OoC Chat


Feb 7, 2021 1:43 am
This is a place to chat "out of character." Feel free to post questions and comments to the group or specific players (including me), game related or otherwise.


Feb 13, 2021 10:51 pm
Okay, I've set up the initial game post! Take a look and see what you'd like to do. The starting setup is that you are on a wide stone road with a suspicious roadblock ahead. You could take any number of actions. Stride up to the roadblock and demand passage? Scout out the roadblock by sneaking around or climbing up a tree? Retreat and try to go through the bog? Alpha strike the roadblock with magic and see what happens? Pray to your gods insight and protection? Or something else entirely?

Welcome to D&D!
Feb 14, 2021 4:17 am
So we didn't live in and around the town but quite distant from it?

The thread for the game is locked so I guess we are to discuss what to do here?
Feb 14, 2021 4:22 am
Have we heard why it's called the Howling Wood? (apart from that it makes a howling noise! - do we know what causes the noise?)
Last edited February 14, 2021 4:22 am


Feb 14, 2021 4:22 am
Oops! I unlocked it, my mistake.

Yes I decided to make us new arrivals in the town so you don't have to expect to know all the NPCs and history before hand. This way you can discover it. Sorry if I didn't make that clear from before.
Feb 14, 2021 4:24 am
Also, how far would we have to go back to retreat out of sight of the road block?


Feb 14, 2021 4:27 am
You can confirm Howling Wood is home to a fair bit of howling noises, especially at dusk. But you haven't seen any wolves or other creatures that might be responsible for the noises yet. You might have heard rumours of Shanka on your journey here.


Feb 14, 2021 4:28 am
Astroloma says:
Also, how far would we have to go back to retreat out of sight of the road block?
You're coming around a bend in the road, so it wouldn't take much distance to back up out of sight.
Feb 14, 2021 6:39 am
Hi Len. I'm unable to see other players' character sheets when I look up the game. You were saying we would be able to view those.


Feb 14, 2021 6:54 am
I guess people haven't clicked the 'add to library' (looks like a book) button yet, Astroloma!
Feb 14, 2021 7:07 am
I am also unable to see sheets from the game tab, but if i click at the avatar when posted in character it works.

Edit: on another note, what is the weather like and what season we start in?
Last edited February 14, 2021 7:11 am
Feb 14, 2021 10:36 am
Ah, that does it.


Feb 14, 2021 4:18 pm
Good question Pitrio. It is the tail end of summer. Because we are fairly far north, it is starting to get cold at nights but warm and dry during most days. Today the sky is clear, the sun is hot, but the shade from the trees keeps it quite comfortable.


Feb 14, 2021 4:19 pm
Hey everyone, here is a great YouTube channel with short videos about the basics of the game!
Feb 14, 2021 7:50 pm
lenpelletier says:
Good question Pitrio. It is the tail end of summer. Because we are fairly far north, it is starting to get cold at nights but warm and dry during most days. Today the sky is clear, the sun is hot, but the shade from the trees keeps it quite comfortable.
Ohh nice thanks!

Can i see the others of my party and can they see me? For example can i wave for them to come along?

Is Alfrey wearing heavy armor by default when on the road?
Feb 14, 2021 7:52 pm
Len, you seem to be jumping ahead. I intended for my character and the party to follow fairly closely behind Kaa (at least if Alfrey agreed) but I was conscious that we couldn't all be posting at the same time or, necessarily, more than once a day and so I didn't want Callan to be left out of it. I don't want a few players to dominate the adventure because they are able to post more often and I want people to have their say before moving forward. (Note that I'm quite happy for Kaa to rush into action because that's what he is like - that's different from me assuming what other players will choose.) Once we decided what we were doing, let's say it's moving into the forest, then I would say, for example, that I would study it as we went to learn what I could about it. But if I say that before others have participated then they might feel that the decision has already been made and they had no say.
Feb 14, 2021 7:56 pm
Or would this make the game too slow? Should we say what we would do if this or that happens?
Feb 14, 2021 8:46 pm
I think Astrolama is right to take note of that. At least while i enjoy Len's post and the sneaky success, it's better if everyone can react and have similar input to the flow of events. It's also a note to myself, like maybe i shouldn't post again until the others players can read and and react. Although if everyone can have input before i do so i think it will work out fine for this situation. Also I'm okay with slower game and more questions if that makes the roleplaying better for everyone (i know i am leaning that way tho, when i roleplayed in the past my group was always slowpoke with plot progress).
Feb 14, 2021 8:57 pm
I’m also curious what the pace and rhythm of playing by post will be like. I imagine it may be the sort of thing we just have to get a feel for as the game progresses. Ultimately, I think we have to be okay with Len sometimes taking charge and moving the action along.

I would assume I’m wearing my armor by default. I mean, I’m supposed to have it, and it wouldn’t make much sense to be carrying it around and not wearing it, right? :)

Another unrelated question: when we post as a character, should we be writing in first person or third when we narrate our actions? Or does it not matter?
Feb 14, 2021 9:35 pm
The other thing is, different people will be more able to contribute at different times and maybe that's not a bad thing. I don't know.
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