He listens with rapt attention at Amanda's comments about the hand with six digits.
"How amazing! A prehistoric monument, that has a deterrent effect on the Shanka, a legend about a secret door and a portal to another world and what's more has an excellent tavern beneath it. What's not to like as they say?" He was intending to visit it but now is more keen than ever.
In the light of this and Alfrey's post he will visit the hand first.
[ +- ] callan says
When Hilmar goes to investigate the hand, Alfrey tags along. "It has to be magic, don’t you think?" He asks the wizard. "Unless stone hands are just inherently frightening to Shanka for some reason, that must be a power that it has."
"Highly likely, a magic of some kind, from what we've heard. Amanda was saying that those people excavating it, got as far as the elbow before they suffered some sort of turmoil and fled. I wonder if there is a complete body of stone beneath. I'd like a drink in that tavern as well sometime. Perhaps there is even some truth in that tale of the door in the wrist."
Before settling down to his sketches he examines the area of the wrist, looking to see if he can see any grooves or lines where a door might be. He knocks the stone at certain points.
Please let me know if he finds anything.
[ +- ] callan says
They examine the hand together, then while Hilmar is engrossed in his sketching, Alfrey decides to test his hypothesis. His hands and his lips begin to move and form the gestures and words characteristic of spell-casting. Concentrating deeply, he returns his now magically-enhanced gaze to the hand, hoping to see a hint of what power it might have — if any.
Casting detect magic — That’s my last spell slot for the day, hopefully I won’t need another :)
Hilmar looks up from his charcoal sketch and notes on parchment to look at the hand, before making adjustments to his drawings, when he sees Alfrey completing the verbal and manual components for a spell of some kind. He watches not wanting to disturb him. When he has finished he says,
"Excellent idea, my friend. Did you get any sense of anything? I have an Identify spell, but it is not one of the ones I have prepared today. I never anticipated using an Identify spell on anything quite so large, but then why not?"OOC:
In the Player's Guide one of the components for the Identify spell is a pearl worth at least 100gp. Would this be necessary in your campaign? Some DMs wave most of the components if you have an arcane focus, but then retain some of them for certain spells like Find Familiar and possibly Identify. This is not one of Hilmar's prepared spells for today but in case for later :)
[ +- ] The Farmhouse
Hilmar (and anyone who wants to join) eventually find their way at the farmhouse. It is solidly-built two-story farmhouse, brightly colored. Seems like there's room enough to house five comfortably, with common areas, and even internal plumbing! A small cat comes up to you purrs as you look at the place. You suspect it might be his home too.
[ +- ] callan says
Once the pair are content with their findings, they make their way to the farmhouse. "Oh my — it’s beautiful! Not what I was expecting for an abandoned building." He turns his attention to the cat upon hearing its meow. "And hello to you too, little one." He crouches down and extends his hand to see if it will come to him.
"What a lovely house! I was expecting some ramshackled, semi-derelict place with holes in the roof! He likes it too," referring to the cat and assuming it's male,
"I reckon it's his home - the house has a sitting tenant! I've heard of cats settling somewhere and refusing to move." He bends down to stroke the cat.
What colour/colours is the cat?
"I'm beginning to really like this place - I mean the town of Hope in general. The people so far have been friendly and generous. Hopefully our companions will want to move in. Then there was Amanda's offer of free food and use of the hot spring while we're helping the sheriff deal with the bandits. I think we should see the sheriff tomorrow, take on the house and agree to help her in the struggle against the bandits. What's your view?"OOC:
A further question - how far away is the famhouse from the rest of the town?
Last edited March 4, 2021 1:11 am