Brush telepathically speaks such that all of his crew hear: Every moment that we deliberate on the matter, they think of strange ways to murder us or leave us stranded while they risk the lives of billions on the surface of the planet below.
B-9, I appreciate your opposing perspective, but in this case, we must weigh the risk of world-ending catastrophe against the prospect of killing these aggressors who attacked our vessel and wanted to leave us dead and/or alone here.
Their conflict with the giants that ended millenia ago is still alive and well in their minds, and we are cross-purposes to their agenda. We gave them a chance to live and let live, and they chose rather to threaten us, with intent to murder us.
Thank goodness that we are more formidable than they anticipated. We should end this now, and move on to trying to rescue the Aurora. They don't get a choice. We decide now.
I propose a vote amongst the crew. 51% majority means we execute that plan.
(1) We end this conflict by killing of the remaining Riedrans, we take their gear, we analyze their ship and logs, and we use the resources to determine our next course of action related to the Aurora.
(2) We spare the Riedrans, confiscating their weapons and leaving them stranded on a Siberys ring shard and wait while we attempt to save the crew of the Aurora from assimilation by the undead stone giant/mechanical hybrid.
(3) We spare the Riedrans and return them to their ship, and let them be on their way.
I vote for option 1.