Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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Mar 9, 2021 3:12 am
Hilmar makes an exact copy of the drawing of the tower and the map of the dungeons beneath, while listening to the observations of his friends. He asks Ruth Willowmane to keep her copy. "I wouldn't want to lose your only copy."

"I think you're right. They outnumber us and they're in a strong point. Maybe if we carry out some stealthy reconnaissance first we can learn of their comings and goings and about that shambling mound thing. Then we might be in a position to ambush small groups of them. It's a difficult one - if only a couple of us go, then although there's less chance of being seen, if those scouting get into trouble they've no back-up. Perhaps we should all go but most hang back, while the best scouts go a bit closer. Then if there's trouble they can call for help and the rest of us could back them up," he says, thinking aloud and looking to the others, most of whom have had more experience than him of moving stealthily.
Mar 9, 2021 4:19 am
Maybe I could take a look at the terrain from a distance first to see what opportunities there are for cover?

Ruth - do the Night Blades usually only attack at night as their name suggests? And do they mostly cause trouble near the town?
Last edited March 9, 2021 4:22 am


Mar 9, 2021 5:16 am
Ruth responds to Naeris's question "In the two months they've been here, they've attacked day and night. Never the afternoon though, come to think of it. Guess they aren't early risers."

"It's safe to say the town is their focus. Keeping us pinned down though, so I'm not 100% sure if they've been up to anything else out there."

Len sent a note to Mike
Mar 9, 2021 8:51 am
Kaa hmfs and grunts at the conversation. "Alright, no need to think too much I think. Let's stroll there, and when we are closer a few of us scouts around." he glances at each of his companions. "If it's bad we run away, if we are good can nab at them."

"Either way will earn us a nap and drinks." he smirks, his eyes get drowsy, but shakes his head a bit to wake himself.

He gets going unless there are objections. He will leave his tambouras behind at the inn, and he has bit of a bed hair, but is otherwise all ready.
Last edited March 9, 2021 8:52 am
Mar 9, 2021 10:59 pm
[ +- ] Astroloma says
"Sounds like a good idea."
[ +- ] Pitrio says
"We could start on our reconnaissance today." He rolls out the parchment on which he copied Ruth's map. "Just another thought, I noticed while copying this out that there is a drainage pipe leading from the pit under the Tower," he says pointing to the drawing of the pipe at the lower end of the cave. "This map does not show where it leads to. But this might be another way in - if we are able to find where it comes out. Another option, not available to us at the moment until we locate it. But if we do find it, it would get round the problem of the shambling mound and the strangleroot."
Am I right in saying that this is the pipe leading to the cave, which has a passage sloping up to the first room under the tower, rather than the vertical shaft that appears in the room on the right of the map?
Last edited March 13, 2021 8:16 am


Mar 9, 2021 11:04 pm
That's true, the pipe is separate. The vertical shaft is likely a well shaft to provide the defenders with fresh water in the old times.
Mar 10, 2021 2:40 am
Mike says:
"This map does not show where it leads to. But this might be another way in - if we are able to find where it comes out.
And it might be how the bandits get in and out.
Mar 10, 2021 10:27 am
Drainage pipe? Eww. Maybe we should just enter the main entrance, using their black cloaks? Talk to them in person, ask for any details, I'm sure they will tell us a lot if they don't suspect we aren't a part of the Night Blades,- the tiefling spoke. Although, on the other hand, sneaking close to the tower to observe before we do anything is a good idea too. I volunteer!
A lazy post from lazy me. Was doing a lot of monotonous file-sorting recently and am tired as hell. Sorry!
Last edited March 10, 2021 10:28 am


Mar 10, 2021 11:31 pm
The party sets out for the Lonely Tower. Just before they leave, Matthew arrives and hands you a warm glass bottle of yellow liquid. Ruth speaks for him "Oh, I asked my brother to go fetch some pig urine from the Yamamoto farm. Y'know, saves you from having to tinkle on your own boots. Hmm, not sure if this is better, but hey, it's an option now."

You make your way across the hilly terrain. The weather is cooler with a lot more cloud cover today, which makes for a more pleasant walk under an open sky.

The sparse tree cover wouldn't hide a large party, but with Naeris's experience with nature as your guide, the party plots a path from copse to gully to hill that should stay unnoticed from afar. You spot the tower a ways off, and manage to get within 500 feet of it, approaching from the backside of a hill. The tower looks as it did in Ruth's map but the child was right - the top of the hill is awash in thick green vines. The shambling mound can be seen on the other side of the hill, motionless, basking in the sun. It is nearly half the size of the tower, and if you didn't know to look for it you would have thought it was a big vine-covered boulder. There isn't much action that you can see from inside the tower, but its hard to say, since its all arrow slits for windows.

It is now midday. What would you like to do?
Based on the information gained thus far, it looks like the Night Blades use the front entrance but use the pee pee trick to bypass the strangleroot. The boy also never said anything about a Shambling Mound, so either the trick works for it as well or it wasn't around at the time.

The finding the drainage pipe will require some snooping about. Whatever team wants to attempt to locate it will require a stealth roll and a perception roll.

Feel free to think of other ideas, questions, and actions!
Mar 11, 2021 2:58 am
Hilmar sits behind a bush, wanting to keep hidden, aware from Naeris' guidance that this is probably as close to the tower they can get without being seen. Any further approach is going to require stealth. Observing as much as he can of the tower and its surroundings from this vantage point, he looks out for any streams on the hill the tower stands. He murmurs, "I can see that shambling mound that Ruth warned us about. If I didn't know it was there, I'd have assumed it was a boulder covered in weeds. It seems to be only the top that's covered in the strangleroot, so we might just want to get the lie of the land first and save the Yamamoto bottle for later." He remembers Euphoria volunteering to sneak closer to the tower, but is unsure if she intends to go on her own or if Naeris or Kaa are thinking of doing the same. He gets out the signal whistle he bought in Hope and says quietly, "Whoever is going to sneak closer, you might want to take this. If you get into trouble, can't get away and need our help, blow this and we'll run over and help."
Last edited March 13, 2021 8:17 am
Mar 11, 2021 6:46 am
Alfrey speaks up, keeping his voice lower than is probably necessary given the group's distance from the tower. "Right, I think it's best that I hang back as well, but I'll be watching and listening in case I'm needed." He looks from one companion to the next and gives a smile that he hopes will be encouraging.
Mar 11, 2021 10:37 am
Naeris feels uncomfortable that everyone tagged along. She was hoping to observe how the bandits get in but she's not sure how likely it is that the party will see bandits coming or going. Now that she's here, it looks still worse because she doesn't want to tell the others to wait around for hours just hoping to see something. Maybe looking for the drainage pipe isn't as crazy as she secretly thought it was.

She says 'How about a couple of us have a scout around and see if we can find where the pipe comes out? More eyes mean we're more likely to find it but too many and we might be seen. Euphoria, you said you wanted to do it.'
Mar 11, 2021 4:41 pm
"Ooo, looking for the drainage pipe is good! It would be so nice to surprise them through it!" Kaa approves of Hilmar's idea, and grins at the discomfort of Euphoria at it. He lets someone else carry the pig urine.

As they are hiking he feels satisfied and happy with the guidance of Naeris, and comments on it too. "Mmm, we are both alike with how we like the wild, but I think you are even better. If I am like a tiger than maybe you are an owl, or a lnyx, or Maaybe a raccoon dog, I really like those, clever animals."

He looks at the shambling mound, softly whistles, and quietly listens to the others plan making. He doesn't mind waiting while the others scout at all. "Alright, while you two go look I will just circle on our spot here and wait, maybe watch." he yawns.

When they get going, indeed he will circle around a bit to know better the layout of the land around them, but otherwise will just sit down lazily and wait. Alfrey did say he would keep watch, so he deems that its enough.
Hah that landscape is from where Siberia meets its southern mountains? It looks nice, and I learned something today.
Mar 11, 2021 6:48 pm
"Take your time and be careful. Make sure you take the whistle," he says offering it to Naeris and Euphoria.

He will settle down behind the bush watching the tower and observing where Euphoria and/or Naeris go.
Mar 11, 2021 8:27 pm
Where do you suggest we look Hilmar? Based on your drawing, where do you think the pipe is most likely to emerge?
Mar 12, 2021 5:50 am
"Looking at the drawing, which I copied as exactly as I could - and I'm not sure it is to scale - you would need to be looking at the tower so that entrance to it is on your left, like the drawing. Then you would have the same vantage point as the person who created the original drawing.

The stairs lead down directly beneath the tower with the first room beginning roughly on the right of the circumference of the tower. The 'dungeons' beneath the tower seem to be roughly as deep as the tower is high. The tunnel leading to the cave where the drainage pipe is appears to be on this side - by that I mean the same side of the tower as viewed by the original artist of the drawing of the tower.

The tunnel slopes down to the cave. According to the drawing, the cave and drainage pipe seem to be underground by a further tower's depth, so two towers deep - twice as deep as the tower is high. The drainage pipe seems to be situated at a depth of two towers down and roughly a bit more to the right than the width of the tower.

Water can't flow uphill, so if there is an outlet for the drainage pipe - and it's not a 'soakway' or doesn't flow into another cave system - then I would guess that it comes out on that same side of the hill as the artist's viewpoint. It wouldn't be higher than 'two towers deep' and could be anywhere below that.

There are a lot of variables there. It is possible that the drainage tunnel might snake about a bit. But at least you you would hopefully not need to get too close to the tower and it shouldn't be near the strangleroot, which is on the top of the hill."

Hilmar unrolls another sheet of parchment. On this he copies the top drawing of the hill with the cross-section showing the steps down, the first room and the cave beneath with drainage pipe.
As per Len's drawing of the tower in his post of 10/3/21.
Beneath that he draws a dotted horizontal line across the section of the hill, where he thinks the depth of the drainage tunnel is about 'two towers' deep.

"It could be anywhere below that dotted line. Likely to be on the same side of the hill as seen from the vantage point of the original artist, but again, not necessarily."

He points out the different features as he draws the map, with his observations and estimates.

"Take this copy with you - and the whistle," he says passing these to Naeris.
Last edited March 13, 2021 8:18 am


Mar 12, 2021 6:08 am
Based on Hilmar's excellent deductions, the scouting party now has advantage on their perception checks to find the end point of the drain.
Mar 12, 2021 9:37 pm
Naeris thanks Hilmar and says to Euphoria 'I think we should move separately - that way we're less likely to be seen and can cover more ground in our search.'


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Perception (1) - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Perception (2) - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7


Mar 12, 2021 10:41 pm
I'll wait for Euphoria's roll before adjudicating the situation :) Nice perception roll!
Mar 13, 2021 6:53 pm
Euphoria yawns while Hilmar thoroughly describes the tower's layout, and, munching on her last apple, says: Damn, all this walking around makes me hungry,-she throws what's left of the apple again and replies to Naeris. I agree, let's separate.
I will also include another perception roll because Naeris did 2 I don't know if it is needed but just to be sure


Stealth (Expertise +6) - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Perception (+3) - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

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