The Riedrans offer no resistance and accept confinement.
On route to a marooning rock, the party has an opportunity to examine the skiffs. They are small, open-air platforms that have crysteel frames that act as both propulsion and defensive measures. An exquisite Siberys shard is housed in the conn, and its golden radiance directly interfaces with the crysteel and suffuses it with energy. The vehicle is both fast and maneuverable and, as you bore witness to the Riedrans using, can turn completely invisible, cloaking all the passengers on board as well. It is armed with a mechanical harpoon launcher that fires a grappling hook attached to a 100 foot rope.
The conn also contains a freely-spinning compass-like sphere that floats within a semi-spherical indentation. It points off into the distance of space, away from the two larger asteroids but still above the Ring of Siberys.
The damaged skiff's crysteel frame is intact but the conn is broken. The Siberys shard inside is fractured and sputtering. It appears to be insufficient to power the skiff. Its compass-like sphere is intact and seems toward the same point in space as the working skiff's.
You also have come into possession of docent. The beautiful sphere of jeweled mithril can be accessed by any warforged by placing it in a slot in the back of your neck. The docent can communicate telepathically with the warforged who inserts it, but with the telepathic comm link active the whole team will be able to interact with it, should someone choose to bond with it.
Once you get to the marooning rock, the Riedrans march onto it without resistance, carrying their wounded. They accept B-9's gift of supplies and aid with thanks. "When you have realized the danger that the Titans pose, you know where to find us if you want to work together to defeat them."