The Game


Feb 25, 2021 6:23 pm
7 Sypheros, 999 YK

"60 ... 59 ... 58 ..."

The countdown droned in the background as everyone took their places on board the command deck of The Way. This moment had been years in the making, and everyone had made sacrifices.

The last few days had been a flurry of activity. Normally everything calculation, every elemental binding, and every magical enchantment should be double and triple checked. But world events forced the team to advanced their launch schedule significantly. The Karrnathi, a powerful nation and rival in the space race, had put their ship, The Aurora, into orbit first. But, the Karrnathi lost contact with the The Aurora. Suspecting foul play, Karrnath has mobilized military forces to its border with Aundair, believing their greatest rival in the space race responsible. Now, all of Khorvaire holds its breath amid the rising tensions and wonders if the continent will be plunged back into war.

In response, your team has diverted its plans of exploring the stars to rescue The Aurora, putting years of work and sacrifice on the line to make sure The Siberys Crisis ends peacefully.
Welcome to The Siberys Crisis everyone! Please give us an introductory post that tells us how your character is doing and feeling as you are about to launch! You can be anywhere on or around the ship.
Feb 25, 2021 7:36 pm
Tamara is strapped into the command chair. Several elevation spells have been edged into the support towers. Those would give the ship its first boost when the counter hit 0. They were built without fail saves, meaning that they would give them a hell of a boost, but the towers would fail spectrally.
She has given each crew member a mote of potential, as the launch is properly the most dangerous part of their mission. Properly.

She is appeasing the elementals bound in the ship "The Way", preparing them for take-off.
[ +- ] Mote of Potential + Bardic Inspiration
Last edited February 25, 2021 7:38 pm
Feb 25, 2021 7:45 pm
Whispers waits quietly for launch. Had they been organic, perhaps they would be doing breathing exercises? Maybe their palms would be sweaty? Whispers doesn't know for sure. The mechanations and reactions of the organics never really interested them. But this mission? This mission could be the one that cements them into the annals of history. As something greater than being known as a thief.
Last edited February 25, 2021 9:52 pm
Feb 25, 2021 9:39 pm
In the infirmary, B-9's heavy feet clomp slowly from the recently-secured cabinets to one of two chairs in the corner to strap themselves in. They pass the long medical bed in the middle of the room, currently free from an occupant; idly, B-9 processes the percentage of that remaining true during this trip.

The infirmary's supplies had been stocked and checked (twice), organized by purpose and potential frequency of use. B-9 thinks to label each cabinet and drawer, but calculates the odds that supplies will run out on their extended trip, much less be completely ignored by those without the applicable knowledge.

They ignore the mote flitting about their head. So long as it did not interfere with their function, B-9 considers the mote as yet another oddity borne from the minds of creatures quite alien to themselves.

B-9 meditates upon that last thought. Each creature on The Way has a unique set of skills. Perhaps their methods of organization and utility differ as greatly as they might compare to B-9's. They wonder at the odds that one or more of the others think to label which sword should hang at which hip.

As the launch sequence begins, B-9 can feel the vibrations of the engaged elementals coursing through the floor and walls. They settle upon a calculation of chance that the ship will explode and assign the number to a memory slot appropriately organized for such, then they wait.
Feb 25, 2021 10:02 pm
Meribel d'Medani had spent the leadup to the launch countdown going around the ship and checking in with each of the crew members, cracking what she considered to be jokes, unperturbed by the general lack of reaction she got from the warforged contingent. She talks when she gets nervous, after all, and who wouldn't be nervous under these circumstances? Launching oneself into the air under the power of bound elementals who'd probably be just as happy to let the whole contraption explode if they had their way? Madness.

But also exciting, she had to admit.

After all, it was either this or get kicked out on the street by the House, and she had to admit that she was far too fond of a softer sort of life to let that happen. She had always loved particularly sticky challenges, though she also had to admit that she far preferred it when she was the one sticking other people, not the one getting stuck.

As she settles and straps into one of the seats near the cargo bay -- she'd been acting roughly as a quartermaster recently, and taken up quarters there -- she mutters a silent prayer to whatever gods might protect her against the very strong likelihood she'll be throwing up on launch. So very undignified, that would be.
Feb 25, 2021 10:30 pm
It is checking the readouts and pressure gauges on the instrument panels of its seat rests on the bridge.
It is calm.
It is fine.
It is not remembering the last time.
It is not remembering the exhalaration of liftoff, the elation of soaring, the shock of explosion, the burning of freed elementals, the falling with bits of charred meat which had seconds before been smiling crew mates, the crashing through water as hard as concrete, the months of painful physical and embarrassing cognitive reconstruction.
It is not remembering the last time.
It is fine.
It is calm.
It is checking the readouts and pressure gauges on the instrument panels of its seat rests on the bridge.
Last edited February 25, 2021 10:33 pm
Feb 26, 2021 4:56 am
Death’s Brush feels very calm. One of the gifts that his god has blessed him with is nerves of steel. That expression always made him chuckle inside.

He thinks about the strangeness of his personality, when compared to his fellow companions. He logs these thoughts in his memory:

Why is his consciousness so different from his companions’? He identifies as male, whereas others do not ascribe to one gender or another.
Why does his soul manifest itself at will, whereas no one else’s seems to do so, organic nor constructed?
Why does he understand humor, where others do not?
Why is he neurodivergent from his brothers, whereas he would be considered neurotypical had he been an organic?

After seconds of contemplation and reflection, his mind comes back to where he is and what he’s doing here. He’s here to save some friends that he hasn’t met yet. Now, he needs to bolster his friends here. He turns on the comms and gives another sermon.

"Well, friends? We embark, a fellowship of Dragonmarked and Warforged, on a mission of world-changing import. And thanks to the efforts of our brothers, especially B-9 and WARP X, we are on the precipice of discovery, and on a mission of charity. Those Karrnathi space racers are stuck and need our aid.

"We Warforged were made to end lives, and yet, here we are on a mission to save them; not just the lives of our brothers lost in space, but countless others entangled in the web of intrigue that our politicians play. WE ARE MORE!

"The dragonmarked houses, and our patrons, all have a vested interest in our mission, and we will deliver to them, but our discoveries will be greater than just the trinkets they may wish us to bring. We may touch the divine today.

"It is said that the great wyrm Siberys was ripped in twain by his wicked sister. We will honor his memory by exploring for ourselves his holy remains. WE ARE MORE!

"May each of us dig into our souls and find a reason for the journey that we will be on. I am confident that we will endure, we will thrive, we will succeed, and we will write our names forever in the history books. We will be back to tell our story. This is a divine mission, and we will succeed because we have the entire world’s hopes and prayers aimed right at us.


He ends the transmission, feeling good about the oratory.

He then rests his arms, he cracks his neck, and he nuzzled his head into the headrest of his seat.

Ah...this is comfortable...
Feb 26, 2021 6:22 am
B-9's eyes shift to the speaking tube connecting the infirmary to the bridge. "Impressive," they say to themselves. "The audio capacity must have been adjusted for clarity."


Feb 26, 2021 7:41 pm
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... IGNITION.

The countdown reaches its nadir and Tamara punches the state-of-the-art twin-elemental drives into action. A high-pitched whine fills the entire ship, and it shakes horribly as the bound elementals begin to manifest their truest self - pure, raw elemental power. Animals across the secret island scurry for cover, and even sea life for miles around feels the vibrations.

Fortunately the support towers activate precisely on time and accelerate the ship in concert with the drive ignition. Without the boost, the ship's hull (constructed from the famous anti-gravity soarwood) would not be sufficient to push above the altitude ceiling that limits the flight of airships.

The Way soars dramatically into the air. The G-Forces are intense for several minutes but gradually fade as the ship rises above the clouds. It's not a smooth ride by any means, and looking out the window you can see in places some of the sheet metal that covers the outside of the ship to protect the soarwood from atmospheric friction is starting to peel back.

The higher you get, the brighter the Rings of Siberys become. A halo of golden radiance that surrounds Eberron, this is your destination. Those of you who take a moment to look back on Eberron can see all of Khorvaire. The Mournland is particularly chilling to see, a huge swath of the continent shrouded in deadly mist - a reminder of the horrors of war in the modern age.
[ +- ] The Ring of Siberys
You approach the last known position of The Aurorarapidly, two thousand feet above the ring itself and cut the drives. You have actually made it into orbit! The Arcane Congress's speaking stone suddenly errupts with chatter. It is your contact at the Starpeaks Observatory, Jenzic Gemhair*, a Gnome of much fame and distinction in the field of Cosmology.
[ +- ] Jenzic Gemhair
"So, did you blow up yet? I don't see you yet on my scopes - oh wait ... enhance! Ahh, there you are. The Way is looking BEA-UTIFUL!"
DM Notes:
* Siberys Radiation Levels: Low
* Jenzic prefers gender-neutral pronouns (they/them).
* Remember your motes of inspiration!
Feb 26, 2021 8:46 pm
"Jenzic, Brush here. Things are going swimmingly on our end, thanks to WARP's ingenuity and Tam's flying.

"The rings and the planet look stunning from here!"


Feb 26, 2021 8:54 pm
As The Way decelerates at the coordinates, you see no sign of the Karrnathi ship, but there is a nearby cluster of debris closer to the ring. Below you the ring glitters gold, and not far away, there are two large asteroids tumbling in the dark - one much further away than the other.

In the night sky above you, the stars glitter, distant mysteries on the inside of the Crystal Sphere that surrounds the Material Plane. Much closer to you but still quite distant are four of Eberron's twelve moons - Sphyros, Aryth, Vult, and Rhaan. Between the moons and the Crystal Sphere, Arrah, Eberron's sun orbits around the planet.

The cold of space is starting to seep through the hull and temperatures are slowly dropping inside the ship, and the soarwood hull creaks and groans as temperature extremes even out. Everything is bathed in the golden glow of the Rings of Siberys.
Ready to take actions from the crew! What would you like to do?


Feb 26, 2021 9:04 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
"Jenzic, Brush here. Things are going swimmingly on our end, thanks to WARP's ingenuity and Tam's flying. The rings and the planet look stunning from here!"[/color]
"I'll bet, Brush. Gods damn. I always imagined it like floating over a massive river of gold coins. Suppose that's not far from the truth given that even one of those Siberys shards would be enough to retire on."

Those who know Jeznic well, or those with a high passive insight, can hear the wistful regret Jeznic's voice that they're not up there with you.

"Alright, any sign of The Aurora?"
Feb 26, 2021 10:09 pm
"That's a negative, Jenzic. There is a cluster of debris near the ring of Siberys, but we are uncertain of what it is comprised of.

"Tam, can we get closer to the debris? We do need to see the makeup of that detritus."
Feb 26, 2021 10:57 pm
Warp had kept itself calm. It had monitored the dials, compensated twice for elemental anomalies in the drives, and dared not look outside until The Way reached orbit. It unbuckled itself from its safety harness and looked with barely suppressed awe at the blue-green world below it, the golden shower around it, and the dark universe yawning above it.

"Fascinating," it said emotionlessly. "Siberys radiation levels are within acceptable levels but they may rise."

There was still death here. Focus on the work.

It made its way to the nearest telescope and zoomed in on the debris field.


Perception - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Feb 27, 2021 3:25 am
Whispers slips away to check on the damaged panels, or so they say. Then spends a few minutes sketching the view from outside the ship before returning.

"The panels should be repairable before reentry. Is there any sign of the Aurora?"
Feb 27, 2021 3:44 am
B-9 unstraps themselves from the chair, then begins a methodical walk to the galley to begin preparations for the in-flight meal.
Feb 27, 2021 4:12 am
Brush speaks to Whispers, "Nothing definitive at this point, my friend.

"We saw some debris closer to the ring, which we will investigate in short order.

"WARP, what do you see out there with that telescope?"


Feb 27, 2021 4:48 am
WARP focuses the lenses and catches the drifting debris in a good light. It sees torn rigging and splintered wood that definitely belong to some kind of ship, however there is not nearly enough of it to account for an entire vessel or even a quarter of one. In addition there is a small piece of debris that looks like a ship's launch or small skiff perhaps, drifting and badly damaged. As the skiff lists, it reveals a humanoid body behind it. It is shiny like metal, spread-eagled and rather large, possibly bigger than the entire skiff (although difficult to tell at this range).

Ad you are watching, you barely notice it but you are sure you saw some kind of shimmer - the kind of distortion that looks the way air shimmers over a hot stone. It lasts only for a moment and is gone.
Feb 27, 2021 4:55 am
WARP audibly inhaled.

"This unit sees a broken escape pod, perhaps, and what might be an iron golem or Warforged. We must retrieve it. Helm, is it feasible to bring The Way closer to the wreckage? This unit can telekinetically bring the humanoid aboard."
Feb 27, 2021 5:25 am
"If we can get close enough, I can scout.
Im assuming space is relatively dark
Last edited February 27, 2021 5:25 am
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