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Feb 19, 2021 3:13 am
Jusika says:
I'm looking forward to seeing more interesting stuff with Naeris too! I love elves! :>
I don't know much about Elves in D&D. I got the player's handbook recently, so I should probably have a look at that.
Feb 19, 2021 3:19 am
Astroloma says:

I don't know much about Elves in D&D.
I'm not only talking DnD elves. Blood elves in WoW are my favorites. My god, those eyebrows!

UPD: Also, since you're a ranger. You can pick half of your ammunition up after the fight. Works for every ranged weapon. Since your arrow missed you probably could try and find it.
Last edited February 19, 2021 3:21 am


Feb 19, 2021 3:28 am
callan says:
I think I’d prefer to keep the holy symbol as an amulet. I’d rather not be tied to a shield, in case I want to change up my armaments at some point. Plus, I already drew it that way β€” haha

But using the weapon hand for spellcasting is a good tip β€” thank you!
Amulet is great, and I respect your commitment to your character's style! by the way, you can switch between the amulet and mace (or another weapon) once in turn.


Feb 19, 2021 3:34 am
Astroloma says:
I don't know much about Elves in D&D. I got the player's handbook recently, so I should probably have a look at that.
I picked a homebrew setting so people didn't feel like they have to learn a lot of history or lore before they start playing. But if you want to bring in interesting parts of the lore you read, that's great! Your woodsy wood elf portrayal is awesome so far and I'm sure the dice gods will forgive you for whatever sin you committed in a past life eventually πŸ˜‚
Feb 19, 2021 3:46 am
Question - did I get it right that I can get some information on bandits by using perception? I'm still oblivious to some of the rules to be honest. The handbook is massive. x)
Feb 19, 2021 8:00 am
lenpelletier says:
Pitrio, good tactics but there is no more delaying your turn in 5e. The only way to postpone your action is to ready an action and wait for the specified trigger. Using this action burns your reaction, but does not change initiative as in previous editions. There is actually no way to jump around the initiative order (temporarily or permanently) at all at this time in 5e. Here is a description of the ready action.

We can basically simulate what you're trying to do with "readying" a javelin throw, and like you say we will trigger it after Halimar's spell goes off. Sound good?
Aaa okay! My bad then, but sure using ready action works to the same effect here as what i described, so perfect!
Feb 19, 2021 9:08 am
Jusika says:
Question - did I get it right that I can get some information on bandits by using perception? I'm still oblivious to some of the rules to be honest. The handbook is massive. x)
It depends on how the DM wants to run it, but in my experience, the way it works is that you tell the DM where you’re looking and he’ll tell you what you see. If some of the relevant information is hidden or otherwise hard to notice, he may ask you to roll perception. But sometimes there just aren't any secrets to uncover, so a roll isn't needed.
Feb 19, 2021 3:00 pm
What should we do with the loot? Is any of it useful?
Feb 19, 2021 9:14 pm
Jusika says:
What should we do with the loot? Is any of it useful?
We should probably question our captives first but, if the gear isn't useful to us, someone defending the town will want it.


Feb 19, 2021 9:42 pm
If anyone wants the items you're welcome to them. Probably of most unique are the black cloaks. They appear to be a kind of uniform for this bandit outfit. And as Astroloma says, you are sure to find people who will appreciate them.
Feb 20, 2021 3:37 pm
We should probably gather some more information and get going. I'd like to ask them about who they really are with those uniforms, but I think I made enough posts for now and I wanna watch your characters do stuff :>


Feb 20, 2021 6:10 pm
Yeah that is a tricky part of play by post! Sometimes you post too much and others feel drowned out. But sometimes people are silent because they're ready to move on and are wondering why you aren't asking your questions faster πŸ˜‚. As long as everyone has patience with each other and communicates openly, we'll figure out a way! And people have been doing exactly that.


Feb 20, 2021 6:14 pm
If it still seems like there is more to say by Monday, I will start up a new game thread for our arrival in Hope that we run in parallel to the end of the current game thread. That way we can move the game forward and without steamrolling over some players' interest in the current scene. It requires players to be comfortable with a little wobbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff in the narrative, but makes things smoother.


Feb 20, 2021 6:17 pm
You can have advantage on that intimidation roll btw Jusika. Go ahead and roll another d20 and take the higher result. After all, he just got his ass handed to him in a blink of an eye!
Feb 20, 2021 6:27 pm
Jusika says:
We should probably gather some more information and get going. I'd like to ask them about who they really are with those uniforms, but I think I made enough posts for now and I wanna watch your characters do stuff :>
I say go for it! This seems like the kind of situation where one character can more-or-less speak for the group, since we're likely to all have the same questions. I can have Alfrey butt in if it seems like another voice is needed β€” although he is a low-charisma character, so it might make sense to role-play him as slightly standoffish.
Feb 20, 2021 6:31 pm
You guys (including Len) should tell me if I post too much, I try to moderate it a bit, but it's just that I have a buttload of time and I'm still very excited and enthusiastic. I'm even considering trying DnD in live format over discord some time, maybe, probably. If I manage to find a party I'd fit in. x)
lenpelletier says:
You can have advantage on that intimidation roll btw Jusika. Go ahead and roll another d20 and take the higher result. After all, he just got his ass handed to him in a blink of an eye!
Is that how rolling with advantage works? I didn't really explore it myself yet.

I did add the 1d20+3 roll. But for the record I don't mind my character failing at things she attempts, I'm looking forward to being punished by bad roll curse in fact!
Last edited February 20, 2021 6:40 pm
Feb 20, 2021 6:37 pm
callan says:

I say go for it! This seems like the kind of situation where one character can more-or-less speak for the group, since we're likely to all have the same questions. I can have Alfrey butt in if it seems like another voice is needed β€” although he is a low-charisma character, so it might make sense to role-play him as slightly standoffish.
Well it's just I love to observe your characters, besides I feel like my phrase is finished and it would feel awkward to continue asking questions. Also I have no ideas besides asking who they are and why the uniforms. Someone could inquire about the town, the vendors there, major forces, stuff like that. Maybe it fits other characters better, some who are more tactical and thoughtful. There's Hilmar who could ask about, say, whatever information bookworms are typically interested in.


Feb 20, 2021 6:39 pm
Yep that's how advantage works. Disadvantage is similar but you take the lower result. I think you're fine for now πŸ˜ƒ
Feb 20, 2021 6:48 pm
Also, feel free to correct me when my grammar's off, and the phrasing in general. English is my second language (should be obvious at this point), and it would really help me a great deal. I do feel rather nervous when I don't notice my mistakes because I know for a fact they are there. https://i.imgur.com/2p6h1HP.jpg
Feb 20, 2021 7:12 pm
Jusika says:
Also I have no ideas besides asking who they are and why the uniforms.
Yep, those are basically the questions :) Once they answer that, other things might occur to us, or we might just move on.
Jusika says:
Also, feel free to correct me when my grammar's off, and the phrasing in general. English is my second language (should be obvious at this point), and it would really help me a great deal.
I honestly haven't noticed any mistakes β€” and I do usually notice stuff like that. I definitely wouldn't have guessed you're not a native speaker.
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