Chapter 2: Hope

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Mar 4, 2021 5:40 am
Pitrio says:
"Its a big axe ain't it? Try lifting it!" he lets them play with it. "Try not to chop off your fingers tho ..."
The kids go wild trying to lift the axe! They end up ganging up and three of them together manage to heave it off the ground. They topple over and squeal with laughter.
Pitrio says:
At Ralavaz question he acts out how he is such a scary boogeyman, and he is going to sneak up on Ralavaz and eat him. He is a big man, he needs a lot to eat so the bandit might be enough for lunch tomorrow. If they stick around he keeps on storytelling, with some funny and some gruesome tales due to his raw manner. He might idly play around with the ball meanwhile (if it belongs to athletics or acrobatics he should be quite decent, with sleight of hand less so) and asks what they play.
The kids love your act, and hang off every word of the story. At some point one of the older boys tells you that he followed a Night Blade back to their hideout on a dare. They're up in Lonely Tower, due northeast of the town, he swears by it. He hasn't told anyone yet because he didn't want to get into trouble for doing such a dangerous thing, but he figures if you kill them with your axe he won't be in so much trouble! He also says mentions that he saw the guy pour a yellow liquid on his feet before he entered a big patch of strangleroot, which grows all around the tower. "Strangleroot is bad news, sometimes the horses wander off and get caught something awful in a patch. But the Night Blade walked right through it like it was a patch of daisies! I wonder if it was magic?!"

They also tell you they like to play football and invite you to play in their game sometime soon. "You can be on my team!" says absolutely everyone.


Mar 4, 2021 5:48 am
Astroloma says:
Naeris is gracious towards Rose's mother "I'm glad she wasn't hurt in the fight" and thanks her for the muffins.
Is there a river crossing in the vicinity of the town, such as a bridge?
Are there any trees along the river or on the plain generally?
There is a river - folks around here call it "Firefly Stream" - that runs north to south, just on the eastern border of the town. There is a bridge across on a road that runs east from the town and leads up to Deepfathom well. It's not a heavily forested area but there is no doubt many small copses of trees especially near the river


Mar 4, 2021 6:01 am
Mike says:
Before settling down to his sketches he examines the area of the wrist, looking to see if he can see any grooves or lines where a door might be. He knocks the stone at certain points. Please let me know if he finds anything.
Hilmar searches quite carefully but sees no sign of a door or groove, and the stone feels solid at every point. It's possible that the old stories were just that - wild stories. Or, maybe you're missing something.
Mike says:
In the Player's Guide one of the components for the Identify spell is a pearl worth at least 100gp. Would this be necessary in your campaign? Some DMs wave most of the components if you have an arcane focus, but then retain some of them for certain spells like Find Familiar and possibly Identify. This is not one of Hilmar's prepared spells for today but in case for later :)
Great question! If the spell component has a gold value, then you will need to provide it. However, the spell does not consume it, so you can use the same pearl over and over again once you find one. Pearls are quite common in jewelry in this world, so it won't be hard to find one.
Mike says:
He likes it too,"[/b] referring to the cat and assuming it's male, "I reckon it's his home - the house has a sitting tenant! I've heard of cats settling somewhere and refusing to move." He bends down to stroke the cat.
What colour/colours is the cat?
The black cat comes right up to you, unafraid and downright friendly. He rubs against your leg and sniffs your boots and eventually flops down in front of you and rolls around on the grass.
Mike says:
A further question - how far away is the farmhouse from the rest of the town?
The farmhouse is just on the edge of town, but that's only 10 minute walk from the Inn if you're taking your time.
Mar 4, 2021 8:57 am
Back at the stone hand, Alfrey and Hilmar continue their discussion:
Mike says:
"Highly likely, a magic of some kind, from what we've heard. Amanda was saying that those people excavating it, got as far as the elbow before they suffered some sort of turmoil and fled. I wonder if there is a complete body of stone beneath. I'd like a drink in that tavern as well sometime. Perhaps there is even some truth in that tale of the door in the wrist."
"A full body would be a monument for the ages, no doubt! What manner of body could it be I wonder? I don’t know of any six-fingered race." His eyes grow large as a new thought occurs to him, "But perhaps if that ‘portal to another world’ business is true, we might not be dealing with a race from our reality!" He pauses for a moment then chuckles nervously, "Just a thought. I’m sure it’s nothing so outlandish."
Mike says:
Hilmar looks up from his charcoal sketch and notes on parchment to look at the hand, before making adjustments to his drawings, when he sees Alfrey completing the verbal and manual components for a spell of some kind. He watches not wanting to disturb him. When he has finished he says, "Excellent idea, my friend. Did you get any sense of anything? I have an Identify spell, but it is not one of the ones I have prepared today. I never anticipated using an Identify spell on anything quite so large, but then why not?"
Alfrey’s face falls. "Nothing at all. I’m certain I cast the detection spell correctly, but the hand appeared completely mundane." He stares at the stone monolith for a short time with his hands on his hips. "Nonetheless, I am still suspicious. If your magic can uncover the secrets in this place — well, I would be more than curious what you find."

Later at the farmhouse, Alfrey takes a walk around the place, peeking into each room and admiring the condition of the home and its amenities. As he and Hilmar complete their informal inspection, the two share their thoughts.
Mike says:
"I'm beginning to really like this place - I mean the town of Hope in general. The people so far have been friendly and generous. Hopefully our companions will want to move in. Then there was Amanda's offer of free food and use of the hot spring while we're helping the sheriff deal with the bandits. I think we should see the sheriff tomorrow, take on the house and agree to help her in the struggle against the bandits. What's your view?"
"Oh, I agree entirely. I think you were correct about what you said earlier — that we’re likely to be facing the Night Blades one way or the other — but even putting that aside, I want to help these people. They deserve some better fortune than they’ve been getting lately. And as for the house, I don’t think I can pass up such a lovely place. I’m all for taking it." At this point Alfrey's attention turns to the cat as it rolls about in the grass. "I suppose this fellow ought to have a name if we're going to be sharing a house with him, though I can't quite say what it should be just yet."
Mar 4, 2021 2:20 pm
At some point one of the older boys tells you that he followed a Night Blade back to their hideout on a dare.
"Quite the sneaky and brave little guy aren't you?" he approves of the boy. "And I guess he wasn't just too deep in a bottle with bad aim ehh? Strangleroot sounds bad indeed." he tries to remember to tell about this to the others when he meets them.

When they tell him what football is about, he says he will be the keeper and just lies down in front of the goal, blocking most of it like that and he just slothishly swats down the ball if it goes higher.

When he does meet the others, either in the evening or morning, he will ask Hilmar what he thinks of the yellow shoe liquid, making the same joke with it as before.
I don't know if we'll roleplay those meetings out or skip ahead soon, so better be safe like that. If more encounters or talks happen then great, if not then I am fine with finishing the day.
Mar 5, 2021 12:27 am
[ +- ] callan says
"As well as not having Identify prepared at the moment, it is also dependent on having an expensive component - a pearl worth around 100gp - and I don't have that kind of money right now. But, if the opportunity should present itself later I would certainly like to try and learn more about this mysterious hand."
[ +- ] callan says
Himar nods in agreement. He smiles broadly as the black cat rolls on his back. He tickles the cat's belly. "We could always ask Amanda if she is aware of him and if he has a name. She seems to know most of what's going on around here. If not we can think if a name."
[ +- ] Pitrio says
I know Hilmar will not have heard this yet but I ask this for the purposes of chapter 3. Is he aware of 'Strangleroot' and has he any knowledge of what this yellow liquid might be that evidently counters the effects of it?
Last edited March 5, 2021 12:42 am
Mar 5, 2021 12:57 am
Mike says:
I know Hilmar will not have heard this yet but I ask this for the purposes of chapter 3. Is he aware of 'Strangleroot' and has he any knowledge of what this yellow liquid might be that evidently counters the effects of it?
Indeed do any of us know of it? Should Naeris do a nature check or something?


Mar 5, 2021 3:41 am
I think an elven ranger who spends a great deal time in nature would stand a chance at knowing about it. A nature check would be ideal! Try to roll higher than 10+


Mar 5, 2021 3:42 am
I think Hilmar, with his sage background, would be warranted to roll a Nature check too about strangleroot.
Mar 5, 2021 8:54 am
I'll leave it until Naeris hears about it.

On second thoughts, I'll do it now in case that makes the game run a little smoother.
Last edited March 5, 2021 8:59 am


Nature - knowledge of strangleroot - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Mar 5, 2021 10:04 pm
Roll for nature check.


Nature - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14


Mar 5, 2021 10:07 pm
Mike, let's say Hilmar knows the same things about strangleroot as Naeris except for the trick to repelling it (posted in chapter 3).

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