Chapter 1: The Knaves Visit the Spudfields

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Dec 29, 2021 3:26 pm
"She was... a good dog," Enrei guesses. He has little experience with children or what might put them at ease. Probably not the news that grave-risen warriors have been shambling not a stone's throw from the boy's cellar.

"All's well down here, now," he calls ahead, and follows Audree down the tunnel.
Dec 30, 2021 7:00 am
"...down here, now," Endrei's voice echoes slightly as the group departs, leaving the damp crypt behind.
Hot cider, biscuits, and fresh cheese are enjoyed by the trio of adventures in the Spudfield's kitchen after the trap door to the cellar is closed and the stories are told.

Conrad's shoulders slump when he hears of Wax's fate. "So... those brothers. Risen from the dead somehow. I'm so sorry they spelled the end of your friend. I'm not sure how we can... repay you for that."

Eliza, more concerned for her family than for some rapscallion's demise, narrows her eyes as she pours more steaming cider. "So... the growling I heard. It was... Doris. Protecting us?"

"I tried to tells you befores, mum!" her boy admonishes her. "She was on guard! I think she kept them grave ghoulies outs of the cellar!"

Conrad shakes his head and his eyes are wet. "Best dog we ever had," he manages with a voice that's cracking. Drawing a deep breath, he steadies himself. "Look... I told you before we didn't have gold or silver to pay you. But we've you to thank for ridding the house of this evil... you and our Doris. Did you at least find something of value down there, in that tomb? Anything that might at least put a good roof over your heads for a few nights?"

Daece, the girl who'd summoned the troupe from the tavern, eyes the staff that Clomm has... but she says nothing.
Dec 31, 2021 2:03 am
Audree pats the giant book she had set down when they sat down to eat and drink. "I think this might be payment enough. Not sure what it is exactly, but any abnormally large book in a crypt with undead must be worth something. Thank you for your kind words about Elias. His memory will be honored."
Dec 31, 2021 2:22 am
Clomm eats greedily while looking silently through his brows. "We’ll be off soon. Your… generosity is more than enough." His voice is flat and humorless, and his deadened smile accentuated by the burn scars on his face.

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