions for flavor. Also, makes me learn a lot of new stuff. I have read quite a lot of archery articles for my other game. And now I kind of want to get into it IRL lol, maybe someday I will. I'm not much of a sportsperson, but it seems fun and a good reason to be outside more.
I also am working on a list of descriptions for roleplay. It's basically the same thing I tend to use here. I think of it as "idle animations" in video games - things your character does while you aren't doing anything. So I want to compile a list of filler things to use for each character archetype. i.e. someone who is very dexterous might enjoy fiddling with a coin in their hands, someone with a bow could be described doing some weapon maintenance stuff. Sometimes I just describe their boot stepping in the mud if I run out of ways to avoid repeating their name/race/class as in "this character said". xD I think that would help me roleplay in voice chat someday. I'm really anxious about not performing well enough in my roleplay in a live format, I'm also really shy, and I often feel lost in big groups of people, so I really need to be thoroughly prepared to have the courage to join such a party. :>

Oh the irony of it, I was feeling lazy to make a quality post, and yet here I am a couple of hours later writing all of this xD
Mar 10, 2021 1:12 pm
Also, I never have thought of your posts as lazy, but rather fitting for an introverted elven archer!


Mar 10, 2021 11:09 pm
It's okay if you don't have something particularly exciting to say or anything unique to roleplay. You are welcome to just summarize your actions as you have from time to time. This isn't lazy, this just moves the story past the slow bits and gets us to the action! As Jusika says, I never find your posts lazy :)


Mar 10, 2021 11:32 pm
Okay folks, I sensed we were ready to move on to the Lonely Tower! If you had any last questions don't hesitate to post them.
Mar 11, 2021 10:48 am
Jusika says:
Also, I never have thought of your posts as lazy, but rather fitting for an introverted elven archer!
It's easy to play an introverted character because that's me. My character is strongly autobiographical. I'm kind of embracing that this first time but hopefully then I can leave that idea behind and try something different. The character isn't entirely autobiographical, though, and, when I'm tired, I have to remind myself of the fact.
Mar 11, 2021 6:55 pm
I am working late shifts, so my posts might be a bit erratic over the next four days.
Mar 12, 2021 9:27 pm
Astroloma sent a note to Mike


Mar 12, 2021 10:40 pm
Astroloma says:
It's easy to play an introverted character because that's me. My character is strongly autobiographical. I'm kind of embracing that this first time but hopefully then I can leave that idea behind and try something different. The character isn't entirely autobiographical, though, and, when I'm tired, I have to remind myself of the fact.
Autobiographical characters can be a blast to play! And sometimes really cathartic.

I remember a story about a veteran who had lost his legs to an IED in Afghanistan and learned to play D&D as part of his rehab. Every character he played was just himself, but teleported to a D&D fantasy world where he got his legs magically regrown and continued fight against evil in that place. So cool!

When I joined GP one of my first characters was a barbarian with anger management issues. It was really cathartic for myself to roleplay overcoming these issues and mastering the emotions rather than being a slave to them.

Regardless of your reasons, Naeris is awesome and we love her. Introverts unite!
Mar 13, 2021 8:21 am
Astroloma says:
It's easy to play an introverted character because that's me. My character is strongly autobiographical. I'm kind of embracing that this first time but hopefully then I can leave that idea behind and try something different. The character isn't entirely autobiographical, though, and, when I'm tired, I have to remind myself of the fact.
I've had similar thoughts, actually. I've discovered during this game that I can more easily get into the swing of speaking as my character in a PbP game than I was ever able to in a live setting. That said, Alfrey's voice isn't too terribly far from mine. I think in the next game I play I'd like to push myself a bit and make a character with a more "out-there" voice and demeanor.
Mar 13, 2021 8:23 am
[ +- ] Astroloma says
Whoops - you're right. My mistake - I must have been thinking of it being a trip hazard I guess :) - I have amended Hilmar's posts.
Mar 13, 2021 7:01 pm
Hello guys!
I haven't really been active for the last couple of days. Sorry!
I kind of wanted to leave the strategy to you and you've done an awesome job, especially Mike with Hilmar's posts I unironically yawned while reading them probably I'm just tired ha-ha

The reason I was so slow with my posts is.. I learned morse code recently and I just can't stop talking to people on virtual web radio. It has one button and the only way to communicate is to rhythmically click your mouse on it to send the code. I am addicted to it O-O I took a break because my finger hurts I did it this much.

.... . .-.. .--. / -- . -.-.--
Last edited March 13, 2021 7:02 pm
Mar 13, 2021 9:27 pm
Now when you use the whistle you can send a coded message :)

It does help if you say something, Jusika, because I was waiting for some kind of indication that you were on board with my character's plan (though I eventually assumed you were so that it didn't hold up the others too much). It's awkward not knowing if someone is just not wanting to say something or if they've gotten caught up in some emergency. Waiting is no problem, it's just that I want to be inclusive and let everyone post so it helps to be clear about what's going on.
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