Chapter 2: Hope

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Mar 1, 2021 8:34 am
The sheriff described the prisoners as 'not the smartest' of people, so maybe they were easier to beguile.
"Well whoops I might be in trouble then" Kaa laughs.

At the spring he happily inhales the steamy air, and takes down all his clothes (well, that one, the dragon necklace stays on tho), and jumps into the pool. He also dives, swims around a bit, does a water somersault, and then goes to laze at the edge.

"This makes the trip worth it, such a hidden game. How come wars have not been fought over it?"
It is beautiful but I don't like this place. I don't enjoy being confined underground. I like the open forest.
"It is the best thing ever, so relaxing and makes my whole body soft and jelly. You should try everything."

He is a bit baffled that Naeris didn't even get in, and the other two guys only stayed a little, but he would happily chat about their lives as long as they stay. He starts with the tale of how his family came to live with civilized folks, and sometimes randomly asks about their childhood.
Mar 1, 2021 8:51 am
I am sure you will get to enjoy a lot of forest walks when we go hunting for that bandit chief, Naeris. Why do you ignore the hot springs though? Does elvenkind have a distaste for water?,- the tiefling pondered, lazily leaning on the wooden edge next to the bugbear.
Last edited March 1, 2021 8:51 am


Mar 1, 2021 5:35 pm
Amanda tells Naeris that she's welcome to take a look around. When she investigates the drained pool, Naeris peers into the shaft at the bottom of the basin, and sees deep horizontal groves cut into the stone shaft that would function like a ladder. Looking into the tunnel, her keen elven eyes see that the shaft goes down about 30 feet and end in some kind of a room. What little light pentrates to the base is glinting off of something metal, barely visible even to Naeris's incredible night vision.

Amanda is happy to chat with anyone who comes by her door, as you might expect from an innkeeper with no guests.

To Naeris she explains that nobody lives in the keep anymore. The sons and daughters of the noble family that once lived there (the Whitesparrow family) died in the many wars at the end of the Arkasian Empire, and the Lord and Lady left for the safety of a surviving city state. They technically still own the castle but haven't been heard from in fifteen or so years. Amanda also informs you that Sheriff Willowmane has the keys the front gate but doesn't go there except in dire emergencies, where the keep is used for protection.

To Hilmar, Amanda explains that it's been a slow, steady slide. Various threats have whittled away the strength of Hope over the years - organized bandits in search of loot, slave traders looking for bodies to trade in the city states, and most deadly of all, the Shanka sometimes come down from the hills hellbent on destruction. This has especially been punishing on Hope's young men and women, the most able-bodied defenders. With Deepfathom Well closed up and the Dwarven mines abandoned, not a lot of people come up this way anymore - just the occasional soul looking to escape the tyranny of the city-states and who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and fight for a good life.

Apparently there is renewed interest from the south in investing in Deepfathom Well, but Amanda is worried that this will bring more trouble than it's worth.

To everyone who enters the hot springs - the water is truly amazing! There might be medicinal properties to the water, because you find your blisters and aching muscles from the long journey healed in the heat. The steam clears your mind and makes you feel young again. Those prone to daydreaming might experience pleasant nostalgic thoughts filtering through your mind.
Anyone who bathes in the pool can regain 1d6 hp! Also, you are better able to fend off mental attacks for the remainder of the day - you have advantage saving throws against charm and mind control effects. You can only benefit from this once per day. Nobody's hurt, so you haven't used it up the healing for today, but you can take the mental defense benefit.
Mar 1, 2021 11:50 pm
Jusika says:
Why do you ignore the hot springs though? Does elvenkind have a distaste for water?
My kin have a love of water as a rule. Water is the lifeblood of the forest and many things live in or near it. There is a great reedy pond near my home which I love because it's home to many waterfowl and fish and creatures of all kinds but I don't bathe in it often because the water is murky and stagnant and I don't belong in it. The streams nearby are clear and pure and I love listening to their quiet voices but they are too cold to bathe in except on the hottest days. This place is different, though. I can see and smell that the water is impure and I wonder what could live in it? The cavern feels earthy and enclosing, and even the air feels suffocating and has a foul smell. I wish I could enjoy it as you do but I think I will soon go out for some fresh air.
Mar 2, 2021 1:25 am
During the conversation with Amanda he says, "I noticed the huge stone hand, with five fingers and it looks like peple have been carrying out an excavation around it. What do you know about it?"
[ +- ] Astroloma says
Extolling the virtues of the hot spring he responds, "I hope we can encourage you to try a dip in the hot spring, even if not today. The rest of us have found it most agreeable. I'm convinced it has healing properties and enhances some of your mental faculties. I experienced a similar one back home. I have read studies of similar waters and their properties." He was about to explain about the works of Albionus Persomenal, when he remembered that Naeris had explored the cave when he was floating on his back. "Did you see anything interesting in the cave or the dried-up pool?"
Mar 2, 2021 2:08 am
These pools and caverns are unlike anything I have seen, so they're interesting to me. The earth has a life of its own that I don't truly understand but there was nothing in the other pools that you don't see around you except in the dry pool. There the vent was much deeper than I expected and there is another cavern at the bottom of it. There are also grooves in the side of the vent that look to have been carved into it and I guess are used to get down into the vent for maintenance.

After a pause, she says 'It's not my business but I don't like not knowing what's down there, though I like the thought of going down there to look even less.'
Mar 2, 2021 6:25 am
When Euphoria was done with swimming and enjoying the hot spring, she came up the wooden stairs, then squeezed and twisted the furry brush at the tip of her tail as well as her wet undergarments. I would like to find out what's in that cave under the pool. But first, we should get those magic items we were promised,- Euphoria said with a yawn as she was getting herself dressed. I'm going to the inn to sleep. Someone should check if there are any ghosts coming out at night before buying it,- she chuckled. See you in the morning folks!
Last edited March 2, 2021 6:25 am
Mar 2, 2021 8:08 am
"Cold streams are nice too, but differently. Wakes you up like nothing else."

"That cavern below the pool sounds very interesting and cool. Will have to check one day." Kaa mumbles in his relaxation.

"So early? Good night pinkie! You know, my mother is good with ghosts, she is a shaman. A bit far if we would need her tho, but I am sure dragon boy is good too!" he says with closed eyes. He will stay in the waters for a long while unless disturbed, so the others can check the house out without him. Later on he will take a stroll around the settlement just wandering and exploring before returning to the inn for dinner and to pick a room. He prefers one that is breezy with windows facing to daylight.
Last edited March 2, 2021 8:16 am
Mar 2, 2021 10:08 am
After the conversation about the vent but (presumably) long before Euphoria finishes bathing, Naeris says 'Well, I'm going for a walk around the town.' This is the point where she asks about the keep (wherever she finds Amanda). She then walks slowly down the road in the direction of the keep, alert while in the town and then, assuming nothing happens and she meets no-one, relaxing and walking at a normal pace as the houses give way to farms.
I'll write this assuming it's uneventful but, if something happens at some point, I'll delete the rest and post about subsequent actions later. I'm also assuming the image of the town is approximately accurate as a map.
She goes across to the stream and has a look there, then returns to the road. She doesn't go up to the keep, only the base of the hill it's on. If it looks like settlement has ended before reaching that hill, she walks across country to the next road and returns along that. Otherwise, she'd just return by the same road, returning to the inn to see what the others are doing.
Last edited March 2, 2021 10:11 am
Mar 3, 2021 1:37 am
[ +- ] Hilmar's queston about the hand
He will also ask Amanda directions to the farmhouse referred to by the sheriff - assuming she knows which one the sheriff meant.

Hilmar will then go to look at the farmhouse and look at it from all sides.
Unless Amanda warns him not to go near the stone hand he will go for a walk to the centre of the village and look at the hand.
He will walk around the perimeter of the excavation, taking care not to go too near the edge. He will draw a picture of it with his charcoal and draw a plan, with notes as to the depth of the pit around it, positions of ladders and dimensions of the hand and the pit etc. After that he will return to the inn.
Last edited March 3, 2021 1:44 am


Mar 3, 2021 5:35 am
Hilmar says:
During the conversation with Amanda he says, "I noticed the huge stone hand, with five fingers and it looks like peple have been carrying out an excavation around it. What do you know about it?"
"Ah yes, The Hand. Did you notice it has six fingers? It's been around here longer than the town, probably long before the Empire. Nobody that I've ever met knows its past. But, we're grateful to it. The Shanka are afraid of it, we think, and that's why they rarely attack. It' become a bit of a good luck symbol for us."

"I'm not sure who tried to excavate it, that was before my time here. Rumour has it the poor chaps who tried to dig it out got down to the elbow, but then their heads got all full of nightmares and they skedaddled out of town. What a bunch of idiots, getting spooked by a statue."

"Hey, you'll find this fun - there's an old wives' tale that tells about a boy a hundred years ago who found a door in the wrist. Inside, He followed a staircase that led down below the surface and reached a chamber that contained a portal to another world. Can you imagine? People used to draw the stairs on the town maps and charge tourists a few silvers for it, you know, back when we actually had tourists. Gods, that is so long ago now!"

"Anyway, the only thing you really need to know about The Hand is that the Evershady Tavern is built right below it. Owned by yours truly! Got to be the best collection of wine anywhere in the north."

When Hilmar goes to sketch The Hand, he does indeed see that some of the excavation pits go quite far down, maybe even a hundred feet by your best reckoning. Rope ladders and such still remain, probably needed to fish out the occasional drunk from the Evershady who doesn't mind their step and ends up in the hole.


Mar 3, 2021 5:46 am
Kaa's and Naeris's wanderings are pleasant and uneventful. You cross paths with a few townsfolk, and they already know who you are.

Naeris runs into Rose's mother, Daisy, who is nothing but grateful that you brought her back home. She says she's never met an elf before and she's not sure what kind of food you like, but she's got a basket of raspberry muffins for you and your teammates.

Kaa is approached by a group of small children playing with a ball (really, it's a stuffed cow's stomach). They're a little nervous approaching you at first, but can't resist their curiosity to met such a different looking person. They chatter about how cool your axe and they ask you if you're going to chop off Ralavaz's head with it.
Mar 3, 2021 5:59 am
I wanna roll for a dream. A good night's sleep or a nightmare?


Dream? - (1d20)

(12) = 12


Mar 3, 2021 6:02 am
Hilmar (and anyone who wants to join) eventually find their way at the farmhouse. It is solidly-built two-story farmhouse, brightly colored. Seems like there's room enough to house five comfortably, with common areas, and even internal plumbing! A small cat comes up to you purrs as you look at the place. You suspect it might be his home too.
Mar 3, 2021 8:13 am
Alfrey returns from the cave in time to hear Amanda’s story about the stone hand. "That’s fascinating. The six fingers, the unknown origin, the effect on the Shanka — color me curious."

When Hilmar goes to investigate the hand, Alfrey tags along. "It has to be magic, don’t you think?" He asks the wizard. "Unless stone hands are just inherently frightening to Shanka for some reason, that must be a power that it has."

They examine the hand together, then while Hilmar is engrossed in his sketching, Alfrey decides to test his hypothesis. His hands and his lips begin to move and form the gestures and words characteristic of spell-casting. Concentrating deeply, he returns his now magically-enhanced gaze to the hand, hoping to see a hint of what power it might have — if any.
Casting detect magic — That’s my last spell slot for the day, hopefully I won’t need another :)
Once the pair are content with their findings, they make their way to the farmhouse. "Oh my — it’s beautiful! Not what I was expecting for an abandoned building." He turns his attention to the cat upon hearing its meow. "And hello to you too, little one." He crouches down and extends his hand to see if it will come to him.
Can I see whether the cat is a boy or a girl?
Mar 3, 2021 8:40 am
Kaa smiles at the kids, sits down so he is not towering above them so much.

"Its a big axe ain't it? Try lifting it!" he lets them play with it. "Try not to chop off your fingers tho ..."

At Ralavaz question he acts out how he is such a scary boogeyman, and he is going to sneak up on Ralavaz and eat him. He is a big man, he needs a lot to eat so the bandit might be enough for lunch tomorrow. If they stick around he keeps on storytelling, with some funny and some gruesome tales due to his raw manner. He might idly play around with the ball meanwhile (if it belongs to athletics or acrobatics he should be quite decent, with sleight of hand less so) and asks what they play.
Mar 3, 2021 9:45 am
Naeris is gracious towards Rose's mother "I'm glad she wasn't hurt in the fight" and thanks her for the muffins.
Is there a river crossing in the vicinity of the town, such as a bridge?
Are there any trees along the river or on the plain generally?
Mar 4, 2021 12:57 am
He listens with rapt attention at Amanda's comments about the hand with six digits. "How amazing! A prehistoric monument, that has a deterrent effect on the Shanka, a legend about a secret door and a portal to another world and what's more has an excellent tavern beneath it. What's not to like as they say?" He was intending to visit it but now is more keen than ever.
In the light of this and Alfrey's post he will visit the hand first.
[ +- ] callan says
"Highly likely, a magic of some kind, from what we've heard. Amanda was saying that those people excavating it, got as far as the elbow before they suffered some sort of turmoil and fled. I wonder if there is a complete body of stone beneath. I'd like a drink in that tavern as well sometime. Perhaps there is even some truth in that tale of the door in the wrist."
Before settling down to his sketches he examines the area of the wrist, looking to see if he can see any grooves or lines where a door might be. He knocks the stone at certain points.
Please let me know if he finds anything.
[ +- ] callan says
Hilmar looks up from his charcoal sketch and notes on parchment to look at the hand, before making adjustments to his drawings, when he sees Alfrey completing the verbal and manual components for a spell of some kind. He watches not wanting to disturb him. When he has finished he says, "Excellent idea, my friend. Did you get any sense of anything? I have an Identify spell, but it is not one of the ones I have prepared today. I never anticipated using an Identify spell on anything quite so large, but then why not?"
In the Player's Guide one of the components for the Identify spell is a pearl worth at least 100gp. Would this be necessary in your campaign? Some DMs wave most of the components if you have an arcane focus, but then retain some of them for certain spells like Find Familiar and possibly Identify. This is not one of Hilmar's prepared spells for today but in case for later :)
[ +- ] The Farmhouse
[ +- ] callan says
"What a lovely house! I was expecting some ramshackled, semi-derelict place with holes in the roof! He likes it too," referring to the cat and assuming it's male, "I reckon it's his home - the house has a sitting tenant! I've heard of cats settling somewhere and refusing to move." He bends down to stroke the cat.
What colour/colours is the cat?
"I'm beginning to really like this place - I mean the town of Hope in general. The people so far have been friendly and generous. Hopefully our companions will want to move in. Then there was Amanda's offer of free food and use of the hot spring while we're helping the sheriff deal with the bandits. I think we should see the sheriff tomorrow, take on the house and agree to help her in the struggle against the bandits. What's your view?"
A further question - how far away is the famhouse from the rest of the town?
Last edited March 4, 2021 1:11 am
Mar 4, 2021 1:40 am
At some point when most people have returned to the inn, Naeris compares notes with the others and learns about the visit to the hand and well but says that it's probably best to leave discussions until tomorrow. She says that she's happy to take on the farmhouse if the party likes it. She takes a room at the inn but then leaves after dark and heads to a place by the river, not too far from the town but where there's some cover. Listening to the sound of the river she goes into a trance for half the night and stays there afterwards for a few more hours because it's been a long day. Nearer the dawn, she wanders across the fields near the town, restfully observing nature before returning to her room as the sun rises.


Mar 4, 2021 2:22 am
callan says:
...Casting detect magic...
Nothing registers as magical in the vicinity of the hand.
callan says:
Can I see whether the cat is a boy or a girl?
The cat turns out to be ... a boi!


even = girl, odd = boy - (1d20)

(19) = 19

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