Chapter 1: The Road to Hope


Feb 7, 2021 1:43 am
The party is on the last leg of a multiple-week journey to the town of Hope to answer their call of aid. You travel by foot along an old Arkasian stone causeway wide enough for 4 wagons to ride along side-by-side. It marches steadily north through an old-growth boreal forest known as the Howling Wood towards your destination.

You've heard much of the plight of Hope from various conversations as you've headed north. It once stood as a proud bastion of the Arkasian empire, safeguarding the northern towns. Before the Dwarves of the north retreated to their arctic strongholds, Hope served as an important stop along the supply roads to the mines. Without the mines, traffic has dwindled, and the town has fallen on hard times.

In the last few years, new life has breathed into Hope and the surrounding area. Prospectors rediscovered an old Voidwater well near the town, which is a source of a rare alchemical substance coveted by Arkasian alchemists. Money from the south began pouring into the region to reestablish the trade route.

However, the future of Hope now balances on a knife's edge. Ralavaz the Night Blade, a notorious bandit chieftain, has been released from prison. Rumours mark him as having returned to the hideout from which he and his band once operated, and now preys upon the folk of Hope and the surrounding vale. In addition, tales abound of the growing threat of the Shanka - bestial and wild humanoids created by the Magi to serve as shock troops in forgotten Arkasian conquests. It is said the Shanka outlived their masters and are now multiplying in the dark corners of the circle of the world.

The party makes good time along the road through the Howling Wood, your steps perhaps hastened by the titular sounds that occasionally emanate from the forest around you. As the forest grows particularly dense, the branches begin to blot out the sun, shrouding the road in gloom even though it is midday.

The road makes a turn to circumvent a particularly foul-smelling bog. When the road comes about, you see that 30 feet down the road has been blocked by a massive, felled tree. All around you are dense, shadowy woods.


Feb 13, 2021 10:46 pm
Now I turn the story over to you, brave adventurers. What do you do?
Feb 14, 2021 4:40 am
I have no desire to walk straight into an ambush. I say we approach through the wood and maybe even try to go around the roadblock. Not through the bog, of course, but on the other side. I'd be glad to get off this road where we are so easily seen and walk among the woodland creatures.
Feb 14, 2021 6:19 am
I would like to assess the fallen tree more carefully if it's possible from this distance and under the low light. Does it look like a dead tree that's been there for some time or a healthy tree that something may have knocked down?


Feb 14, 2021 6:50 am
Staying at the edge road's bend to shield himself behind the thick roadside bushes, Alfrey makes note that the tree looks healthy, other than the the fact that it is horizontal. Ever sign points to it being felled by an axe (or several axes, given the size of the tree).
Feb 14, 2021 7:10 am
"This looks like a good place for an ambush and I suspect that tree didn't fall over on its own. I agree with you Naeris, about approaching through the wood and see if we can get round the road block," says Hilmar in a low voice, reaching for his sling, while moving off to crouch behind bushes just off the road to stay out of sight from the road block.
Last edited February 14, 2021 7:12 am
Feb 14, 2021 7:27 am
Kaa is a tall and furry figure, wearing scant leather clothing just barely appropriate for the weather. At first he tilted his head at the tree but then nods approvingly at the other travelers.
"I can scout ahead, see if i can surprise the welcome party" he says quietly with rumbling voice, and his expression turns to a sly grin. Then he moves into the forest, takes his greataxe in hand, and sneaks somewhat ahead of the others. He positions a bit to the side so they are not all in the same line of sight.


Sneak roll, if it's needed. - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Feb 14, 2021 10:34 am
(To Alfrey and Hilmar, with a little shrug of the shoulders) "Shall we follow him?"

(She readies her bow.)
Last edited February 14, 2021 10:43 am


Feb 14, 2021 4:37 pm
Kaa slides into the underbrush with surprising silence for a being as big as he is. He follows a game trail until he comes around on the east side of the tree. He confirms the group's suspicions - he can see the trunk has been split by axe and wedge. On the opposite side of the log (which you were unable to see from the road) are four figures dressed in black. They appear to have made something of a camp on the other side with ladders leading to the top of the log. Their focus right now appears to be trained north, toward Hope, which is straight and clear for half a kilometer.

As you take this information in, you can't help but feel the sensation of being watched while in the woods.
Anyone who wishes to join Law can do so, but you will have to make a Stealth roll (1d20 + your stealth skill). It's dim light in the woods, so you will succeed on a 7+. Failure will alert the black-garbed tree cutters.

Kaa can move back and inform the group and return to the woods (if he wishes) using the same stealth roll.

You estimate you are probably an hour from Hope at this point.

Of course you welcome to try something else entirely!
Feb 14, 2021 9:14 pm
(In reply to Naeris’ question) "I would prefer to hold off for now. If anyone is there, chances are they would hear me moving about in my armor. We will formulate a plan when Kaa returns. That said, if I hear any trouble start, I will be running after him!"
Feb 14, 2021 9:50 pm
Naeris is restless for a little while, then says "I just want to have a look around in the forest while we're waiting. I'll stay within sight of the road."
To clarify, this is to see what's going in in the forest itself and learn more about it. if this should be a nature roll, +2, if it's investigation, +0
Last edited February 14, 2021 9:53 pm


Perception - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Feb 14, 2021 10:22 pm
Ohh I wish I could post something but I can't figure out how to post as my character. You should move on and let's say my character is just silently observing or lagging behind for now.


Feb 15, 2021 1:59 am
Naeris steps into the wood and breathes in the smell of cedars and hawthorn berries and moss. Taking stock of the woods, you notice it is quiet here, and you spot very few animals. This might be because of the noise of that huge cedar falling not far away, but you get the feeling that this forest is on edge over more than just four humans.
Feb 15, 2021 4:40 am
Hilmar, not having had much (any in fact) experience of creeping up on enemies in the undergrowth decides to stay with Alfrey.
"Alfrey's got a point about his chainmail. I'll stay here with him and until you both get back. When we know what's there we can come up with a plan. If there's any trouble I'll come running," he whispers.
Feb 15, 2021 8:00 am
Kaa rubs his chin a bit while pondering at the camping group, inspects the rest of his surroundings for anything else, then he decides to return to the others. He stalks along the trail with his catish steps and appears close to them.

"Four black robed figures camping behind it, with a ladder to the trunk too." He whispers and shows the number with fingers too.

"I can hide somewhere ahead." He is pointing forward. "When you noisier ones approach and they are acting like shitpiles, i can chop them up from the back. Good no? Elfy could come hide too, you seem careful.

While he was rather chill and laid back on the road so far, now he is excited for sneaking and getting the better of some opposition.
Feb 15, 2021 8:15 am
Jessica - right under "Quick Reply" it says "Post As" and then "Player" with an arrow. Click on the word Player and change it to your character's name. if that's not an option, then some other step is required by yourself or Len.
Jusika says:
Ohh I wish I could post something but I can't figure out how to post as my character. You should move on and let's say my character is just silently observing or lagging behind for now.
Last edited February 15, 2021 8:15 am
Feb 15, 2021 9:11 am
Alfrey winces at the mention of "chopping up" other people and begins to consider alternatives to the bugbear’s proposal.

"Did you notice if they were armed? We do outnumber them, and we have competent fighters among us. They may simply let us pass if we put on a show of force." He allows the idea to sink in for a moment before carrying on.

"Or we could turn back before they notice us and go around the bog on the other side — avoid them entirely. We would have to go off the road a bit, but it’s still probably safer than the alternative, wouldn't you say?"
Feb 15, 2021 9:18 am
I’m going with you too, bugbear. It was a really boring walk, I could use some action, - a hooded figure spoke for the first time in a while. Removing her hood, she revealed a pair of curvy horns and golden eyes, reflecting what little sunlight there was.
Two bows are always better than one, - she said with a charming smile of sharp canine teeth, readying her weapon.
I’m ready. You should lead since you already know the way, Kaa
Finally! I can post! So excited!
I probably should add a sneak roll but I don't know my modifier, I still need to figure out my stats. I'm checking in quite often so I'll update when I figure that out. Or I could roll with no modifier for now.
Oops! Unless my stealth modifier turns out to be 5+ I screwed up xD
Yup it's +2. Oh well, it's gonna be fun for sure!
Last edited February 15, 2021 10:22 am


Stealth (no modifier) - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Feb 15, 2021 9:28 am
I say it's better to talk to them when you have certain leverage. Them, being surrounded by us, is definitely one.
You could approach them and talk, see if you can convince them to let us pass, but if it won't work,- the tiefling took an arrow from her quiver,- that's a shame.
Feb 15, 2021 9:55 am
It might be dangerous even if they let us pass. What if they're bandits? We've heard there are bandits in the area. If we just leave them be, they could come on our party later ... and other travellers could walk into their trap.

It might be better to try to capture them. But they would be a threat even as prisoners.
Feb 15, 2021 10:38 am
"Indeed", says Alfrey, addressing Naeris. "If they are bandits, taking them alive would be ideal but risky. They would likely rather fight than be captured. And I’m concerned for other travelers too, but once we get to town, we can tell the authorities about this camp, and hopefully they can handle it." Alfrey ponders for a moment.

"You know, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of traveling off the road for a while. You’re our wilderness expert — what do you think?"
Feb 15, 2021 11:18 am
Well it suits me, Alfrey, I'm sick of travelling on the road but our friends seem to have other ideas. I don't want to go through that evil-smelling bog, though.
Feb 15, 2021 1:21 pm
At first Kaa nods approvingly at Euphoria, but then the talks continue and he crosses his arms a bit grumpily.

"Taking them alive is troublesome, i don't like being a nanny for grown ups. For going around: I neither want them in my back nor take even more time traveling. I have been walking for a long while already." He complains.

He got into a more relaxed stance, leaning onto his axe.

"Although i would rather not fight just with me and pinkie. What do you say?" He adresses Hilmar.
Feb 15, 2021 11:34 pm
"They seem to have prepared an ambush for travellers on the road to and from Hope. If we go round them, assuming they either don't see us or leave us alone, then they are still a problem for someone else. We can't leave what looks like a gang of dangerous bandits, ready to attack other travellers. We have to neutralise them. I might be able to cast a sleep spell on some of them and we could bind them while they are incapacitated. We'd have to be quick once it's cast - it only lasts a minute. We could then hand them over to the authorities in Hope."
Last edited February 16, 2021 2:02 am
Feb 16, 2021 2:42 am
I hadn't thought of tying them up. Yes, we have rope.
Feb 16, 2021 5:31 am
Alfrey's eye's light up at the mention of the spell.

"A sleep spell could well be the key to a successful capture, Tomenius. You're right about having to be quick, but I think we could pull it off." Then, turning to Kaa:

"If we fight, it has to be with intent to capture. Further harm should be done only when there is no other option. I'm afraid I have to insist on this."
How far are we from town at this point? As much as Alfrey would want to take them alive, I get that leading captives along could be arduous.


Feb 16, 2021 5:56 am
You estimate that you're one hour's walk away from town.
Feb 16, 2021 2:40 pm
Kaa hmpf-s.

"Alright, does the lullaby magic change the sneaky plan?" he is visibly getting tired of the discussion. In his head this was such a straightforward encounter.

"If no, three of us can go" he looks at Naeris and Euphoria
"and you two follow soon after?" and then at Alfrey and Hilmar.

"No promises about holding back, though, if they pick a fight. But given the chance I will swing at limbs instead of heads or chests, or maybe a bash to the head with the flat side?" he scratches his head while looking at the axe head, it seems to him his weapon of choice is made for bloody endeavors, and it is awkward to use it with different intentions.
Feb 16, 2021 3:26 pm
We should use every advantage we can. The element of surprise is one of them,- the tiefling said, approaching the forest.
Come on, let's go already, death of boredom is the least of my desires!,- Euphoria tried to sound irritated, but couldn't hide a subtle smile. We'll be waiting for you in the bushes next to those four bandits and help as soon as you make them sleepy.
The pink tiefling moved further into the forest and the party started to lose sight of her. Are you going or not?!,- she hissed.


Stealth (Expertise +6) - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Feb 16, 2021 8:28 pm
Naeris follows without a word.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Feb 16, 2021 8:52 pm
Preoccupied with the discussion just had and a little on edge at the suddenness of the decision, Naeris trips on the knobbly root of a tree and then her footfalls can be heard rustling the leaves and breaking twigs as she tries to avoid falling.
Last edited February 16, 2021 8:53 pm
Feb 16, 2021 11:51 pm
"Alfrey is right - it has to be with intent to capture. I won't be party to murder," Hilmar says as they begin to set off. "And bear in mind we are likely to have to explain ourselves to the authorities in Hope later," he adds, hoping it will discourage any of his companions from more lethal actions. He cuts off four pieces of rope from the rope on the side of his pack, enough to tie each man's wrists behind his back and thrusts them into his belt. Sleep is one of the spells he has prepared and he gets ready for when he has to cast it, which will be the first time he has done so 'in action'. He creeps after the others as silently as possible.


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Feb 17, 2021 2:09 am
"I agree. Taking them by surprise is still the best option, but I'm not going to be the only one left behind. With divine guidance, I should be able to sneak up on them, even in this armor."

Alfrey readies his spear in one hand and uses the other to make an odd gesture then touches it to the amulet on his chest. The holy symbol gives off a faint, almost imperceptible glow. He whispers a brief prayer, then moves to join the others.
I don't know if there's a better way to do this, but for stealth I need to roll with disadvantage, then I want to add the result of the guidance spell. So, I'll just do it as three separate rolls.


Guidance spell (cast on self) - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Stealth (first roll) - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Stealth (second roll) - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Feb 17, 2021 2:13 am
Damn — even with guidance only a 6. Sorry guys.
Feb 17, 2021 7:18 am
Kaa got going too as Euphoria and Naeris did, making sure he is on a different path than them (if possible), but no more than 30-40 feet away at a time. He wasn't sure what Hilmar was talking about, but he just let it go with a shrug, happily navigating through the vegetation.
So if I got it right Hilmar delayed a bit to get some ropes ready, and Alfrey tried to go with him?


Stealth - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20


Feb 17, 2021 5:49 pm
The party is moving fairly quietly through the undergrowth until Alfrey steps on a loose rock. As he fights for balance, his chainmail noisily clinks. The bandits immediately take notice and snap their crossbows to attention.

"Hey! Look, there in the woods!" the bandits yell, pointing at Alfrey. They don't seem to see the others yet but they look like they're going to put up a fight.


1. ???
2a. B1: AC 11
2b. B2: AC 11
2c. B3: AC 11
2d. B4: AC 11
3. ???
Welcome to our first battle! Here's how we will set things up:

1. Choose a square to start that is at least 15 feet (3 squares) away from the road, whatever you think is appropriate for how you character was moving. For example, if you say "I'm starting at A1" then you'd be at the top left hand corner. Either side of the road is fine (maybe you were doing some kind of pincer attack) but if you travelled the shortest distance from where you initially spotted the ambush you'd be on the right side. Try not to put yourself on a tree trunk or rock (those are impassible terrain).

2. Roll initiative! (1d20+dex) This will determine who goes first. Bandits will go on 11, so if you get 11 or higher you will go before them. In the future I might do this step for everyone to speed things up but I think we'll go slow for the first fight to allow everyone to ask questions.

Some features to note:

1. Map scale: Each square represents a 5x5 foot square. If you can a movement speed of 30 feet you can move 6 squares in a turn.

2. Hiding: Everyone who got 7+ on their stealth roles are hidden until they start moving or taking actions. Until then they cannot be targeted by the enemy.

3. Cover: All characters (NPC or PC) in the green will have a +2 bonus to their AC (I'll keep track of this). Anyone on or within 5 feet of the road will not have this bonus. This is a little different from what I said before. I won't track bonuses ducking behind cover (like tree trunks) to keep our first battle simple, but I'll use common sense when I choose targets.
Feb 17, 2021 6:53 pm
Hilmar will move into square P13. He plans to cast the sleep spell so that it radiates out from square F13, just behind Bandit 1 (B1). (He doesn't want to catch any party members withing the zone.) I understand from the player's guide that this this affects creatures within 20ft of that point, so should catch all four bandits, although whether it affects all of them is a different matter depending on the roll of 5d8.

I will roll initiative. Hilmar has a dexterity of 15, which has a modifier of +2, which I think is my initiative (2). Therefore I think I roll a d20 and add 2. (Please advise if incorrect.)
Last edited February 17, 2021 6:59 pm


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Feb 17, 2021 6:56 pm
Damn - looks like the bandits go first but I understand that Hilmar remains hidden. I will wait for the bandits' moves and other party members before casting the sleep spell. Where the bandits move etc may affect where I direct the spell.
Last edited February 17, 2021 6:57 pm
Feb 17, 2021 7:31 pm
Square M13.
Mike says:
Hilmar has a dexterity of 15, which has a modifier of +2, which I think is my initiative (2). Therefore I think I roll a d20 and add 2. (Please advise if incorrect.)
If I got it right your initiative is 1d20 + your dexterity score, not the modifier? I might be wrong, but it probably would be 1d20+15 for you?
Nope I got it all wrong, you were right. So my roll is 11+2=13
Last edited February 17, 2021 7:34 pm


Initiative - (1d20+15)

(11) + 15 = 26

Feb 17, 2021 9:02 pm


Initiative - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Feb 17, 2021 9:47 pm
I'll be out for 10 hours so I'm going to say what my action is now.
Not wanting Alfrey to take a hail of crossbow bolts, Naeris fires an arrow through the group of bandits at bandit B2, then moves to cover behind the tree roots at M15.


Attack - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7


Feb 17, 2021 9:57 pm
UPDATE: Here's how the setup is progressing with people's choices and rolls! Using the first letter of the character's name and the predominant color of their portrait to determine your token. I'll be consistent with this whenever we do combat with a map.

Just waiting on Kaa and Alfrey. In the meantime, Naeris and Euphoria will get to act ahead of anyone so you can probably choose your actions safely right now. The way the sleep spell works is based on hit points, so the fewer HP the bandits have the more will be put to sleep by the spell.



1a. Kaa
1b. Naeris
1c. Alfrey
1d. Euphoria

2a. B1: AC 11
2b. B2: AC 11
2c. B3: AC 11
2d. B4: AC 11

3a. Hilmar
[ +- ] How To Proceed (copied from above)
Feb 17, 2021 11:00 pm
TWANG!,- she heard to her left, as Naeris shot her bow, followed by a quiet SWISH of a flying arrow. Not wasting any time, Euphoria quickly drew her shortbow and took a shot at another bandit, letting her own arrow loose.
As the sharp arrowhead cuts through the top leaves of the bush, the tiefling’s already fleeing to the north, toward a large rock. Running as fast as she could, she jumped to climb the rock and take cover there, on top of it, laying flat.

Attack Bandit B3, move to M10, climb the rock and/or take cover
Is climbing rocks allowed? Also, did I mess up my rolls? I feel like I forgot something...
UPD: Added athletics roll
Not just one. ZERO. LMAO! Looking forward to see what happens! xD
Wait do I need both acrobatics AND athletics?
Last edited February 17, 2021 11:49 pm


Attack - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Damage - (1d6+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Acrobatics (Expertise +6) - (1d20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

Athletics - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0


Feb 17, 2021 11:42 pm
Jusika says:
Is climbing rocks allowed? Also, did I mess up my rolls? I feel like I forgot something...
Yep, climbing rocks, trees, and the log are allowed once combat has begun! I'll set the difficulty class at rolling 10+ on an check to succeed (roll a d20 and add your athletics skill). Your roll of a 15 should cover you! Being on top of a rock will keep you safe from melee attacks unless they climb up, and being prone (lying flat) will give ranged attacks disadvantage.

Your rolls look great! Definitely a hit. I'll wait for everyone to set up their positions before resolving.
Feb 18, 2021 1:18 am
Start on M14, just south of Euphoria. And it might make sense to draw Alfrey's token in white -- you know, because of his name :)


Initiative - (1d20+0)

(16) = 16

Feb 18, 2021 1:38 am
So, it looks like I’ll get a turn before the sleep spell is cast, right? In that case, here’s what I want to do:
Despite his vexation at having been so easily seen, Alfrey keeps his wits about him and, using his free hand, deftly unhooks the shield from his belt. Anticipating a volley of crossbow bolts, he raises it in front of him and tries to shrink into the brush as best he can.
Yep, just getting out the shield. An action well-spent!
Feb 18, 2021 7:15 am
I realise that Hilmar goes last given his unlucky intiative roll. However, I understand he remains hidden until casting a spell, so should be able to cast it once the bandits have had their go. I intend to postion it from wherever B1 is to try and catch all of them within the area of effect. I'm going to be out of action due to working hours so will roll now.
Hilmar cast the sleep spell.


Sleep spell - (5d8)

(76584) = 30

Feb 18, 2021 9:20 am
Ooo the action got going, nice!
Kaa starts from K8, and peeks out to get a glimpse of what is going on, but has to rely on his earing otherwise to discern what the rest of the group is doing.

He will wait for Hilmar to cast his spell (if I get initiative first then I delay my action until he does so), and then attack whoever is left standing. Rushing in with axe if they are close enough, but if not then just moves to have line of sight and throws a javelin.
If I got it right, since I will be attacking from hiding, my surprise attack trait will work, right? Also for lethality if needed, will go with previously stated mechanism for this occasion: odd attack roll means non-lethal.


Attack roll - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Axe or Javelin damage - (1d12+3, 1d6+3)

1d12+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

1d6+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

Initiative - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Suprise attack damage - (2d6)

(36) = 9


Feb 19, 2021 1:06 am
BATTLE MAP at the Start of Round 1


1a. Kaa
1b. Naeris
1c. Alfrey
1d. Euphoria

2a. B1: AC 11
2b. B2: AC 11
2c. B3: AC 11
2d. B4: AC 11

3a. Hilmar
Okay, here we go!


Feb 19, 2021 1:24 am
As soon as the bandits spot Alfrey, the group springs into action! While Alfrey dons his shield and takes cover, Euphoria springs out of the bushes and puts an arrow in the closest bandit. As she scales a nearby rock for cover, Kaa readies an attack in case anyone withstands Hilmar's spell. Naeris's arrow flies wide but she advances to take up position beside Alfrey.

The bandits return fire, sending crossbow bolts at Alfrey and Euphoria! They bounce harmlessly off of Alfrey's shield and Euphoria's rock.

Halimar then unleashes his spell! He knocks out three of the four bandits, who slump to the ground! Kaa finishes off the remaining bandit with his javelin, sending him spinning into the dirt with a mortal wound.
B3 takes 3 damage from Euphoria's attack plus 3 sneak attack damage! Kaa is readying an attack and Hilmar is bracing for attacks and ready to dodge/block. Kaa's javelin hits the remaining bandit for 15 damage.


1a. ✅ Kaa | Readying Action, hidden
1b. ✅ Naeris | Hidden
1c. ✅ Alfrey | Dodging
1d. ✅ Euphoria | Prone

2a. ✅ B1: AC 11 | unconscious, prone
2b. ✅ B2: AC 11 | unconscious, prone
2c. ✅ B3: AC 11 | unconscious, prone | 6 Damage
2d. ✅ B4: AC 11 | unconscious, prone, dying| 15 Damage

3a. ✅ Hilmar | Hidden


adding sneak attack damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

B1 Attack - (1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d8+1)

1d20+1 : (13) + 1 = 14

1d20+1 : (14) + 1 = 15

1d8+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

B2 Attack - (1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d8+1)

1d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

1d20+1 : (18) + 1 = 19

1d8+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

B3 Attack - (1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d8+1)

1d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

1d20+1 : (14) + 1 = 15

1d8+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

B4 Attack - (1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d8+1)

1d20+1 : (14) + 1 = 15

1d20+1 : (10) + 1 = 11

1d8+1 : (3) + 1 = 4


Feb 19, 2021 2:08 am
Combat is over! You vanquished the bandits with smart tactics, but one of the bandits is dying! If anyone wants to, a medicine check will give you a chance to stabilize a dying character. Alternatively, someone could cast a healing spell on him. Or you could let him die, your call.
Feb 19, 2021 2:46 am
"Quick! We must tie up those who are asleep!" says Hilmar emerging from the undergrowth, readying the severed pieces of rope and moving towards the bandits. As he approaches he notes that one of them is wounded from the javelin. He is thinking of stabilising the man.
How many rounds are there in a minute? I ask this to ensure we manage to secure those bandits affected by the sleep spell.


Feb 19, 2021 2:51 am
10 rounds in a minute. Plenty of time to tie them up, but Halimar's urgency is a nice RP touch.
Feb 19, 2021 2:53 am
Concerned for the man wounded by Kaa’s savage javelin strike, Alfrey approaches the felled bandit swiftly as he dares, drops his belongings at his side and begins to apply first aid.


Medicine - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Feb 19, 2021 3:04 am
"Can I assist?" says Hilmar, not wanting to get under Alfrey's feet in his efforts. "I doubt I know as much as you, but I 've had some basic training in medicine."
He has a healing kit, which has 10 uses. I understand from the Player's Guide that you don't need to do a medicine check with this.
Feb 19, 2021 3:06 am
Euphoria slid off the rock and approached the bandits. She shot the dying bandit a glance, then moved past him to stop before the one she shot. The tiefling pushed his crossbow away with her foot.
You should probably disarm the others too.
She then squatted beside the bandit and took a long studying look at him.
If I were quicker with my posts than you guys my character would look like a big Ahole for ignoring the dying bandit, but now it's like she just shot a glance at a guy who's being treated. And I kind of like it that way, because deep in her mind Euphoria isn't evil. Alright, maybe not that deep. I don't know yet.
Enjoying the roleplay part. ^v^
Last edited February 19, 2021 3:15 am


Perception - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Feb 19, 2021 3:10 am
I realize I forgot to add proficiency to my medicine roll, but it's still not enough, correct? I can use a spell if normal medicine doesn't work. That's probably better than the medicine kit since my spell slots will recharge. But if Hilmar wants to bind him first, that will ensure he's restrained when the healing magic wakes him up.
Feb 19, 2021 3:18 am
Naeris was waiting for Hilmar's sleep spell and had her rope where she could easily reach it. She ties up the nearest bandit and looks on at the efforts to heal the dying man.
Feb 19, 2021 3:30 am
Okay, I'm going for it -- proceeding under the assumption that he gets tied up properly.
"This wound may be too ugly for mundane medicine. But he may yet be saved through divine healing. Though I must ask, can someone with rope bind him first? This will wake him up quite fast."

Alfrey prepares his spell as he waits for the man to be bound. When the time is right, he lays his hand upon the would and recites the incantation, allowing divine magic to flow through him.


Cure wounds - (1d8+5)

(3) + 5 = 8


Feb 19, 2021 7:53 am
The party moves in quick to disarm and restrain the bandits. Not wasting any time, Alfrey quickly brings the power of his deity to heal the dying bandit, and he awakens, gasping.

Euphoria stares at the bandits for a moment. Three of them are men, all look like they've worked hard lives and drink too much. The forth is a young woman, undeniably beautiful with no trace of hard labour in her past. Their gear is in good shape and clean, so either it was recently purchased or these bandits are neat-freaks. The cloaks and other black garments look like they might be uniforms given that they are identical except for size.

4 Scimitars
4 Crossbows
4 Leather Armor
4 Black hooded cloaks and black face coverings
callan - correct, you need 10+ to stabilize with a medicine check.
callan & mike - don't forget to record on your character sheet that you have used up one of your spell slots for the day.


Feb 19, 2021 8:01 am

As the bandits wake up and find themselves in ropes, one of them speaks up. "So yeah, this is ... awkward."
Feb 19, 2021 9:34 am
Kaa strolled out from his cover as well, with a big smile on his face.
"That went well"

He pays little heed to tying them up or to treating the dying one. He does retrieve his javelin once either of the healers got it out, and inspects if its still usable. He does however rummage through their camp to see what they had, and if there is anything interesting to him there.

"They are not very skilled for such nice stuff tho."

He just sits down and snacks as he waits for everyone to get ready to move onwards.
Feb 19, 2021 10:49 am
Can I see a water flask in the camp or on one of the bandits? If so, ...
(To the bandits) You may need a drink and won't be able to help yourselves. She offers for each to drink from the flask.


Feb 19, 2021 9:26 pm
Naeris finds full waterskin, and none but the last of the bandits refuses - the one with the big nose (pictured above). He shakes his head. "You might be interested to know that the reward for taking us in alive is twice as much as the reward for us dead."
Feb 19, 2021 10:15 pm
What is your name, you criminal scum?- the infernal woman asked, rolling a gold coin across her knuckles.
Feb 20, 2021 1:01 am
[ +- ] Pitrio says
As Hilmar finishes assisting the others to tie up the bandits and disarm them, he sees Kaa retrieve his javelin and remarks with a grin, "That did go well. That was an impressive throw with that javelin." He looks across to Naeris and Euphoria when he hears the last bandit's remark about them being worth more alive than dead. He listens to see how the conversation continues.


Feb 20, 2021 6:20 am
Jusika says:
What is your name, you criminal scum?- the infernal woman asked, rolling a gold coin across her knuckles.
The bandits sullenly give their names: Artur, Raishe, Aegar, and Rose.
Feb 20, 2021 7:04 am
lenpelletier says:

The bandits sullenly give their names: Artur, Raishe, Aegar, and Rose.
What is the name of this big nosed guy I'm talking to? So I could finish my sentence
Last edited February 20, 2021 7:05 am


Feb 20, 2021 2:51 pm
Artur 🙂 he definitely seems to be the leader.
Feb 20, 2021 3:33 pm
The tiefling tossed the coin and caught it with her other hand. Tell you what, Artur, it is in your best interest we get the double reward. If you try any funny business you'll be sorry. See this guy?,- she makes a gesture with her head, pointing at Kaa. He once murdered a whole thieves' guild in cold blood when they stole his precious tambouras,- she subtly winked at the bugbear. Yes, just like that, he spent the whole month tracking their headquarters. So you better not upset him, you don't want to see his greataxe in action.
Last edited February 20, 2021 3:40 pm


Intimidation - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Intimidation - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Feb 20, 2021 8:36 pm
Mike says:
As Hilmar finishes assisting the others to tie up the bandits and disarm them, he sees Kaa retrieve his javelin and remarks with a grin, "That did go well. That was an impressive throw with that javelin."
"The magic of striking oblivious targets!" Kaa laughs.
The tiefling tossed the coin and caught it with her other hand. Tell you what, Artur, it is in your best interest we get the double reward. If you try any funny business you'll be sorry. See this guy?,- she makes a gesture with her head, pointing at Kaa. He once murdered a whole thieves' guild in cold blood when they stole his precious tambouras,- she subtly winked at the bugbear. Yes, just like that, he spent the whole month tracking their headquarters. So you better not upset him, you don't want to see his greataxe in action.
He is most amused by her antics and decides to play along. Putting on acts is most entertaing anyway, and if he just has to be himself a bit over the top, easy peasy.

"I had no idea they were a guild, how do you tell anyway?" he laughs. He also shifts his instrument a bit behind himself, as if guarding it from their grubby eyesight. Then he notes to himself that Euphoria has a keen eye about such personal quirks it seems. Strange group of people he found, but also much less hostile or wary than the average when meeting him. All in all a plus in his book so far.
Feb 20, 2021 8:46 pm
Pitrio says:
Then he notes to himself that Euphoria has a keen eye about such personal quirks it seems.
I hope reading your character sheet doesn't count as metagaming. Or does it? Didn't mean to, it just came to mind. The tambouras, that is (:
Feb 20, 2021 9:33 pm
Jusika says:
Pitrio says:
Then he notes to himself that Euphoria has a keen eye about such personal quirks it seems.
I hope reading your character sheet doesn't count as metagaming. Or does it? Didn't mean to, it just came to mind. The tambouras, that is (:
Reading by itself definitely doesn't count as such😁plus we never really discussed how much the characters know of each other. I kind of assume they know a few basics and what can be told by watching. Euphoria does have insight as skill so no biggie anyway i think: she could be just coy with a hunch or maybe a bit of a mentalist.
Feb 20, 2021 10:36 pm
Feeling a little sorry for the captives, Naeris wonders: How are we going to get this tree off the road? Do we have the strength to push it?


Feb 20, 2021 10:58 pm
If you want to clear the log off the road, it will just take time, we'll say 1d6 hours. It's pretty big and needs to be hacked into smaller pieces. Keep in mind we are in a wood that doesn't feel particularly friendly.


Feb 20, 2021 11:18 pm
Artur is suitably impressed. "I saw him action a minute ago, so your tale doesn't surprise me. Appreciate the healing, by the way."

He nods at Alfrey.

"We ain't got much sense since we got mixed up with the Night Blades, but we got enough sense to know we're beat.
You won't get any trouble from us."
Feb 20, 2021 11:55 pm
[ +- ] Astroloma says
"I think we are about one hour away from Hope. That's a huge tree and I think it would take us too long to move it, even if we had the proper tools. I'd also like to get out of this wood. There might be other bandits about. It might be an idea to get to Hope as soon as possible. We could rope the prisoners together and hand them over to the guards. When we do that we should tell the authorities about this road block and they can send some people out later to clear it."
Feb 21, 2021 12:07 am
Listening to Artur's answers to Euphoria's questions, while finishing gathering the bandits' weapons in a pile, he joins in the 'interrogation', "So you're mixed up with Ralavaz and his men," trying to sound like he knows more than he actually does, "How long have you been mixed up with the Night Blades? And what's with the black uniforms?"
Last edited February 21, 2021 12:08 am
Feb 21, 2021 12:49 am
Alfrey returns Artur’s nod, but tries not to appear too friendly so as not to undermine his companions’ show of toughness. He does not speak but listens in on the conversation and watches closely for any subtle signals the bandit might give off as he answers.


Feb 22, 2021 5:20 am
Artur responds to Hilmar's questions. "This is our first outing. We weren't trying to catch you by the way. We didn't want to hurt no travellers. We were supposed to catch a wagon coming in from the south, some big mining company. We was going to steal their gear and get it back to Ralavaz, and nobody was gonna get harmed. He offered us enough coin to make it through half the winter. The uniforms? I guess it keeps our identity safe so people wont know we sold out. They all wear 'em."

Alfrey watches the four silently. He sees the mens' calloused hands and sunburned skin and figures they are probably farmers, spending a good deal of time in the fields and working with their hands. The young woman looks like she's never done a day of hard labour in her life.
Feb 22, 2021 9:29 am
Naeris is thoughtful for a moment and then says to Hilmar. You're right - we should get moving. We can ask more questions on the way. She picks up as much of the gear as she can carry on her person. Could the captives perhaps wear the leather armour? It'll be hard to carry with us otherwise.
Feb 22, 2021 9:44 am
Once on the road, she says to the party: Maybe these people could help us find and defeat Ralavaz?
Feb 22, 2021 3:52 pm
He comments to Naeris while munching on a pear:
"I can carry the bunch of their stuff if we just tie it together" and he does haul whatever he gets for the trip pretty easily.

"This Ralavaz is quite fancy with the uniforms and everything." he throws some of the black clothing around his neck and imitates a stern and serious looking person sipping tea. "These four chumps I found seem Perfect to rob a wagon. Subtle, a huge block and camp in the middle of road. I am so great." he finishes by pretending grooming himself with a mirror.
Last edited February 22, 2021 4:13 pm
Feb 22, 2021 4:34 pm
Hilmar will rope the prisoners together, tied about their waists. with about a 2ft gap between them. He puts the masks in his pack so that they do not get lost, as well as one of the cloaks. He will carry one of the scimitars, one of the crossbows and one quiver of ammunition.
If the leather armour can be removed without untiying the prisoners he will pass it to Kaa. Otherwise he would leave it on them, thinking it's more trouble than it's worth to risk untiying any of them.
Feb 22, 2021 5:18 pm
They all wear them, you say... We shall take the uniforms too. It's not like you have any use for them now, right?,- Euphoria said, handing out one of four black hooded cloaks to each of her companions. These might be useful later. As for me, I do have something up my sleeve already,- the tiefling produced a mysterious smile.
Feb 22, 2021 9:57 pm
Thanks for carrying those Kaa!

Artur - it sounds like you've met Ralavaz and maybe seen his camp. Is that so? What did he look like - did Kaa do a good impression? Do you know where the camp is and how many bandits were there?


Feb 22, 2021 10:42 pm
Mike says:
If the leather armour can be removed without untiying the prisoners he will pass it to Kaa. Otherwise he would leave it on them, thinking it's more trouble than it's worth to risk untiying any of them.
For simplicity's sake, let's say you can remove all items without trouble.


Feb 22, 2021 10:47 pm
Jusika says:
They all wear them, you say... We shall take the uniforms too. It's not like you have any use for them now, right?
Artur just shrugs.

"It'd make me a hypocrite to complain about being robbed, wouldn't it. Take the damn things. I curse the day I ever decided to join up with the Night Blades. I don't know why, but Ralavaz was so persuasive. He wore this golden mask that just radiated power and I just trusted everything he said."

The others murmur in agreement about Ralavaz's powers of persuasion.


Feb 22, 2021 11:00 pm
Astroloma says:
Artur - it sounds like you've met Ralavaz and maybe seen his camp. Is that so? What did he look like - did Kaa do a good impression? Do you know where the camp is and how many bandits were there?[/b]
"It's all a little fuzzy, to be honest, like it was a dream. I never saw Ralavaz's face, he never took that gold mask off. This isn't the first time he's caused trouble in this town! Ten years ago Ralavaz and his brother Gardren came to town running the same scheme. Hope was stronger back then and fought back, managed to round them up in a barn and set it on fire. Only Ralavaz made it out, with Gardren and the rest of the trapped Night Blades dying in the fire. Ralavaz got shipped off to the work camps down south, but now that he's free he's back to ruin Hope for good. The edge of his skin under that masked is all burned up, not to mention the death of his brother, so he's probably hopping mad."

"Hey, if I show you his hideout would you put in a good word for us with the Sheriff?"
Feb 23, 2021 12:03 am
Euphoria stood there, quietly listening to Artur's tale, her fingers rhythmically tapping on the handle of her rapier. Gold mask, you say...,- the pink infernal tilted her head slightly,- fascinating!..,- her eyes lit up. I'm looking forward to meeting Ralavaz,- she spoke, showing her pointy teeth in a mischievous grin.
You've got yourself a deal. You show us the hideout of his, and we'll try to persuade the sheriff yall are but a good folk who got taken advantage of.
Last edited February 23, 2021 2:07 am
Feb 23, 2021 12:51 am
A look of slight concern passes over Alfrey's face at this before he interjects. "To be clear — we will not lie to the Sheriff for you. We will say, truthfully, that you never actually hurt anyone, that you regret joining the Night Blades, and that you’ll be living honest lives from now on." He pauses and peers into the man's eyes. "That is all true, isn't it?"


Insight - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21


Feb 23, 2021 1:17 am
"As Erathis as my witness, I will not break the law again," Artur exclaims. Alfrey sees he speaks true.
Feb 23, 2021 5:03 am
Alfrey allows himself to smile. "Very good. With luck the authorities in Hope won't treat you too harshly. You did do wrong, but it could have been much worse."

He then turns to the woman, Rose. "And what's your story, miss? Are these men friends of yours?"


Feb 23, 2021 5:21 am

Rose looks full of shame. She doesn't look Alfrey in the eye as she speaks.

"I was offered some money. It sounded like a lot, and nobody was going to get hurt. I thought, 'I'll go to the meeting, can't hurt.' But Ralavaz, he did something to us, something magical. I'm sure of it. We went from curious to fanatical. I don't even remember putting on those uniforms. I guess whatever you did to us cleared our heads."

She finally looks up at Alfrey and looks him in the eye.

"I'm so sorry."
Feb 23, 2021 6:35 am
He looks back at her kindly. "You made a mistake — and unfortunately the consequences were significant. But I don’t think you did anything unforgivable."

"Tomenius", he continues, now addressing his companion, "does the magic she’s describing sound like anything you’ve heard of before?"
Feb 23, 2021 6:52 am
Hilmar ponders for a moment. "It sounds like some kind of charm spell, different from the one I learned. From what she and Artur have said I suspect this Ralavaz has acquired some sort of powerful magic item. This golden mask seems to be imbued with a magical power that enables its wearer to control people."


Feb 23, 2021 6:58 am
Feel free to roll an Arcana check, Mike
Feb 23, 2021 3:25 pm
Arcana check. He looks something up in his spell book as he searches his memory for things he read in Helvetius' library.
My posts may get a bit erratic over the next couple of days due to shifts I am working.
Last edited February 23, 2021 3:28 pm


Arcana - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23


Feb 24, 2021 9:26 pm
Hilmar realizes that this is some hefty magic, no mere charm spell from a hedge wizard. You suspect it might be not a spell he is casting - this kind of power doesn't land in the laps of failed bandits - but perhaps a power bestowed upon him from a pact with a lower plane, like a demon or something.

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