Len, you seem to be jumping ahead. I intended for my character and the party to follow fairly closely behind Kaa (at least if Alfrey agreed) but I was conscious that we couldn't all be posting at the same time or, necessarily, more than once a day and so I didn't want Callan to be left out of it. I don't want a few players to dominate the adventure because they are able to post more often and I want people to have their say before moving forward. (Note that I'm quite happy for Kaa to rush into action because that's what he is like - that's different from me assuming what other players will choose.) Once we decided what we were doing, let's say it's moving into the forest, then I would say, for example, that I would study it as we went to learn what I could about it. But if I say that before others have participated then they might feel that the decision has already been made and they had no say.