Death's Brush, Warforged Fighter (Echo Knight) 4/Cleric (Grave Domain) 6
Background: Soldier
Feature: Military Rank
Personality Traits
- I’m haunted by memories of death. I can’t get death out of my mind.
- I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
- Live and Let Live. Ideals aren’t worth killing over or going to war for. (Neutral)
- Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.
- The monstrous enemy we faced in battle still leaves me quivering with fear.
During the war, Death's Brush (or "Brush" according to his unit) was a proficient soldier for Breland. He was a killing machine, and was able to destroy organics with remarkable efficiency. After about one year of campaigns, he finally faced off with, and ended the lives of, enemy Warforged, which weighed on his soul greatly. He began to ask questions, such as,
do us constructed soldiers have souls? Are we part of something greater, even though our physical creators are men?
He began his journey after the ceasefire, investigating various religious beliefs and sentiments, and trying to understand death and the state of the soul between death and resurrection or reincarnation. And more especially, how warforged fit into those credos.
(@DM, you can put the kabosh on the following concept, but I thought I would reskin the
Echo Knight abilities as the following):
He was able to discover that he had control over his own soul, which is something different than an organic's soul (well, at least that he has come across). There is a strange mystical or spiritual connection between him and his soul, and he is able to reach through space/time in order to be in the same place as his soul.
Now, Brush (as his fleshy comrades refer to him) advocates strongly for the souls of organics and synthetics, that their "autonomous intelligence" is a sign of their presence of a soul, and hopes to travel to space in order to discover and theorize further where synthetic lifeforms' souls go after death.
Last edited February 21, 2021 3:54 pm