The Game

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Mar 14, 2021 5:10 am
Confident that Tamara will be able to hear A'an's answer, B-9 proceeds out to the deck to rescue the fallen Riedrans. He touches each to cast Spare the Dying to keep them unconscious, but out of danger of dying.
Mar 14, 2021 5:11 am
Brush is poised to start smashing the skiff’s controls to smithereens.
Mar 14, 2021 8:46 am
We don't judge them for what they are. We judge them for what they did. They are still a threat. If we leave them at their ship, they are a threat. If we keep them here, they are a threat. To leave them hanging in space, would be crule. The most mercyfull we can do, is to offer them a quick death
Mar 14, 2021 9:10 am
I agree with Tam on this one. I think the right call for us is if we give them a speedy path to Dolurrh, and we evaluate the situation once we place them on their way.

Another thing that worries me in this scenario is the fact that Riedra is already in space, and it seems they have an active space force. Chances are that these will not be the only inspired we find.

We must do everything we can to prepare ourselves, and that includes repurposing their tools and gear to aid in our efforts.
Mar 14, 2021 10:33 am
Whispers walks to the docent and picks it up to examine it more closely.


Mar 14, 2021 3:43 pm
A'an ignores your line of questioning.

"Those Titans are all that are left of that malevolent mission to destroy the Thirteenth Moon. The Dragons of Argonesson destroyed their war machine in retribution, but the crew secretly survived by making unholy pacts and replacing their body parts with their magic machines. They strive to repair their war machine and seek to assimilate the Aurora.

The Aurora crashed on the nearest asteroid after the Titans attacked it. There is less than 24 hours before the Titan war machine reaches it.

My people won't let them take The Aurora. We will destroy it before we let it get in the hands of the Titan's. The same goes for your ship should they capture you. We cannot afford to let this menace grow stronger.

We are open to working with you to defeat the Titans, however. You have proved yourselves as formidable warriors. Perhaps you can rid the world of this horrific threat once and for all.

Visit the Aurora, confirm our story with the survivors, if that word applies to what crewed that vessel."


Mar 14, 2021 3:45 pm
Whispers sees that the sphere of mithril and gemstones is currently inert. There is no outward sign of what it does.
Mar 14, 2021 8:18 pm
B-9 completes their triage of the fallen Riedrans, and works to bring them together on deck so they can be secured. They consider the words of A'an and how trustworthy the Riedrans can be, given the situation.

As things settle in, B-9 circulates among their companions to treat wounds. "Do not be alarmed. This is a disinfecting spray," they say as they spritz a colorless mist across the cuts and bruises. "You will only experience a mild discomfort." They proceed to wrap gauze and strips of clean cloth where necessary.
Using the healer's kit to restore 1d6+14 HP (4 + each person's maximum HD). If people need more HP, let me know and I will use Cure Wounds.


WASP, Tamara, Brush, Whispers - (1d6+14, 1d6+14, 1d6+14, 1d6+14)

1d6+14 : (5) + 14 = 19

1d6+14 : (1) + 14 = 15

1d6+14 : (4) + 14 = 18

1d6+14 : (3) + 14 = 17

Insight Check - (1d20+9)

(11) + 9 = 20

Mar 14, 2021 9:10 pm
18 HP is a blessing to Brush! He loves it!
Mar 14, 2021 10:08 pm
Under B-9's healing mist and bandages, most of the penetrating trauma to W.A.R.P. X's sternum was sealed and healed.

"This unit is appreciative of your..." W.A.R.P. X began before it paused and smiled ever so slightly. "Thank you, B-9."

We should strand them where we found them: on an isolated asteroid too far to teleport to anywhere else but empty space. Leave them with nothing but their suits. They will have greater motivation to be fully truthful about the situation we are going into should their own survival depend on our survival and return to retrieve them. Is there a quorum on this suggested course of action? W.A.R.P. X asked mentally.
With thanks, that's 45/51 HP.
Last edited March 14, 2021 10:13 pm
Mar 14, 2021 10:10 pm
Brush agrees with this suggested course of action. He stays aboard the skiff for the time being.


Mar 15, 2021 11:53 pm
Studying the nearby stellar environment, there are two major asteroids: a nearby one that A'an indicated the Aurora is wrecked upon, and a more distant larger Asteroid shrouded in darkness. Closer by there are some small rocks that could do the job, but aren't much larger than your ship. There is also a fair bit of debris in the Ring itself, but it is suspected that the radiation levels caused by so many Siberys crystals in close proximity is dangerous.
Mar 16, 2021 12:01 am
B-9 considers the suggestion and deliberates for more than a number of seconds. I do not agree with this course of action, they transmit over the telepathic bond. To abandon them in space with no life support is tantamount to murder.
Last edited March 16, 2021 12:11 am
Mar 16, 2021 12:18 am
It is only murder if we do not survive to rescue them. If we survive, they survive, and that symbiosis is the only thing that will increase the probability of them being honest with us about what we will encounter. This unit proposes increasing their time sensitive peril by isolating them on debris within the Ring of Siberys. The high radiation levels in addition to dwindling oxygen reserves should prove excellent motivations for truthful dialogue, W.A.R.P. X suggested coldly.
Mar 16, 2021 12:28 am
I object to leaving them in such a hostile environment, B-9 states. Regardless of your intentions to recover them, they are prisoners of war, and subjecting them to such dangers is torture.

Lacking any manacles, B-9 leaves the unconscious Riedrans on the deck and walks towards the bridge. "Your companions have been stabilized to the best of my ability," they say to A'an. "They are unconscious, but alive."
Mar 16, 2021 12:35 am
Brush telepathically speaks such that all of his crew hear: Every moment that we deliberate on the matter, they think of strange ways to murder us or leave us stranded while they risk the lives of billions on the surface of the planet below.

B-9, I appreciate your opposing perspective, but in this case, we must weigh the risk of world-ending catastrophe against the prospect of killing these aggressors who attacked our vessel and wanted to leave us dead and/or alone here.

Their conflict with the giants that ended millenia ago is still alive and well in their minds, and we are cross-purposes to their agenda. We gave them a chance to live and let live, and they chose rather to threaten us, with intent to murder us.

Thank goodness that we are more formidable than they anticipated. We should end this now, and move on to trying to rescue the Aurora. They don't get a choice. We decide now.

I propose a vote amongst the crew. 51% majority means we execute that plan.

(1) We end this conflict by killing of the remaining Riedrans, we take their gear, we analyze their ship and logs, and we use the resources to determine our next course of action related to the Aurora.
(2) We spare the Riedrans, confiscating their weapons and leaving them stranded on a Siberys ring shard and wait while we attempt to save the crew of the Aurora from assimilation by the undead stone giant/mechanical hybrid.
(3) We spare the Riedrans and return them to their ship, and let them be on their way.

I vote for option 1.
Mar 16, 2021 12:56 am
This unit would prefer the clean certainty of the first option but it is... at pains to justify the loss of life if there are other options which may yield valuable information to increase the chances of our mission's success. This unit votes for the second option so long as the Riedrans provide concrete tactical data in exchange for their lives and our oath to return for them, W.A.R.P. X weighed in, its glowing finger never wavering from its target: A'an's head.
Mar 16, 2021 3:06 am
While I would prefer the alternative option of joining forces, if we are limited in our choices I will choose Number Three. The second choice is also preferable to option one, though not without reservation. B-9 states telepathically. After a pause, they add, I strongly recommend we do not resort to murder. To quote an esteemed colleague, 'We are more.' We ought to demonstrate that.


Mar 17, 2021 4:23 am
A'an nods his head when B-9 mentions the medical aid given to the downed Riedrans. "My thanks," he says telepathically.
Mar 17, 2021 9:58 am
I have already made my thoughts clear on this matter. I find it cruel to leave them. But if we do, we will offer them a dagger to end their own life, if starvation or thirst starts to naw at them
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