The Game

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Jun 1, 2021 10:38 pm
lenpelletier says:
Behind the ghosts two hulking ogre skeletons carry a huge chest on board. Aleksander comments with a smile: "These are national treasures of Karrnath. We brought them to help us succeed at our mission, but as a token of our gratitude - and our friendship - we would like you to have them."
Feel free to describe the reward that you find within the chest for your character if you wish to take one.
Brush looks within the chest, seeing the treasures of Karrnath in resplendent display, and he says, "Thank you, my friends. This is all too kind."

He sifts through the chest, and finds a simple ring, infused with an inky black stone, and etched with the symbol of Mabar (the symbol inside the bottom circle of the image).
The black stone is a Mabar crystal.
After placing the ring on his own right index finger, he asks to speak with Aleksander and says, "Aleksander, may I study with your people for a time? I wish to understand the path of the soul, from its inception all the way to its movement beyond. Karrnath has unlocked some secrets to that path that have eluded me in my discovery process, and I wish to explore with you.

"Would you allow me the honor of remaining with you for a short time, in order to expand my understanding?"


Jun 1, 2021 11:30 pm
Aleksander responds to Brush's request:

"It would be our honor. We turned to Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead, during the Last War when all else failed us. Although we turned to it in desperation, we now understand it as a part of the natural order. We are trying to understand Mabar, the Endless Night in the same way, to move past the myths and legends and to harness its power. Alas, I do not know if Mabar can be separated from ruination. Our mission strengthens the case that it cannot."
Jun 2, 2021 12:40 am
B-9 remains largely separate from the gathered undead, silently addressing the effects of Siberys radiation on their crewmates. They pay particular attention to Tamara, diagnosing the effects of the dragonshard and strenuous activity.

They ignore the chest of treasure, and pause their ministrations only to remind the crew to swing by the remote asteroid to pick up the Riedrans.
Jun 2, 2021 3:24 am
"I will, L0-C0. I know what it's like to fall from the heavens and be left not sure about who or what you are, what your purpose is. We will explore the future together."

His tasks at the helm kept W.A.R.P. X from inspecting the treasures, not that he'd be interested in any. He was doing what he was literally born for: he was piloting a starship through the aether. What treasure could compare to that?

"We'll be coming up on the asteroid we left the Sleeping Sword on shortly. I still say we leave them the broken skiff and tools to repair it. They might try to suicide attack us if we give them the working one, and that might destabilize the manifest zone."
Jun 2, 2021 3:51 am
annex says:
"I will, L0-C0. I know what it's like to fall from the heavens and be left not sure about who or what you are, what your purpose is. We will explore the future together."

His tasks at the helm kept W.A.R.P. X from inspecting the treasures, not that he'd be interested in any. He was doing what he was literally born for: he was piloting a starship through the aether. What treasure could compare to that?

"We'll be coming up on the asteroid we left the Sleeping Sword on shortly. I still say we leave them the broken skiff and tools to repair it. They might try to suicide attack us if we give them the working one, and that might destabilize the manifest zone."
Brush tells WARP: "Thank you for your astute observations, insights, and vigilance, friend! You are a beacon of wisdom and light in a dark, dark cosmos."

He walks up to his long-time companion, B-9, and says, "Thank you for convincing us to spare the Riedrans. I believe that your compassion was the key to unlocking The Spark, and I am grateful for your unwavering goodness.

"I have a lot to learn from you, my friend."

He grasps his shoulder and squeezes it affectionately, and then lets it go.

Brush then walks to his friend, Whispers, and finds a way to smile at his friend, saying, "My, we have done the unthinkable in the last few hours, haven’t we?

"What do you plan to do once we land?"
Jun 2, 2021 5:30 am
lenpelletier says:
Anything you'd like to do with the Aurora wreckage before we leave?
Tamara is still infused with creation magic and she turns her gaze to the Aurora. With a handwave, she starts to unmake the wreckage. Metal gets heated and an internal wall of force expands the ship into a pile of lumber.

Her dragon mark and her eyes are shining with an arcane radiance and it absorbs all the blood flowing out of her nose.

Please she wimpers. Please let us get away from here.
Last edited Jun 2, 2021 6:13 am
Jun 2, 2021 6:08 am
"Already underway, Tamara. Rest now. You've worked enough miracles for one day," W.A.R.P. X said as he piloted The Way away from what used to be the Aurora.
Jun 2, 2021 10:34 am
Whispers thinks quietly for a moment. "I believe I will do some soul-searching of my own. Then perhaps build a monastery dedicated to finding enlightenment within our new god. I saw something out there that I believe I can attain, but it will take time I'm sure."


Jun 5, 2021 2:01 pm
The Way approaches the asteroid where they stranded the Riedrans but there is no sign of the Sleeping Swords. You recall A'an words: "In the dark, the Inspired are never alone." The compasses on your skiffs have ceased to work, probably the sensitive instruments burned out from the Siberys radiation, but you can't rule out that the Riedrans have deactivated them somehow.

Warp X takes The Way back to Eberron's surface. The Way handles well despite the burden and the manifest zone - a testament to its engineering and makers. The Ring of Siberys shrinks into a thin, golden line while Karrnath looms larger in your view. But, your gaze cannot help but drift south to the ruined nation of Cyre which was destroyed by magical calamity only five years ago. Seeing the vast swath of twisted, scarred land from above is a stark reminder of the horrors of the Last War and how important this mission was to all people of Khorvaire.

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