Mar 9, 2021 3:12 am
Hilmar makes an exact copy of the drawing of the tower and the map of the dungeons beneath, while listening to the observations of his friends. He asks Ruth Willowmane to keep her copy. "I wouldn't want to lose your only copy."
"I think you're right. They outnumber us and they're in a strong point. Maybe if we carry out some stealthy reconnaissance first we can learn of their comings and goings and about that shambling mound thing. Then we might be in a position to ambush small groups of them. It's a difficult one - if only a couple of us go, then although there's less chance of being seen, if those scouting get into trouble they've no back-up. Perhaps we should all go but most hang back, while the best scouts go a bit closer. Then if there's trouble they can call for help and the rest of us could back them up," he says, thinking aloud and looking to the others, most of whom have had more experience than him of moving stealthily.
"I think you're right. They outnumber us and they're in a strong point. Maybe if we carry out some stealthy reconnaissance first we can learn of their comings and goings and about that shambling mound thing. Then we might be in a position to ambush small groups of them. It's a difficult one - if only a couple of us go, then although there's less chance of being seen, if those scouting get into trouble they've no back-up. Perhaps we should all go but most hang back, while the best scouts go a bit closer. Then if there's trouble they can call for help and the rest of us could back them up," he says, thinking aloud and looking to the others, most of whom have had more experience than him of moving stealthily.