Team Building


Feb 20, 2021 5:45 pm
Alright everyone, please post a short summary of your character so we can see the team at a glance. If you have picked your character's image, please include it! This will help to get us to know each others' characters and figure out their shared backstory. We can keep discussing on discord if you like, but I'd like the character bios to be in one easy-to-find place. Thanks everyone!
Feb 20, 2021 7:37 pm
Tamara d'Cannith is an Auditor. She made her living as the bane of House Kundarak. When they made a security system, she tried to pick it apart. Figure out where the weakness was and so on. She has a knack for making things out of the blue and has acquired all manner of skills and spells over time.
Love the Auditor background from Morgrave Miscellany
Tamara is very pro-warforged and while she was not breaking into buildings to test their security systems, she ran the Warforged Trust. She gets angry when warforged are misused at slaves/laborers.

Her dragonmark has a quirk, it wanders around her body. For some creepy reason it is drawn to blood, so if she is cut, soon the mark will be near the would. This also means that once a month it is drawn to her private area. So no, I will not show you my dragonmark, take a hike you perv!

Personality Traits
I always have a suggestion as to how something could be improved.
I’m always speculating about possible threats.
Efficiency. Anything can be improved, and I’m always looking for ways to do it. (Any)
I uncovered a secret I wasn’t meant to know and now it haunts my dreams.
I’m always hungry for new challenges
I don't know what the secret she found is all about, I'm open to suggestions

By class, she is a bard, but she is no musician, as I want her to be more of an operative than an entertainer. So if we could reskin (pun intended) the Rhythm-maker's drum to something else, like her ring (see image), I've appreciated it.
Last edited Feb 20, 2021 7:38 pm
Feb 20, 2021 10:34 pm
B-9, Warforged Life Cleric

Background: Soldier
Feature: Military Rank
Personality Trait: I'm always polite and respectful.
Ideal: Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others.
Bond: I would still lay down my life for the people I served with.
Flaw: I often don't think about the consequences of my actions.

B-9 ("Benign") began their existence as a soldier, one of many warforged soldiers created to fight. B-9's soul, however, seemed to harbor almost no hostile intentions and it became increasingly difficult to spur the construct into battle. Eventually, B-9 was repurposed into a medical unit to support both warforged and humanoid soldiers with medical treatments. This was a task that B-9 suited themselves for, adopting a calm and non-aggressive demeanor to supplement a caring bedside manner, even in the middle of a battle.
Feb 21, 2021 2:26 am
W.A.R.P. X, Warforged Graviturgy Wizard

Background: Sage (Astronomy Researcher)
Personality Traits: There’s nothing it likes more than a good mystery.
Ideal: Knowledge - The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)
Bond: It has been searching its whole life for the answer to a certain question: What lies beyond the sky?
Flaw: It must not feel. Emotions are a flaw in its design.

W.A.R.P. X, a tenth generation Warforged Aetheric Research Probe, was created by the wizard Larhut, keeper of the Starpeaks Observatory, to travel beyond the atmosphere, to explore The Ring of Siberys and the moons and beyond. On its first mission, the other human and elf crew died horribly, and it alone survived albeit badly injured. Once referring to itself as 'he' to foster a more comfortable working environment with organics, it now prefers to be called 'it' to highlight its depersonalization and distance from organics and their concepts. It has another reason beyond its initial purpose for going above the sky. While being rebuilt after that disastrous first flight, it came to learn of The Becoming God. Now it is one of the Warforged on a pilgrimage to create their own god by building one. It hopes it can find unique knowledge, Siberys dragonshards, or powerful artifacts in orbit to help make The Becoming God rise to divinity.
Last edited Feb 24, 2021 2:49 am
Feb 21, 2021 3:54 pm
Death's Brush, Warforged Fighter (Echo Knight) 4/Cleric (Grave Domain) 6

Background: Soldier
Feature: Military Rank
Personality Traits
- I’m haunted by memories of death. I can’t get death out of my mind.
- I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
- Live and Let Live. Ideals aren’t worth killing over or going to war for. (Neutral)
- Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.
- The monstrous enemy we faced in battle still leaves me quivering with fear.

During the war, Death's Brush (or "Brush" according to his unit) was a proficient soldier for Breland. He was a killing machine, and was able to destroy organics with remarkable efficiency. After about one year of campaigns, he finally faced off with, and ended the lives of, enemy Warforged, which weighed on his soul greatly. He began to ask questions, such as, do us constructed soldiers have souls? Are we part of something greater, even though our physical creators are men?

He began his journey after the ceasefire, investigating various religious beliefs and sentiments, and trying to understand death and the state of the soul between death and resurrection or reincarnation. And more especially, how warforged fit into those credos.
(@DM, you can put the kabosh on the following concept, but I thought I would reskin the Echo Knight abilities as the following):
He was able to discover that he had control over his own soul, which is something different than an organic's soul (well, at least that he has come across). There is a strange mystical or spiritual connection between him and his soul, and he is able to reach through space/time in order to be in the same place as his soul.

Now, Brush (as his fleshy comrades refer to him) advocates strongly for the souls of organics and synthetics, that their "autonomous intelligence" is a sign of their presence of a soul, and hopes to travel to space in order to discover and theorize further where synthetic lifeforms' souls go after death.
Last edited Feb 21, 2021 3:54 pm
Feb 22, 2021 4:10 am
Meribel d'Medani: Mark of Detection half-elf rogue (10)

Background: House Agent

Meribel d'Medani is a social butterfly with just enough of a head for business and just enough charm to make her think she's an expert dealmaker. Unfortunately, she's also possessed of just enough lack of self-awareness and just enough impatience to start the next deal that she consistently gets herself in over her head as her deals end up completely tangled up with one another. What begins as a legitimate business enterprise often turns into an unexpected swindle as she tries to keep her head off the chopping block.

But all of this has given her an exquisite ability to both persuade and deceive, and to guess very astutely how other people think and act. As her enterprises have expanded and she's grown more experienced -- though still prone to trying to keep far too many balls in the air at once -- she's built up a large web of contacts and information to the point where her public-facing company, Golden Crow Associates, is known as the place to go when you need something but you don't want everyone to know about it.

Because she's an agent of her house, she passes on some portion of what she knows and learns about her clientele. Because she's herself, she doesn't pass it all on. That's gotten her in hot water from time to time as she tries to play multiple sides at once, sides that sometimes contradict one another. But, in the end, if you absolutely need something, Meribel d'Medani (the Golden Crow herself) can almost certainly get it for you.
Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
Whispers: Warforged Monk(Way of the Shadows)

Background: Spy

Designed for infiltration and intelligence gathering, Whispers could easily move unseen and unheard through enemy territory to map important locations. After the war, they used their skills to spy for the highest bidder, until they were betrayed. So Whispers did what they were best at, and vanished. Seeking out their former battle companions and finding them preparing to head into space, Whispers opts to join them and see where it goes.

After a life of being unseen, perhaps they can make a name for themselves out in the stars with their old companions.
Last edited Feb 22, 2021 6:40 pm
Feb 22, 2021 8:14 pm
SchadDad says:
Whispers: Warforged Monk(Way of the Shadows)

Background: Spy

Designed for infiltration and intelligence gathering, Whispers could easily move unseen and unheard through enemy territory to map important locations. After the war, they used their skills to spy for the highest bidder, until they were betrayed. So Whispers did what they were best at, and vanished. Seeking out their former battle companions and finding them preparing to head into space, Whispers opts to join them and see where it goes.

After a life of being unseen, perhaps they can make a name for themselves out in the stars with their old companions.
I love this tie-in!
Feb 26, 2021 1:23 am
Team Roles

Medical Officer & Cook: B-9
Science Officer: W.A.R.P. X
Pilot: Tamara d'Cannith, W.A.R.P. X
Security & Comms: Death's Brush
Quartermaster: Meribel d'Medani

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