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Feb 18, 2021 6:00 pm
Option 1 has it! We are a independent crew of extraordinary people working on their own ship. Thanks CancerMan for making the deciding vote, always a bit tricky to do that.

I liked the suggestion that the party has ties to the Arcane Congress, a powerful magical institute floating in the sky. It is home to the Starpeaks Observatory, the most advanced observatory on Khorvaire.

Also, we have at least one character attached to a Dragonmarked house. If 78RPMLife wants to be working with his house, his participation could be sactioned as part of an inter-house rivalry. House Medani is the youngest and smallest house, and other houses would benefit much more if they can extend their monopolies to the stars. Democratizing space would therefore be in their interest, and sticking it to the other houses would be delightful to them!

"Let the other houses bluster and call us 'upstart.' When they realise we hold the keys that can release the secrets of the Five Nations, they will learn respect."
-Baron Trelib d'Medani, patriarch of House Medani

If 78RPMLife would rather be working on the side and not in concert with his house, that's fine too. But that might explain why they don't stand in his way.

No reason you can't have ties to both organization! But other ideas are welcome!


Feb 18, 2021 6:01 pm
Annex, starting with fewer magic items just means it'll be all the more fun to find them along the way :)
Feb 18, 2021 6:39 pm
CancerMan says:
annex says:
Let's not end up like this.
We still could, but us warforged will be perfectly fine.
Watching the meat sacks die would be traumatic.
Hold on.
I sense a character backstory element!


Feb 18, 2021 6:41 pm
PS - Planetary is amazing! Have to reread those sometime soon.

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