Moving past the disturbed earth, stepping over the scraps of dark cloth, Audree Watters leads the foursome forward, towards the unknown. The smell of being below ground is powerful here, earthy and organic, but each step they take increases the whiff of something bitter, of some smell that seems intermingled with a long-forgotten rot. The cold intensifies as well, until they can each see their breath and a single shiver seems to pass among them.
The quarters are close --
very close. Endrei is right -- the passage is tight and would be a disastrous place to fight. The tunnel is freshly hewn; whatever made it did so in recent days or weeks. The various light sources crackle and snap, lighting the black passage with a flickering orange glow, and finally, after what seems a
long time, the delvers come to the end of it.
Two hundred paces down the tunnel, stones litter the floor -- large ones, ones that look like they perhaps came from a wall. And sure enough, just as the Spudfield's cellar wall had been breached, ahead lies another underground structure, one that has been similarly broken into. Or... perhaps broken out of. The hole in
this wall is larger, and Audree and Endrei can both see through to the chamber beyond when they reach the threshold.
The stone room is roughly square, perhaps five or six long strides on a side, and passages lead off both on the left and the right. The air is still and dry, the silence oppressive. Any sound made by the adventurers seems strangely muffled, like all the earth above is pressing down, smothering them. The bitter smell is strong here, some kind of herb perhaps, and other than rubble strewn on the floor, only two things catch the eye in this chamber.
Two large candelabras stand against the far wall, silver and holding unlit candles that look to be purple in color, or perhaps dark blue. Behind them, a large oil painting adorns the wall.
For a closer look, the party knows they will have to enter the room.