"Yes," he says in a low voice, holstering his wand and checking the bites. He nervously looks up the sloping tunnel, listening for any signs of more Night Blades coming to investigate the commotion.
"At least I think so. I'm more worried about disease than the bites themselves," he says as he pours some water on to the cuts, cleans them and applies a bandage.
"Save your spells for later. Erm, thanks." He looks around, embarassed and annoyed with himself at what his curiosity caused.
"Sorry about that! But I didn't think someone'd be carrying around a sack full of rats!" he says glaring at the Night Blade prisoners, having heard what the prisoner just said.
"We need to get him down as soon as possible," he says returning to the task in hand before he let the rats out of the bag, producing the key he found on one of the guards.
"One of us had better keep a watch in the tunnel, while we're getting him down."
Hilmar looks across to see how the prisoner is secured to the wall and how high up, thinking how they are going to get him down. He places the key carefully in his pouch, fearing he might accidentally drop it in the mud. He starts to move towards the edge, trying to work out the best route to the prisoner.
"We're going to get you down. Anything we should know first, my friend?" he hisses towards the prisoner, wanting him to hear but not wanting to shout.
Last edited March 20, 2021 11:51 pm