Character Creation

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Feb 17, 2021 3:34 pm
runekyndig says:
I have an operative in mind, much inspired by Thorn of Breland. Even if she properly is an Arcane Trixter, I'm going for a Creation Bard with an Auditor background.
As for rase, I have been considering dragonmark of making or wait for it.... warforged
Been wanting to read those, I love the story of Droaam. I take it you would recommend it? One day I want to run an all monster races game a la TMNT or Gargoyles set in Sharn.

Sounds like a cool character!
Feb 17, 2021 4:31 pm
I'm going to go with a Mark of Detection half-elf rogue with House Agent background, focused on acquisition.
Feb 17, 2021 6:31 pm
I wouldn't mind playing a monk, but I can roll with a cleric as well.

13, 13, 13, 15, 7, 17 which is slightly better than table 8
Last edited February 17, 2021 6:40 pm



(2265) = 15


(4544) = 17


(2615) = 14


(5554) = 19


(1133) = 8


(5664) = 21

Safety net - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Feb 17, 2021 10:52 pm
Hi @DM, I created two character sheets:

- Death's Brush (called simply "Brush" by his former companions-at-arms), a Warforged Fighter 2/Cleric 6 (Grave Domain)
- Ishara, a Kalashtar Barbarian 8 (Path of Wild Magic)

Honestly, either would make me happy to play.

I also created DNDBeyond character sheets for both of them, if anyone is interested in seeing them.

Death's Brush
Last edited February 17, 2021 10:54 pm


Feb 17, 2021 11:45 pm
HeroAmongMen, both ideas sound awesome and both look like they'd flourish in the swashbuckling nature of this game. Anything I can do to help you pick one over the other?
Feb 18, 2021 1:31 am
I think figuring out what the others are playing, and/or deciding on a patron may help to influence my decision.
Feb 18, 2021 3:31 am
If you've got a cleric ready, I'll roll up a monk. I find them very enjoyable to play
Feb 18, 2021 3:40 am
Do others have characters planned and ready? Do you mind making them shareable, or at least sharing what your concept is?

So far, We have the following:

Player|Character Race|Character Background|Character Class (Subclass) [# levels]/Character multiclass (Subclass) [# levels]
78RPMLife|Mark of Detection Half-Elf|House Agent|Rogue (???) 8
runekyndig|Warforged or Mark of Making Human|Auditor|Bard (School of Creation) 8
CancerMan|Warforged|???|Cleric (Life Domain) 8
annex|Warforged|???|Wizard (School of Graviturgy) 8
SchadDad|???|Monk (???) ???

As for my choices:
HeroAmongMen|Warforged|Soldier|Fighter 2/Cleric (Grave Domain) 6
HeroAmongmen|Kalashtar|Awakened Quori (basically Haunted One)|Barbarian (Path of Wild Magic) 8

With so many magic users, I may just select the martial class; that being said, I want to see which patron we choose. Either one of these choices can play tank (the Warforged has an AC of 22, but the barbarian has more HP and is a harder hitter, with more movement. It’s a tough choice, too, due to the backstories I have chosen.

@runekyndig, are you leaning more towards Warforged or the mark of making human?
Last edited February 18, 2021 3:44 am
Feb 18, 2021 3:43 am
Seeing a lot of warforged here..
Feb 18, 2021 3:45 am
SchadDad says:
Seeing a lot of warforged here..
We joked earlier about trying a Warforged party.

I always loved the ST: TNG episodes related to Data exploring what makes someone human, so Warforged always calls to me.
Last edited February 18, 2021 3:46 am


Feb 18, 2021 3:54 am
SchadDad says:
If you've got a cleric ready, I'll roll up a monk. I find them very enjoyable to play
Absolutely, same here. With the new optional features from Tasha's I think Ki will feel less restrictive and other actions will make up some ground to flurry of blows to be more enticing.


Feb 18, 2021 4:02 am
HeroAmongMen says:
SchadDad says:
Seeing a lot of warforged here..
We joked earlier about trying a Warforged party.

I always loved the ST: TNG episodes related to Data exploring what makes someone human, so Warforged always calls to me.
Same here! The Data stories were always amazing. Likewise, Warforged have an interesting story built right into them from the get go.
Feb 18, 2021 4:53 am
My basic concept is a Warforged with the Soldier background. Their soul eschewed violence to the point of being useless until they were repurposed as a field medic.
Feb 18, 2021 4:56 am
You’ve got it right, HeroAmongMen. Mark of Detection half-elf rogue 8. Went with House Agent background and the Inquisitive archetype.
Feb 18, 2021 5:00 am
CancerMan says:
My basic concept is a Warforged with the Soldier background. Their soul eschewed violence to the point of being useless until they were repurposed as a field medic.
That was sort of my concept for my Warforged. Mine was an effective killer, though, but killing another Warforged caused him to awaken to a sense of mortality, and started searching religions to understand different views of the soul and the afterlife, and to get answers related to the Warforged and their place in the afterlife.
Feb 18, 2021 12:53 pm
My Warforged Graviturgist Wizard was created specifically to reach and explore space. He (that's how he identifies) was part of another crew but that mission ended in disaster. This is his second chance but he is experiencing great self doubt about trying to breach the sky again.

Funny enough, Hero, he discovered The Becoming God while being repaired after his first launch. In addition to wanting to fulfill the purpose he was created for, he also wants to find anything of interest or power in orbit to help make The Becoming God manifest.
Feb 18, 2021 1:36 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
@runekyndig, are you leaning more towards Warforged or the mark of making human?
For a patron open 2, I'm leaning heavily on the mark of making human
If we go with the more independent group. I'll rethink an earlier idea where a warforged was designed to look human, covered in skin.
[ +- ] warforged with skin
Feb 18, 2021 3:30 pm
So, it seems that we should decide on patron, in order to help runekyndig and myself in solidifying character concepts (since we are essentially the last two players to decide).


Feb 18, 2021 6:03 pm
Looks like option 1 is selected, so everyone gets to bump up to LEVEL 10!!! You can also select 1 uncommon magic item. Let's say you can also have 3 common magic items of your choice as well, because this is Eberron!
Feb 18, 2021 6:24 pm
Yeah! Death's Brush is submitted.

(DNDBeyond Link Here).

For my magic items, I chose:
Uncommon: Goggles of Night
Common: Charlatan's Die
Common: Feather Token
Common: Horn of Silent Alarm

Death's Brush can act as a tank/support character on the front line.

Also, I was thinking: since we are traveling to space, could we create a common magic item of mag-boots, so that we don't float out into the void of space? If so, I will trade one of my magic items for those boots.
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