The Game

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Mar 5, 2021 1:42 am
"Soft myocardia are often protected by surrounding tough shells," W.A.R.P. X stated as it clenched its fist in the direction of the talking intruder.

It uttered an arcane equation, Fgrav = m•g, and a bubble of momentarily rippling gravitational force appeared around its target.

"Dialogue is possible. This crew means you no harm. Please speak with us."
Using Wall of Force to seal the still aggressive talker in a force sphere.
Yes, I'm still working out how to best express Warp's spell vocalizations.


Mar 5, 2021 6:41 am
The lithe figure runs his glowing crystal dagger along the inner surface of the Wall of Force, observing its properties, but you also realize he is speaking telepathically to his crewmates.

In a blink, the other three turn into purple mist and reform within the Wall of Force. They take up defensive stances, preparing for if the Wall should be lowered. However, his voice is utterly serene now.

"Very well, Khorvairans. It seems The Dreaming Dark has decided to teach us a lesson in humility today. I am A'an. These are Gurha'ak (with broad shoulders), He'el (the restless one), and Sula'an (the tall one). We are agents of the Sleeping Sword, defenders of the Unity of Riedra. The Unity is conducting sensitive experiments here and your primitive sorcerous devices will cause interference, like the previous vessel caused."
Mar 5, 2021 7:55 am
Unity of Riedra? Sleeping Sword? Something is ringing a bell, but Tamara is struggling to pick that piece of memory.
Last edited March 5, 2021 7:56 am


History (+3 Jack Of All) - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Mar 5, 2021 8:04 am
Brush relaxes his fighting stance, and then speaks.

"Greetings A’an. My creator named me Death’s Brush, and I am a servant of the god who granted me a soul.

"We came in a mission of good-will, to search for powers greater than ourselves, to commune with the divine, if you will. Our benefactors also have commissioned us to retrieve the crew of the previous expedition, or evidence of the cause of their deaths.

"If I may: what befell those from the previous expedition?"
Mar 5, 2021 12:21 pm
While awaiting their reply, W.A.R.P. X tried to recall any information on the concepts and institutions A'an mentioned.


Arcana - (1d20+9)

(17) + 9 = 26

Religion - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Mar 5, 2021 4:12 pm
B-9 remains by the door to guard against intrusion, as the others engage the shadowy figures in conversation.
Mar 5, 2021 5:03 pm
The invaders could teleport through its gravitic force field but was their access to supernatural power limitless? Were they merely making a display to intimidate by showing their supposed superiority? They had already manifested telepathy but they remained susceptible to mind magic, they could teleport at least over short distances, and their possibly arcane-enhanced suits protected them from the airless void.

W.A.R.P. X maintained the field. If the invaders wanted to show off, it would make them waste every resource at their disposal.


Mar 5, 2021 5:41 pm
Tamara has heard of the Unity of Riedra - they are an advanced nation from the distant continent of Sarlona. Emissaries from the Unity are rare but not unheard of, and they always preach peace and cooperation. They are well-known as masters of psionics who eschew arcane magic. The Sleeping Swords don't ring a bell.
WARP X is well-versed in the Riedran religion, The Path of Inspiration. It is the only permitted religion in Riedra and is so intertwined with the state that there is no discernable line between The Path and the state. The Path worships the Quori, extraplanar spirits from Dal Quor, the Plane of Dreams. They believe that the Quori saved the humans of Sarlona from a terrible conflict and united people in peace. However, the price of this unity is utmost conformity. Certain members of Reidran society called "The Inspired" are possessed directly by these spirits and possess great power.

WARP also knows about the schism in The Path. An offshoot is the Path of Light, which teaches the Quori spirits are embroiled in war. They worship a group of rebel Quori spirits who are persecuted and on the edge of extinction. The Path of Inspiration claims these dangerous rebels seek to destroy all Quori, but the Path of Light claims that the dark Quori have interrupted the natural cycle of light and dark to hold onto power indefinitely. The two religions are diametrically opposed.

In terms of Arcana, he knows that The Inspired and their priests are permitted to use divine magic but arcane magic is forbidden upon pain of death. Psionics is widespread and industrialized the same way magic is industrialized in Khorvaire, but even more advanced.

WARP X has also heard whispers of the Sleeping Swords - secret agents that are utterly loyal and amazingly skilled. They are charged with tasks that require ruthlessness and discretion.


Mar 5, 2021 5:50 pm
A'an answers Brush in the same calm voice, telepathically, broadcasted for all to hear:

"Your first craft refused to cooperate. There was a battle, it was destroyed. You have seen the wreckage for yourself. However, we have rescued as many survivors as we could. We will reunite you with your people if you surrender your ship, and arrange for you and those survivors to be returned to Khorvaire unharmed."

"Our experiments are of utmost importance and must not be interfered with. Your first craft nearly caused a catastrophic reaction. We will accept no alternative solution."

It is clear that the wreckage is insufficient to account for the entire Aurora. Their story doesn't add up.
Mar 5, 2021 6:05 pm
"I appreciate your candor, A'an.

"If you say that you will permit us to leave peacefully, then by all means, bring us the survivors and we will be on our way.

"Also, if you designate the area of space that you need isolated for your experiments, we will happily avoid such areas. However, we will not surrender our ship to you. To be frank: we value our autonomy more than your lives or your experiment. We are excellent killing machines, after all."

He brings his guard up again and says, "I'm afraid that you will need to make a decision now. Will you back down and bring the survivors to us, or should we end this conflict swiftly?"
Mar 5, 2021 8:19 pm
Tamara is surprised by Brush's candor, but backs it fully.

She then casts a spell to create their own telepathic channel for the crew.
[ +- ] Rary's Telepathic Bond
A telepathic link to the crew is established and they can all hear Tamaras voice.
If things goes badly, I will move the ship directly down, so if you are on the top deck, have a hold. If we can shake off these pirates then we don't need to fight them
Last edited March 5, 2021 8:20 pm


Mar 5, 2021 10:39 pm
"Autonomy is such a foolish thing to cherish. It is an anathema to unity."

"I do not doubt you are excellent killing machines. My ancestors fought your progenitors, after all. But you don't even know who you are, or where you come from, do you? A creature so bereft of self-knowledge cannot stand prevail, no matter how many magic tricks you possess."

A'an gestures up to the stars above. "Do you think we are alone here?" A'an laughs. "Your entire existence is loneliness. In The Dark, the Inspired are never alone."

Len sent a note to SchadDad,runekyndig
Mar 5, 2021 10:57 pm
"You take us for fools, but you know little of us. My god has blessed me and my fellow constructs with souls. We may not be possessed, but we are inspired by a higher power to search for meaning beyond the confines of our world. We are finding our place amongst the sea of mortals, and WE ARE MORE than what you think we are. WE ARE MORE!

"You will not threaten me or my friends again.

"Last chance, servant of darkness: will you back down and bring the survivors to us, or should we end this conflict swiftly?"
Mar 5, 2021 10:59 pm
Brush will say telepathically to his friends, Be ready to move on my mark...
Mar 5, 2021 11:35 pm
B-9 looks at Tamara. Be advised that our craft is tethered to theirs, they transmit via telepathy.
Mar 6, 2021 2:01 am
"Our entire uninspired existence is spent discovering ourselves and searching for connection. You walk The Path of Inspiration but you do not see or understand it or anything else around you since you are shrouded in darkness. Go back to your experiments, sleepy servants of the nightside Quori. Let us take our people and leave you to the shadow."

Turn The Way so the invaders' ship is between it and the debris. Then see if we can damage their vessel between the two, it suggested to the telepathic gestalt before trying to quickly fill them all in on its knowledge about The Path, the Sleeping Swords, and their psionic capabilities.
Last edited March 6, 2021 4:12 am
Mar 6, 2021 6:41 am
Hostile incoming. The hybrid is moving towards the ship. Whispers says through the bond while stepping through the darkness to land behind Brush.
Mar 6, 2021 9:09 am
Brush says telepathically to Whispers, Whispers, grip a handhold tightly on my mark.

He speaks telepathically to WARP X: Hold that force wall as long as you can.

He then says for the group to hear telepathically, but directed at Tamara: We should keep their ship attached to ours, and investigate it when we have some distance between us and them.

Ready, NOW!

He puts his Morningstar away and grabs the handhold nearest to him tightly, hoping to survive this crazy plan.
I think I’m going to use my inspiration to help me hold on for dear life!
Last edited March 6, 2021 10:12 am


Athletics roll to hold on - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Inspiration usage on athletics - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Mar 6, 2021 9:28 am
At Brush's command, Tamara commands the ship to drop directly down

W.A.R.P. X would say that their vector was maximum velocity on the z-axis. Hopefully, this maneuver would leave the intruders hanging in space while the ship and crew left them behind.
I have a master's degree in physics, does it show?
Last edited March 6, 2021 9:29 am
Mar 6, 2021 3:59 pm
The gravitic field will hold. If the abomination is not Riedran, it must be Karnathi. Leave the two to fight it out. Descend!
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