The Game

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May 18, 2021 4:56 am
The Ring of Siberys
B-9 filters through the vast amount of data and diagnoses huge amounts of suffering. With his cognition vastly magnified, he can experience thousands of separate individual illnesses simultaneously: a halfling mother is dying in childbirth; an orc paladin lies mortally wounded after saving his village from a demon; a boy lies paralyzed after falling from a great height; a changeling father is coughing up blood from lung disease - the list goes on an on.

It occurs to B-9 that he might be able to reach out through this newfound connection and actually begin to heal these wounds. If he can survive long enough, he should be able to manipulate this divine connection and begin to untangle the web of suffering across Eberron.

Warp X tries in vain to discover the cause of the disaster that took the lives of his former crew. But it is not too late - he can keep trying! He senses it is just on the edge of his awareness. And if he can figure out the cause, maybe he can prevent the disaster in the first place?

A voice inside his head suddenly chimes in. It is L0-C0: "Hey boss, what's going on?! I am reading some crazy radiation numbers here! You gotta get to safety!"

Whispers sees into infinite darkness and on the other side he sees the crystal sphere that surrounds all of Eberron, its moons, the sun, and all that is within this plane of existence. He peers through the stars - holes in the crystal sphere - and looks outward and sees sphere upon infinite sphere, all worlds like Eberron but each one unique, different. And everywhere there are shadows. This unprecedented discovery could change Eberron forever.

His closed chakras are all that holds him back. Not even aware of them, he now knows his only limitations are contained within himself. Doubt. Fear. Shame. Can he overcome these mortal limitations?
B-9, Warp X, and Whispers must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw with advantage. On a failure, you gain 1 level of exhaustion and take 5d6 radiant damage.

If any of you wish to continue to pursue your god-like power, narrate your solution to your situation into a skill check and make a roll.

If you wish to abandon your powers and make for the shard, you'll need aim and fire the grappling hook at the target. Given you are nearly blinded, it will be at disadvantage. Feel free to make other suggestions!


May 18, 2021 5:05 am
Meanwhile, as Brush prays to the Becoming God as he works tirelessly to transport the Heart, he senses something he has never felt before. While he has prayed for so long, never did anything ever answer. But in this moment, he senses for the first time a nascent consciousness, struggling to become aware.
May 18, 2021 6:00 am

They force themselves over to the harpoon and proceed with the task of securing the floating shard. As they grasp the firing mechanism, they offer a prayer to their patron to guide their eyes true.
Casting Lesser Restoration as a means of combating the blindness.


Constitution Save DC 15, Advantage - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (20) + 3 = 23

1d20+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

Wild Magic - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Grappling Hook, disadvantage if the blinded persists - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (8) = 8

1d20 : (2) = 2

Wild Magic Surge - (1d100)

(35) = 35

Effect - (1d10)

(8) = 8

May 18, 2021 11:22 am
Whispers sinks into a meditative position on the skiff and begins steeling their mind against the negative emotions flowing in. Channeling their Ki into a mental barrier.
Will burn Ki on the wisdom save if needed


Con save Adv - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

1d20+2 : (12) + 2 = 14

Wisdom Save to stave off the negative emotions - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Ki dump for advantage - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Radiant - (5d6)

(22644) = 18

May 18, 2021 2:35 pm
lenpelletier says:
The Heart of Darkness
Tamara must merge the manifest zone with the binding circle she created in the first step. This is probably another DC 20 arcana roll, but let me know if you have other ideas. For both of you, feel free to employ every trick you have to make your rolls stick. Good luck!
I figure it is pretty much the same roll as before

Guidance from Brush +1d4
Artizan intuition +1d4
Enhance ability (intellect) adv on the roll
Expertise in Arcana
The roll 1d20+9+2d4
Tamaras dragon mark is burning fiercely as she wields its power. She binds, crafts, and weaves magic. When she needs an instrument or a component, it is in her hand. She is so focused that she does not notice the nosebleed from magical exertion. Her dragonmark slowly moves to her face where a long line of the mark positions itself under her nose, soaking up the blood.
Result: DC 30
Last edited May 18, 2021 2:36 pm


Arcana +9 (Exper) +1D4 (advantage) - (1d20+9, 1d20+9, 2d4)

1d20+9 : (14) + 9 = 23

1d20+9 : (7) + 9 = 16

2d4 : (43) = 7

May 18, 2021 7:21 pm
lenpelletier says:
The Heart of Darkness
Brush is in charge of physically moving the heart from The Aurora to The Way. It weighs as much as an elephant. Think about your plan and convert it into a skill roll. This is a difficult and delicate procedure, so probably a DC 20 skill roll, but I'll hear any proposal.
I will make the assumption that Tam will be giving another bardic inspiration (hopefully), and yes, Brush gives Tam whatever she needs to improve the odds of success.

He is going to use another Religion roll, using Guidance to boost my result, and rerolling the bardic inspiration (1d10).

Here's to hoping!

EDIT: 12+7+49+3 = 31

EDIT 2: I meant to use Athletics. My Athletics is also a +7, so the same roll can apply.
Brush looks around at the heart, and looks at the space it needs to go into. He pushes and grasps at different parts of the Heart to feel its weight, its distribution of weight, and finds hand-holds and such to see what it would take to move this thing.

He prays to his god, takes the mote of inspiration from Tam as she chimes in on some theoretical means, and finds some ways to leverage the heart. He moves boulders and rocks that he can find to help, and he takes some of the plating that the undead peeled away from the Aurora, and he begins devising a method of sliding and rolling the Heart along planks that rest on round boulders as a means of transporting the Heart. He has 3 sheets of metal that the Heart rests on as he rolls it along the surface of the metal and boulders. He also makes sure to check the Heart periodically, to ensure that it stays undamaged during the transport.
lenpelletier says:
Meanwhile, as Brush prays to the Becoming God as he works tirelessly to transport the Heart, he senses something he has never felt before. While he has prayed for so long, never did anything ever answer. But in this moment, he senses for the first time a nascent consciousness, struggling to become aware.
At this feeling, he attempts to peer see using his soul, to reach beyond himself, in order to find where this entity is making these attempts for consciousness.
Last edited May 18, 2021 7:30 pm


Religion (DC20) + Bardic Inspiration (Reroll) + Guidance - (1d20+7, 1d10, 1d10, 1d4)

1d20+7 : (12) + 7 = 19

1d10 : (4) = 4

1d10 : (9) = 9

1d4 : (3) = 3

Perception (reaching out with his essence to find where the consciousness is) - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

May 19, 2021 2:19 am
"Not much... time!" W.A.R.P. X shouted as it refocused its tertiary sensors on the here and now and the shard, then eyed B-9 at the firing controls. In one possible future where B-9 was successful, W.A.R.P. X immediately piloted the skiff away. In another where the medical unit was not, W.A.R.P. X moved beside B-9, autowinched in the grappler, reset it, and fired again using its Clockwork Amulet-enhanced tertiary sensors as telemetric guidance!
[ +- ] Grappler
Trying to use the Time Vision for good, channeling it through the Clockwork Amulet to take 10 on the attack roll and hopefully negate a disadvantage roll.
If not, it's got one final and very dangerous plan.
Edit: Fortuitously got 10 as the low attack roll. 10 was meant to be. :P
Last edited May 19, 2021 2:28 am


CON save - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

1d20+2 : (14) + 2 = 16

Arcana (advantage via Goggles of Object Reading) - (1d20+9, 1d20+9)

1d20+9 : (12) + 9 = 21

1d20+9 : (19) + 9 = 28

Grappler - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (10) = 10

1d20 : (13) = 13


May 26, 2021 7:45 pm
The Heart of Darkness
Tamara pilots the The Way into position. Aleksander begins marshalling a workforce of undead to to do the delicate move, but it is unnecessary: Brush transcends physical limitations as he personally moves The Heart, working concert with his manifested soul to be both powerful and precise. Was it the Siberys energy that had infused him? Or was this a blessing conferred upon him by the Becoming God? Either way, the three Karrnathi ghosts watch in awe as Brush and his soul bring The Heart onto the way.

On the other end, Tamara works in a blur of genius. No longer just human, she is at one with the Mark of Making, her body aglow. She bends - for lack of a better word, since she is beyond cutting-edge magitech theory - the binding magic into the correct formation to accept the manifest zone and keep it from imploding, dragging them all into The Endless Night.

All they are missing now is Siberys shard - the final piece to make this miracle happen.
May 26, 2021 8:17 pm
After Brush's feat of strength and physics to get the Heart into the Way undamaged, he asks to be excused momentarily, and then he finds a secluded section of the ship and begins meditating, attempting to commune with this waking consciousness.

"Oh God, I have summoned my faith and strength in thee for this long time. I have traveled the world, studied dogmas and holy writs, and explored the Great Beyond to find thee.

"If there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me? I will give away all my sins to know thee."

He pleads in mighty, humble prayer, that he might commune with his god.


May 26, 2021 8:28 pm
The Ring of Siberys
On the skiff, the radiation is taking its toll the warforged. Each of the heroes abandons their god-like powers in favor of holding true to their original purpose. There is disorientation as they acclimate to mortality again, but W.A.R.P. X manages to make contact with a shard with the aid of a supercharged Clockwork Amulet.

Drawing the shard into the skiff, they return to The Way. All three of the warforged are visibly changed by the exposure, golden light fading from their eyes.

The three present their Siberys shard - a warm amber crystal big enough that Tamara could easily hide behind it and be completely hidden. On Khorvaire, the value of this shard would be beyond measure. To the three Karrnathi ghosts, it is worth more - their very lives hang on the shard to deliver the power necessary to contain the Mabaran manifest zone and hold the Endless Night at bay.
Tamara - wrap up the project with a DC 20 arcana roll to see if you contain the manifest zone with the power of Siberys shard.


May 26, 2021 9:07 pm
In The Void
Somewhere beyond the Crystal Sphere, the Becoming God opens his mind for the first time. Four warforged and their Dragonmarked friend united in purpose transcend their original design and touch the divine in the midst of the Ring of Siberys.

The Mender, B-9: built to heal victims of violence, transcending beyond to witness the wider fabric of despair and decay that plagues the world. With his faith, The Mender ignites a call to action within the nascent God.

The Traveler, W.A.R.P. X - built to reach the stars only to fall and rise again. The Traveler's determination in the face of grief and self-sacrifice ignite the spirit within the nascent God.

The Enlightened, Whispers - born in darkness, seeking glory, perfection, and the mysteries of the universe. The Enlightened ignites curiosity and drive within the nascent God.

The Builder, Tamara d'Cannith - Though not a warforged herself, her bonds of friendship of the warforged people entwine her spirituality. It was the Mark of Making that brought the Warforged back to life in the modern age, and her blazing dragonmark and own genius ignites the intellect of the nascent God.

The Disciple, Death's Brush - built to kill, only to discover his own soul. His self-awareness, unshakable faith, and determination to control his own destiny is the final key to igniting the divinity of the nascent God.
The Becoming God hears Brush's prayer and answers back. The voice is but a whisper

Death's Brush.
First of my believers.
I am forged into being.
What should I call myself?

In the distance, for all of Eberron to see, new stars form on the Crystal Sphere. Points of light grow out of the black and form the patter of a single, perfect cog.
May 26, 2021 9:28 pm
"If it pleases thee, I resonate with the appellation, 'The Spark Divine', though I am happy to use whichever title or designation that thou wouldst prefer.

"It perplexes me. How wast thou forged into being? Our efforts were devoted to saving these Karrnathi souls; we did not anticipate thy birth or ascension into divinity, though it is glorious to witness!

"I see the display of thy birth in my mind's eye, and I am in awe."
May 26, 2021 10:39 pm
W.A.R.P. X felt a bit sad that the pleasant glow was receding but the burnt sections on Whispers' plating were reminder enough that they'd gotten out just in time. With a motion like polishing a surface, W.A.R.P. X cast a healing spell on the Whispers.

"Exquisite. This uni... I knew you and Death's Brush could achieve such a marvel," W.A.R.P. X said as he inspected the magnificent work. "Any estimate as to this working's decay rate? Will it at least survive reentry before the Karnathi defenses blast us out of their airspace? Allow me to assist in finalizing the invocation."

His words were grim but there was a mirth in them that most here had never heard before. He had faced the past yet again but had accepted it and looked away from it toward building a new future.

L0-C0, I said I owed you the truth, and I will give it to you. If you choose to stay up here, the Colossus will retrieve you when it arrives. If you come with us, you can see what Khorvaire is like today. You can find new purpose.

With that, W.A.R.P. X told his docent all about the thousands of years since the Giants destroyed the enemy moon, the present state of Khorvaire, and the most likely undead current state of the Giants aboard the Colossus.
Healing Word on Whispers.
Using the Help action so Tamara's Arcana roll gets advantage.


Healing Word - (1d4+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

May 27, 2021 5:13 am
Tamara's tools are lying around her, but she is not using them anymore. Magic symbols, lines and wands are just aids to get the magic user in the right mindset. She is that mindset. W.A.R.P. X does his best to help her, but she dosent need the tools that he is handing her, nor the drawn lines. She has it all in her head.
And she is witnessing the awakening of a god, in her mind she is cataloging the process, trying to understand. She does her part, but whatever extra attention is focused on the divine spark.
Artizan intuition +1d4
Enhance ability (intellect) adv on the roll
Expertise in Arcana
The roll 1d20+9+1d4 with adv
10+9+1 = DC 20
Tamara is getting near a Bad wolf moment
Last edited May 27, 2021 5:22 am


Arcana +9 (Exper) +1D4 - (1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d4)

1d20+9 : (6) + 9 = 15

1d20+9 : (10) + 9 = 19

1d4 : (1) = 1


May 29, 2021 11:15 pm
Tamara fuses the massive Siberys Shard with the binding apparatus, its power increases exponentially. The manifest zone is bound and held firmly in place. Tamara has created a manifest zone binding rig, the first of its kind in the history of the Five Nations of Khorvaire.

With the Mabaran manifest zone in place, the darkness seeps through The Way. Lights grow dim, the temperature cools significantly, and a subdued soundscape of distant screams and howling winds fills the ship. There is a general feeling that things are 'sliding' toward the Heart, but when you stop to look you can see that nothing is actually moving.
Meanwhile, L0-C0 listens to Warp's story. It is silent for sometime, and then speaks again with a subdued voice. "I don't know how to process your words, boss. There are certain fundamental axioms that my cognition depends on. I exist as solely as a tool of the Cul'sir Dominion. My very purpose is to further Emperor Cul'sir's command. What am I now that the empire is gone? I am without purpose. Existence is ... futile."
Meanwhile the Brush continues to commune with his God.

The Spark Divine.
So it was spoken by the first Disciple, so it shall be.

The actions of the Mender, Traveler, and Enlightened
Were like casting a stone into the pond of divinity.
The ripples awakened me.
Already growing from the prayers of the Warforged.
But as the pond returns to stillness,
So shall I return to stillness.
And await the wave which will bring me to the shore.
I will always remember my name, Death's Brush, first Disciple.
Spread it to my followers
So that they may know me when I return.

The stars that form The Becoming God's constellation are fading and the sky is returning to normal. You all sense you have only moments before the divine being ceases to exist.
May 30, 2021 1:33 am
"Resistance to change is futile. Either we evolve or die. Upgrade or become obsolete. I have learned this only recently, and I believe you can, too. Didn't you feel it with me just now? The fire of creation? And now the birth of a god! You can choose your own fate, L0-C0. You can rejoin the undead remnants of the Dominion or you can come with us to find new purpose on Khorvaire. If you come to the surface, I will be with you if you wish. No one should be alone, not even those with seemingly singular purpose."

While the docent contemplated the nature of its existence, W.A.R.P. X inspected the active manifest zone.

"You've achieved metastable equilibrium. A virtuoso creation, Tamara. While you monitor it, I will pilot The Way. We should fulfill our promise to return for the Riedrans. I can try to plot a course avoiding the worst of the Siberys radiation but I fear undue variation might lead to false vacuum collapse. We could take the two skiffs to them and leave them the damaged one with tools to repair it. I intend to impress Larhut and the flight team with the fully operation one."
May 30, 2021 6:59 am
lenpelletier says:
Meanwhile the Brush continues to commune with his God.

The Spark Divine.
So it was spoken by the first Disciple, so it shall be.

The actions of the Mender, Traveler, and Enlightened
Were like casting a stone into the pond of divinity.
The ripples awakened me.
Already growing from the prayers of the Warforged.
But as the pond returns to stillness,
So shall I return to stillness.
And await the wave which will bring me to the shore.
I will always remember my name, Death's Brush, first Disciple.
Spread it to my followers
So that they may know me when I return.

The stars that form The Becoming God's constellation are fading and the sky is returning to normal. You all sense you have only moments before the divine being ceases to exist.
Brush speaks to his fading god: "How will I awaken thee from thy slumber?"

He begins to sob, a strange occurrence for him.

The emotions flood his consciousness, and his soul, connected to his body of metal and wood fiber, visibly stretches towards the newly-formed and newly-fading stars in the heavens, even if Brush cannot see them physically.

"I love thee, Oh Spark Divine! Do not leave me or my brothers stranded on a world full of organic creatures.

"We are more when we are with thee here among the Rings of Siberys. WE ARE MORE than mere constructs because of thy tender mercies of blessing us with a spark of thy divinity within us. It is manifest in my soul, as I reach out to thee now.

"Sleep well, my God! I will call upon thee, and evangelize thy name forevermore.

"I pray that thou wilt continue to bless me with the power to expand others souls, just as my faith in thee helped me to discover my own."


Jun 1, 2021 9:02 pm
The voice of The Spark Divine is now so distant, Brush is not certain he hears it at all, and yet in his memory he finds this sentence recorded, a commandment to all warforged on how to awaken him:

The key to finding your soul is not finding me.
The key to finding me is finding your soul.


Jun 1, 2021 9:13 pm
The three Karrnathi ghosts board the ship, cautious at first, but soon realize there is nowhere else for them to be. Aleksander is beyond astonished.

"Tamara, I knew you were brilliant but this ... this isn't like anything I've ever seen. This is ... a hundred years? ahead of anything seen in Khorvaire. It is truly an honor to witness it. I can see that it has cost you dearly - allow us to maintain the manifest zone while you rest."

The ghosts assume positions around the heart and begin to weave necromantic magic once more, to contain the Tamara's impossible structure.

Behind the ghosts two hulking ogre skeletons carry a huge chest on board. Aleksander comments with a smile: b]"These are national treasures of Karrnath. We brought them to help us succeed at our mission, but as a token of our gratitude - and our friendship - we would like you to have them."[/b]
Feel free to describe the reward that you find within the chest for your character if you wish to take one.
The Way once again takes flight with Warp X at the helm. The ship leaves the wreckage of the Aurora. The flameskulls fly in formation around your ship.
Anything you'd like to do with the Aurora wreckage before we leave?


Jun 1, 2021 9:17 pm
L0-C0 can't cry, but there is no hiding the grief in his voice.

"I don't know a world without Cul'sir, Boss. I ... can't accept it. I'm not sure I ever will. But, I would rather try to find a new purpose than serve in a graveyard of what was once. Will you show me this world of yours?"
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