Chapter 1: The Road to Hope

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Feb 19, 2021 8:01 am

As the bandits wake up and find themselves in ropes, one of them speaks up. "So yeah, this is ... awkward."
Feb 19, 2021 9:34 am
Kaa strolled out from his cover as well, with a big smile on his face.
"That went well"

He pays little heed to tying them up or to treating the dying one. He does retrieve his javelin once either of the healers got it out, and inspects if its still usable. He does however rummage through their camp to see what they had, and if there is anything interesting to him there.

"They are not very skilled for such nice stuff tho."

He just sits down and snacks as he waits for everyone to get ready to move onwards.
Feb 19, 2021 10:49 am
Can I see a water flask in the camp or on one of the bandits? If so, ...
(To the bandits) You may need a drink and won't be able to help yourselves. She offers for each to drink from the flask.


Feb 19, 2021 9:26 pm
Naeris finds full waterskin, and none but the last of the bandits refuses - the one with the big nose (pictured above). He shakes his head. "You might be interested to know that the reward for taking us in alive is twice as much as the reward for us dead."
Feb 19, 2021 10:15 pm
What is your name, you criminal scum?- the infernal woman asked, rolling a gold coin across her knuckles.
Feb 20, 2021 1:01 am
[ +- ] Pitrio says
As Hilmar finishes assisting the others to tie up the bandits and disarm them, he sees Kaa retrieve his javelin and remarks with a grin, "That did go well. That was an impressive throw with that javelin." He looks across to Naeris and Euphoria when he hears the last bandit's remark about them being worth more alive than dead. He listens to see how the conversation continues.


Feb 20, 2021 6:20 am
Jusika says:
What is your name, you criminal scum?- the infernal woman asked, rolling a gold coin across her knuckles.
The bandits sullenly give their names: Artur, Raishe, Aegar, and Rose.
Feb 20, 2021 7:04 am
lenpelletier says:

The bandits sullenly give their names: Artur, Raishe, Aegar, and Rose.
What is the name of this big nosed guy I'm talking to? So I could finish my sentence
Last edited February 20, 2021 7:05 am


Feb 20, 2021 2:51 pm
Artur šŸ™‚ he definitely seems to be the leader.
Feb 20, 2021 3:33 pm
The tiefling tossed the coin and caught it with her other hand. Tell you what, Artur, it is in your best interest we get the double reward. If you try any funny business you'll be sorry. See this guy?,- she makes a gesture with her head, pointing at Kaa. He once murdered a whole thieves' guild in cold blood when they stole his precious tambouras,- she subtly winked at the bugbear. Yes, just like that, he spent the whole month tracking their headquarters. So you better not upset him, you don't want to see his greataxe in action.
Last edited February 20, 2021 3:40 pm


Intimidation - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Intimidation - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Feb 20, 2021 8:36 pm
Mike says:
As Hilmar finishes assisting the others to tie up the bandits and disarm them, he sees Kaa retrieve his javelin and remarks with a grin, "That did go well. That was an impressive throw with that javelin."
"The magic of striking oblivious targets!" Kaa laughs.
The tiefling tossed the coin and caught it with her other hand. Tell you what, Artur, it is in your best interest we get the double reward. If you try any funny business you'll be sorry. See this guy?,- she makes a gesture with her head, pointing at Kaa. He once murdered a whole thieves' guild in cold blood when they stole his precious tambouras,- she subtly winked at the bugbear. Yes, just like that, he spent the whole month tracking their headquarters. So you better not upset him, you don't want to see his greataxe in action.
He is most amused by her antics and decides to play along. Putting on acts is most entertaing anyway, and if he just has to be himself a bit over the top, easy peasy.

"I had no idea they were a guild, how do you tell anyway?" he laughs. He also shifts his instrument a bit behind himself, as if guarding it from their grubby eyesight. Then he notes to himself that Euphoria has a keen eye about such personal quirks it seems. Strange group of people he found, but also much less hostile or wary than the average when meeting him. All in all a plus in his book so far.
Feb 20, 2021 8:46 pm
Pitrio says:
Then he notes to himself that Euphoria has a keen eye about such personal quirks it seems.
I hope reading your character sheet doesn't count as metagaming. Or does it? Didn't mean to, it just came to mind. The tambouras, that is (:
Feb 20, 2021 9:33 pm
Jusika says:
Pitrio says:
Then he notes to himself that Euphoria has a keen eye about such personal quirks it seems.
I hope reading your character sheet doesn't count as metagaming. Or does it? Didn't mean to, it just came to mind. The tambouras, that is (:
Reading by itself definitely doesn't count as suchšŸ˜plus we never really discussed how much the characters know of each other. I kind of assume they know a few basics and what can be told by watching. Euphoria does have insight as skill so no biggie anyway i think: she could be just coy with a hunch or maybe a bit of a mentalist.
Feb 20, 2021 10:36 pm
Feeling a little sorry for the captives, Naeris wonders: How are we going to get this tree off the road? Do we have the strength to push it?


Feb 20, 2021 10:58 pm
If you want to clear the log off the road, it will just take time, we'll say 1d6 hours. It's pretty big and needs to be hacked into smaller pieces. Keep in mind we are in a wood that doesn't feel particularly friendly.


Feb 20, 2021 11:18 pm
Artur is suitably impressed. "I saw him action a minute ago, so your tale doesn't surprise me. Appreciate the healing, by the way."

He nods at Alfrey.

"We ain't got much sense since we got mixed up with the Night Blades, but we got enough sense to know we're beat.
You won't get any trouble from us."
Feb 20, 2021 11:55 pm
[ +- ] Astroloma says
"I think we are about one hour away from Hope. That's a huge tree and I think it would take us too long to move it, even if we had the proper tools. I'd also like to get out of this wood. There might be other bandits about. It might be an idea to get to Hope as soon as possible. We could rope the prisoners together and hand them over to the guards. When we do that we should tell the authorities about this road block and they can send some people out later to clear it."
Feb 21, 2021 12:07 am
Listening to Artur's answers to Euphoria's questions, while finishing gathering the bandits' weapons in a pile, he joins in the 'interrogation', "So you're mixed up with Ralavaz and his men," trying to sound like he knows more than he actually does, "How long have you been mixed up with the Night Blades? And what's with the black uniforms?"
Last edited February 21, 2021 12:08 am
Feb 21, 2021 12:49 am
Alfrey returns Arturā€™s nod, but tries not to appear too friendly so as not to undermine his companionsā€™ show of toughness. He does not speak but listens in on the conversation and watches closely for any subtle signals the bandit might give off as he answers.


Feb 22, 2021 5:20 am
Artur responds to Hilmar's questions. "This is our first outing. We weren't trying to catch you by the way. We didn't want to hurt no travellers. We were supposed to catch a wagon coming in from the south, some big mining company. We was going to steal their gear and get it back to Ralavaz, and nobody was gonna get harmed. He offered us enough coin to make it through half the winter. The uniforms? I guess it keeps our identity safe so people wont know we sold out. They all wear 'em."

Alfrey watches the four silently. He sees the mens' calloused hands and sunburned skin and figures they are probably farmers, spending a good deal of time in the fields and working with their hands. The young woman looks like she's never done a day of hard labour in her life.
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