Mar 31, 2021 4:45 pm
One of the Night Blades pulls a key from his belt and goes to open the door, but the second one stops him.
"Alright, good work. Hey, wait a second - this one's a Tiefling!" He gestures to Euphoria. "She might be a spellcaster. Devil's blood and all. We should blind and gag her so she can't cast any spells. The big one too, just in case."
He signals over to the other two Night Blades in the front of the room, who are busy cleaning their weapons. "Hey! Look what crawled through the pipe down in the pit! Grab some rags, might be a mage."
The others slice up some of the bedding and approach with strips of cloth.
"Alright, good work. Hey, wait a second - this one's a Tiefling!" He gestures to Euphoria. "She might be a spellcaster. Devil's blood and all. We should blind and gag her so she can't cast any spells. The big one too, just in case."
He signals over to the other two Night Blades in the front of the room, who are busy cleaning their weapons. "Hey! Look what crawled through the pipe down in the pit! Grab some rags, might be a mage."
The others slice up some of the bedding and approach with strips of cloth.
You have achieved a partial success. The good news is that the Night Blades don't specifically doubt your identities but they're not cooperating 100%. What next?