Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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Mar 20, 2021 5:26 am
Hilmar will move back (to E8). The rats will get an attack of opportunity on him. If he gets a chance he will then fire the Fire Bolt cantrip at the swarm.
Please let me know what I have to roll. Ranged attack - does he get the +2 dexterity modifier for this? What proficiencies do I add? Then there is the D10.


Mar 20, 2021 6:43 am
The rats try to sink their teeth into Hilmar as he pulls back, but Hilmar is too quick.
Mike, thanks for asking! Your attack bonus for spells is +5 (+3 from INT, + 2 from proficiency bonus). Because you pulled away successfully you roll 1d20+5 for attack and 1d10 for fire damage.


Opportunity attack - (1d20+2, 2d6)

1d20+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

2d6 : (35) = 8

Mar 20, 2021 3:50 pm
As the party quickly dealt with two bandits, Euphoria did not pay much attention to her surroundings, she seemed to be very interested in who the prisoner is, but was distracted by a swarm of rats suddenly emerging from the sack.
The infernal dashes toward the struggling wizard, as Kaa smashes the swirling mess of rats with his greataxe and Alfrey seems to cast some sort of a spell, sending some light bouncing between dozens of rat bodies. SHWING!,- the tiefling takes the rapier out of its sheath, its thin blade gleaming in what little light the cave has to offer. Go to hell, you gross things!,- she screams, poking the weapon into the swarm of little, filled with madness, beasts.
So the idea is, I have a speed of 30, and each square is 5 feet, I need to move the equivalent of 60 feet in all this mud. So I use the Cunning action to make a Dash. Do I need to make a roll for that? It says I have proficiency in cunning action, too. Idk if roll is needed, if I made the wrong one feel free to make one for me, Len!
Last edited March 20, 2021 4:00 pm


Attack (+4) - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Damage (Rapier) - (1d8+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Cunning action?? - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10


Mar 20, 2021 8:56 pm
Euphoria dispatches four rats with swift strikes (4 damage) while Hilmar blasts them with fire (8 damage).
Jusica, no roll required for dashing or disengaging with cunning action. Everything looks good!

Mike, I've added your firebolt rolls here.


14 - Alfrey✅
13 - Kaa✅
10 - Rats✅ AC 10, taken 24 damage
8 - Naeris✅
7 - Euphoria✅
3 - Hilmar✅


Hilmar's firebolt - (1d20+5, 1d10)

1d20+5 : (13) + 5 = 18

1d10 : (9) = 9


Mar 20, 2021 9:03 pm
The rat swarm is decidedly defeated and dispersed!

"That was satisfying watching you kill those things, not going to lie," says the prisoner. "He used to threaten to dunk my head in that bag."
Victory! What next?
Mar 20, 2021 9:44 pm
Are you going to be alright, Hilmar? I think I saw a few of them get their teeth into you.
Mar 20, 2021 11:37 pm
"Yes," he says in a low voice, holstering his wand and checking the bites. He nervously looks up the sloping tunnel, listening for any signs of more Night Blades coming to investigate the commotion. "At least I think so. I'm more worried about disease than the bites themselves," he says as he pours some water on to the cuts, cleans them and applies a bandage. "Save your spells for later. Erm, thanks." He looks around, embarassed and annoyed with himself at what his curiosity caused. "Sorry about that! But I didn't think someone'd be carrying around a sack full of rats!" he says glaring at the Night Blade prisoners, having heard what the prisoner just said. "We need to get him down as soon as possible," he says returning to the task in hand before he let the rats out of the bag, producing the key he found on one of the guards. "One of us had better keep a watch in the tunnel, while we're getting him down."
Hilmar looks across to see how the prisoner is secured to the wall and how high up, thinking how they are going to get him down. He places the key carefully in his pouch, fearing he might accidentally drop it in the mud. He starts to move towards the edge, trying to work out the best route to the prisoner.
"We're going to get you down. Anything we should know first, my friend?" he hisses towards the prisoner, wanting him to hear but not wanting to shout.
Last edited March 20, 2021 11:51 pm
Mar 21, 2021 12:46 am
"I understand." Alfrey replies. "I would be worried about disease too. This isn’t the most sanitary of places." He watches the wizard clean and bandage his wounds and nods his approval once he sees that the job has been done properly. "That will do for now. Unfortunately there’s not much I can do about disease beyond ordinary medical care. There is a spell I can use for diagnosis, if that would put your mind at ease. However, I would need time to prepare it."

When Hilmar asks that someone keep watch, Alfrey automatically glances over his shoulder at the tunnel behind him. "I can do that." he volunteers. He readies his shield and spear then turns to face whatever might emerge from the hideout above.
Mar 21, 2021 1:28 am
The tiefling searches bandits' possessions for snacks. Do you have any apples?,- she gives the Night blades an impatient look. I really want some apples right now. Gold would do fine as well. Euphoria smiled devilishly, showing her sharp teeth. You would surely give me your apples if you had them, wouldn't you? The infernal's eyes twinkled, as she tried to make a friendly expression.
I wanna have their snacks!!! hahaha


Persuasion (+3) - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18


Mar 21, 2021 5:36 am
Alfrey stands watch in the tunnel. He can hear a little bit of chatter coming from above and can see the place is well-lit, but not much else without risking a peak.

Reminder of the layout of the Lonely Tower

Euphoria has some fun with the Night Blades. Although they are clearly harder men than the group you encountered on the road, her devilish charms clearly make them uncomfortable. Being tied up probably doesn't help. As it turns out they have no apples or snacks of any kind - the pipe is the closest thing you find, still smoking with southern tabaco in the bowl. The key to the prisoner's shackles is also in the smoker's pockets.
[ +- ] All the things in the night blades' pockets
The prisoner responds to Hilmar's question: "Probably should tell you up front who I am so you don't think I was tricking you later on and get some steel between my ribs on account of the misunderstanding. My name's Ralavaz."
Mar 21, 2021 9:03 am
Naeris was still in the pool when the rats were dispersed and, when Hilmar mentions the prisoner, she moves towards him to help Hilmar get him down.

When he reveals that his name is Ralavaz, she looks to Hilmar and then asks Ralavaz 'You mean that you're the one they're looking for in town? Not his brother or something like that?'
Last edited March 21, 2021 9:04 am
Mar 21, 2021 10:09 am
As the last of the rats kick the bucket Kaa nods and grunts approvingly at the others for the strikes. He climbs out from the mud and shakes his legs to get most of it off, although not really careful to spare those nearby from the splatter.

He peeks into the tunnel Alfrey is watching and pats his shoulder roughly. Then he grins at the two night blades and takes the pipe up to continue smoking it himself (Unless Euphoria took it first, as she was the first one with her hands on their belongings, if so then just asks for a round of it). "Of course they don't have apples. Don't you know an apple a day keeps the bugbear away?"

He curiously watches as the wizard approaches the prisoner, and whistles when he drops that he is Ralavaz. He kicks one of the night blades in a so-so friendly manner. "Isn't he supposed to be your boss? What is up with that? Who is the masked fellow then?" he asks, riding the mood of the rogue's ... rapport with them.
Also, just out of curiosity, how high is the ceiling in the tower? Does he need to walk around hunched?
Last edited March 21, 2021 10:14 am
Mar 21, 2021 1:45 pm
The tiefling laughs at Kaa's joke, but then gets a bit more serious. And if you are the Ralavaz, where is your gold mask?


Mar 21, 2021 3:23 pm

Ralavaz explains that indeed he was the leader of the Night Blades those many years ago. He confesses he wore the gold mask and ordered men to kill men for money. He was one of the few that were captured and sent to prison.

"I worked for years in the Katagian Salt Mines. The work was brutal, but I sobered up and, in a way, I found peace. Bless the Gods for taking mercy on a wretch like me."

He goes on to explain that when he was released from prison, he tried to seek out his younger brother, Gardren, who was his second in command. He had heard Gardren had died in the fire, but when he heard rumours that the Night Blades were back with a golden-masked leader, he knew it was his brother.

"I came to talk him out of it. I figured I owed it to him l, I owed it to the people of Hope, and I owed it to the Gods to do what was right. Turns out Gardren's not the same man I knew. He was horribly burned in the fire, and blames the people of Hope. He is consumed by hate. He wants to see the town destroyed, and he threw me down here to rot."

"When I say he's different ... I'm saying something unnatural happened to him. He is strong, and has the Hells in his eyes. I think he made a pact with devils or some such unholy creature. Do not underestimate him."
Mar 21, 2021 9:29 pm
'Well, perhaps you can help us?' She looks to the others.
Last edited March 21, 2021 9:29 pm
Mar 22, 2021 12:22 am
Hilmar with Naeris' help cuts the rope suspending Ralavaz from the wall and lowers him. However, he does not unlock the manacles - yet.
"I think we should all agree if we decide to free him," he says thinking of how opening the sack didn't end well. He moves over to the tunnel and calls Alfrey, quietly, so that he is aware of what all the others know, before heading back to Ralavaz.
"What would you have us do - apart from releasing your manacles?" he asks Ralavaz.
Last edited March 22, 2021 12:23 am
Mar 22, 2021 12:32 am
I think we should release the guy. He clearly isn't a threat to anyone now, besides, he could help us locate his mas... brother. His brother. The tiefling nodded to herself, the gold chains on her horns tinkling.
Mar 22, 2021 1:28 am
Having verified that the tunnel doesn't hold any immediate danger, Alfrey returns to the group with Hilmar.

"I agree with Euphoria. I don't believe Ralavaz here would have any reason to lie about what he was saying. Revealing his identity like that doesn't benefit him at all."
Mar 22, 2021 3:22 am
Once Ralavaz is down, Naeris helps Hilmar to bring him to dry ground and gets out of the mud. She glances at the tunnel and at the prisoners nervously, concerned that trouble might appear at any moment. She takes over from Alfrey watching the tunnel, ready to fire an arrow if necessary.
Mar 22, 2021 3:48 am
Seeing as we now have enough Night Blades cloaks for everyone... Euphoria put a hand on her chin, pondering. Two of us could actually go up there and talk to the other bandits. They would probably think they're talking to the two who were guarding the prisoner. We could talk to them and ask for any useful information without having to fight. Taking a pause to observe the party's reaction, she continues. We could do that while the rest of us are busy interrogating Ralavaz to save time. Besides, we'd at least learn how many of them there are. What do you guys think about it? Any volunteers?
Last edited March 22, 2021 3:52 am
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