Do others have characters planned and ready? Do you mind making them shareable, or at least sharing what your concept is?
So far, We have the following:
Player|Character Race|Character Background|Character Class (Subclass) [# levels]/Character multiclass (Subclass) [# levels]
78RPMLife|Mark of Detection Half-Elf|House Agent|Rogue (???) 8
runekyndig|Warforged or Mark of Making Human|Auditor|Bard (School of Creation) 8
CancerMan|Warforged|???|Cleric (Life Domain) 8
annex|Warforged|???|Wizard (School of Graviturgy) 8
SchadDad|???|Monk (???) ???
As for my choices:
HeroAmongMen|Warforged|Soldier|Fighter 2/Cleric (Grave Domain) 6
HeroAmongmen|Kalashtar|Awakened Quori (basically Haunted One)|Barbarian (Path of Wild Magic) 8
With so many magic users, I may just select the martial class; that being said, I want to see which patron we choose. Either one of these choices can play tank (the Warforged has an AC of 22, but the barbarian has more HP and is a harder hitter, with more movement. It’s a tough choice, too, due to the backstories I have chosen.
@runekyndig, are you leaning more towards Warforged or the mark of making human?
Last edited February 18, 2021 3:44 am