Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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Mar 31, 2021 4:45 pm
One of the Night Blades pulls a key from his belt and goes to open the door, but the second one stops him.

"Alright, good work. Hey, wait a second - this one's a Tiefling!" He gestures to Euphoria. "She might be a spellcaster. Devil's blood and all. We should blind and gag her so she can't cast any spells. The big one too, just in case."

He signals over to the other two Night Blades in the front of the room, who are busy cleaning their weapons. "Hey! Look what crawled through the pipe down in the pit! Grab some rags, might be a mage."

The others slice up some of the bedding and approach with strips of cloth.
You have achieved a partial success. The good news is that the Night Blades don't specifically doubt your identities but they're not cooperating 100%. What next?
Apr 1, 2021 12:56 am
Hilmar will 'hold' the 'captives' while the Night Blades blindfold and gag them.
They will be able to remove the blindfolds and gags quickly when the time comes.
Last edited April 1, 2021 12:57 am
Apr 1, 2021 1:34 am
The infernal resists, trying to convince Night Blades she isn't a caster, pointing out her fancy clothes and non-wizard looks. Come on, the only enchantment I could ever produce in my life was the feeling of disenchantment people get if they try to rely on me too much!
I mean, my character is wearing a set of fine clothes, so they probably could pass as some merchant? Right?
Also I don't know if you can really tell if someone's a magic-user by their equipment..
I see, the universe itself wants the tiefling to shut her mouth! hahaha
Last edited April 1, 2021 1:34 am


Persuasion (+3) - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Apr 1, 2021 2:50 am
Naeris is very concerned about the situation but decides to stay hidden for now. Maybe the others will get an audience with Gardren after all.
Apr 1, 2021 8:59 am
Kaa speaks some overblown gibberish "spells" and laughs at them thinking he might be a threat that way. Otherwise he will let them do it. The blindfold will be annoying, but he expects they will get taken off if the so called boss wants to speak with them anyway. He is mostly just amused at the antics of the bandits.
Apr 1, 2021 9:02 am
Alfrey considers objecting, but decides not to press his luck any further. "Just be careful of the big one's teeth." he offers.


Apr 2, 2021 1:20 am
The Night Blades blindfold and gag Euphoria and Kaa.
Kaa and Euphoria can no longer speak and are temporarily suffering from the blinded condition: A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack Rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack Rolls have disadvantage.

It will take an action to remove the blindfold and an action to remove the gag (if your hands are free).
The resuming unlocking the door and open it up. They begin leading the four of down a short staur with another pair of double doors at the end.

Meanwhile, Ralavaz and Naeris are still in the tunnel. It seems difficult for them to sneak past this many Night Blades in plain sight unnoticed.
Apr 2, 2021 10:30 pm
Are these the doors on the right of the last diagram?
How many Night Blades are going into the short hall with the four of us?
Hilmar makes a mental note of his surroundings. He also tries to note which of the Night Blades has the key to the double doors.
Last edited April 2, 2021 10:52 pm


Apr 2, 2021 10:41 pm
Oops, it should be a short stairway you're going down, not a short hall. I've made the correction in the above post. There are double doors at the top of the stairs and double doors at the bottom of the stairs.

There are two Night Blades following. These are the ones that were guarding the door. There are others about, making it difficult for Naeris and Ralavaz to join up.
Apr 2, 2021 10:52 pm
I've amended Hilmar's post accordingly.
Have they locked the double doors behind them or just walked through leaving them unlocked?
Last edited April 2, 2021 10:54 pm


Apr 3, 2021 2:26 am
Doors are unlocked.
Apr 3, 2021 11:48 pm
Once the doors are shut behind them Hilmar will wait for an opportunity to use his sleep spell on the two Night Blades following them. Then he will cast it.


Sleep spell - (5d8)

(87868) = 37

Apr 4, 2021 12:08 am
I'm assuming that roll was sufficient to affect both Night Blades!
Tearing the blindfolds from Kaa and Euphoria he puts his finger to his lips and gestures for them to help him tie up the two Night Blades.

He quickly binds their hands and feet with rope and gags them with strips cut off from their uniforms, stripping them of weapons. He also takes the key to the double doors from the night Blade who unlocked the double doors.

He whispers"That was my last spell - I've only two cantrips left. We wait for a bit to make it look like we've had enough time to talk to Gardren. Then I'll put my head round the double doors and tell them Gardren's ordered them up to the top to guard the entrance at the tower. Then if that works we can get Naeris and Ralavaz to join us. If it doesn't work, well then we're gonna have to fight them. The dwarves will come charging at the door. We fight them. They won't expect anyone behind them and Naeris and Ralvaz will see what's going on and attack them from behind. The way I see it, that's better odds then before - two tough dwarves and two not so tough Night Blades against all of us."
Last edited April 4, 2021 12:11 am


Apr 4, 2021 5:19 am
On the stairs behind the closed doors, both Night Blades fall unconscious to Hilmar's signature spell before they can sound an alarm or reach for steel. They are tied and gagged almost as quickly as Kaa and Euphoria are freed.

Hilmar's plan to 'order' the Night Blades to go up top to guard the tower makes perfect sense. They are all a little on edge having caught intruders in their midst likely sent to murder them and nobody felt like napping right now. Going up top required almost no convincing whatsoever.

Naeris and Ralavaz are free to move forward now that the coast is clear.
You've undone the Night Blades' defenses from within! Declare any last preparations you might have before heading down into Gardren's sanctum!
Apr 4, 2021 7:28 am
Euphoria nods and shakes off the blindfold that got stuck onto her horns. She then helps to tie up the bandits.
Nice work!,- she quietly addressed the wizard, as Nightblades were leaving. Do you think there are more of them behind this door?,- the tiefling wonders, pointing.
Apr 4, 2021 11:26 am
Naeris is relieved when the night blades leave and impressed by Hilmar's courage and clever plan but is unwilling to speak just yet. She's sure that fighting is inevitable and just wants to get it over with. Waiting uncertainly in the tunnel built a lot of tension..
Apr 4, 2021 9:50 pm
"Thanks - and quite possible," responds Hilmar quietly, "so maybe if we revert back to you and Kaa being 'prisoners' again, pretending to be bound but this time with no blindfolds or gags. If Alfrey and I enter 'holding' both of you with Naeris and Ralavaz 'holding' you both from behind. If we see Gardren, I'll start off saying how we found you sneaking around. Then if you start telling him your story about wanting to sell him your incendiary liquid. That'll give us a chance to see who and what is in there. If possible try and keep your weapons on you but concealed - behind you or under clothing. Ralavaz said that Gardren has incredible strength, so maybe we should spread out, not get too close to him and strike simultaneously with missiles and spells, until hopefully we subdue him. He's got to be our priority. I doubt any other Night Blades will be so inclined to fight on if we neutralise Gadren. If we can overcome him, we need to bind him with manacles and remove that mask. I don't know if the mask gives him powers or some demonic bargain. He seems to have some sort of power over people. Hopefully none of us will succumb to it, but it's a risk we have to take." He looks around at the others while getting equipment ready and passing Euphoria her weapons for concealment "What do you think?"
Apr 5, 2021 9:13 am
Kaa lets out a soft whistle at the events unfolded. He says quietly:
"Woow, good job, very nice!"
He grins and streches his arms a bit. He listens to the next phase of the plan, which is still the old plan, just with the complications that came up got out of the way due to Hilmar's resourcefulness. All his weapons are quite large, and he does not actually have clothes to him them under anyway, so he leaves them as previously agreed upon.

"Alright, let's get this over with ..." he puts himself back into the role of a prisoner.
Apr 5, 2021 10:02 am
Naeris offers: 'Yes, we need to focus on Gardren but the ruse won't work for long this time. Don't wait too long to attack.' She puts an arrow on the string and hides the bow beneath the Night Blade cloak as best she can.
Apr 5, 2021 9:48 pm
[ +- ] Pitrio says
Am I right that Alfrey has Kaa's weapons? If not please advise before the fighting starts.
I understand Euphoria has her weapons concealed.
Hilmar checks he has got his wand and sling with bullets handy. He looks round to the others, "Ready?" he whispers before preparing to knock on the double doors and open the entrance to Gardren's inner sanctum.
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