Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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Apr 28, 2021 11:54 pm
Hilmar keeps an eye on the grappling hook and watches Euphoria descend into the hole. He is ready to provide covering fire with his cantrip or help pull her up, should either become necessary.


Apr 29, 2021 5:01 am
Ralavaz turns to Alfrey as Euphoria goes down the well.

"You're a man of Bahamut, yes? May I ask for your counsel? I pledged my oath to the Platinum One while in prison. Bahamut's teachings showed me that I needed to right my wrongs, so I came here looking to set things right. But I accomplished nothing. I failed to disband the Night Blades, and I failed to save my brother. How can I make amends?"

Alfrey recalls his vision that sent him on the path to Hope. Could Ralavaz be the one Bahamut spoke of?

"My son, there is another like you — a follower of mine, worshipping in solitude. Go to the town of Hope and find this person. Your destiny will meet you there."


Apr 29, 2021 5:09 am
Euphoria descends into the well, 60 feet down. You wave a torch around the bottom and see that it is dry as a bone, the sandstone badly fractured where bodies smash into it. The bodies do not remain, nor even a single drop of blood or scrap of cloth. You are about to leave when you see, out of the corner of your eye, a glint of gold. Something is lodged in a crack along the edge of the well's floor. Lo and behold, you pull out Gardren's golden mask. Your torch's fiery light dances with wild abandon in the reflections on its smooth surface, making the mask seem alive.
Apr 29, 2021 6:32 am
Folks, I think I found it!,- the tiefling screams in childlike joy, looking up the long shaft, the throne hall looks like a small bright spot from down here. Still hearing her voice bouncing around the dark round walls, she gets her eyes back on the mask, observing the curvy reflection of her face. Something inside of her is drawn towards the thing, she hesitates for a moment, and slowly puts it on her face, trying it on.
Apr 29, 2021 6:40 am
Despite the somber tone of Ralavaz’s question Alfrey’s face lights up with excitement. He faces the former bandit leader and grabs him by the shoulders, stopping just short of embracing the man. "So it was you, all this time! Our lord told me of you, and commanded me to seek you out in Hope! For years I thought I was the only human serving him, but now…" He trails off and averts his eyes as the joy on his face became tinged with an old pain finally coming to the surface. He takes a moment to compose himself, seemingly holding back tears. He continues "We can be certain Bahamut was watching us and guiding us from the beginning of this ordeal. He wanted us to meet for a reason. So pray, my brother, and he will show you the way. You may not have achieved your goal, but I believe our lord has grander plans for the both of us!" As his outpouring of emotion subsides, Alfrey’s demeanor becomes more more serious. "And as for your brother, it is not my place to judge him, but what I can say is that whatever power that fiend had over him extended only as far as his body. His soul is the same as it ever was, and that soul is now free."
Apr 29, 2021 10:16 pm
Distracted by Alfrey's excitement at Ralavaz's words, Hilmar looks across and is astonished by what appears to have been a kind of miracle.

Then he hears the tiefling's excitement from the bottom of the well. He did not think the mask would be there, assuming it would have been taken down to the lower planes when the demon was vanquished. He has a bad feeling about the mask. He didn't articulate these thoughts earlier, having concluded that it had gone where the demon went. He looks down into the well and is filled with consternation on seeing Euphoria trying it on. "No! Take it off Euphoria! Be careful! At least let me try an identify spell on it before you try it out."
Apr 30, 2021 7:27 am
Kaa gathers the rest of his belongings from Alfrey and starts humming a tune about kings and mountains. He sat down at a wall lazily while the others gather themselves, although when Euphoria shouts about finding the mask he looks up with a surprised face and crawls to the pit to see it.


May 1, 2021 10:40 pm
Euphoria picks up the mask, tries it on. Nothing seems special about. She doesn't feel different or tingly or anything when she puts it on.

Len sent a note to Jusika


May 1, 2021 10:44 pm
Tears roll down Ralavaz's cheeks as he says to Alfrey: "There is no greater solace than that which you offer me now. Please, I pledge my life to Bahamut and his infinite justice. And I pledge myself as your man, brother Alfrey. Lead, and I shall follow."
May 2, 2021 2:25 am
Hilmar anxiously peers down into the well. He is relieved that nothing bad seems to have happened to Euphoria, as far as he can tell.

His attention returns to Alfrey and Ralavaz, amazed by what he is witnessing.
May 2, 2021 6:09 am
That... Was disappointing,- the tiefling turns the mask around, and looks at its shiny surface from the front. Nothing else here, I'm coming up!,- she says loudly, making sure everyone hears her from down there. She then puts the mask in her bag and gets ready.

Euphoria has to jump to reach the rope, as it's just a bit shorter than the pit's depth. Her boots firmly press against the stone wall of the well as she walks up. When she is finally at the top, she struggles a bit to get herself out of it and to a horizontal surface, clearly worn off by the long day. The infernal lies down on her back to take a short rest, her eyes closed, and smiles. Can't wait till we get back to those hot springs,- she says, stretching her arms.
May 3, 2021 1:16 am
Alfrey stops holding back and embraces his spiritual bother. "You honor me, truly. Praise Bahamut for bringing our paths together!" He lets go of Ralavaz, but the joy in his eyes remains. "One man worshiping on his own is just a mystic — a hermit, but two men worshipping together — that can be called a church. Think of it — a real church to The Platinum Dragon among humankind!"
May 3, 2021 9:46 am
Naeris is anxious while these things are happening. Is there anything down the well? the mask dangerous and was it ever?...Should they find out what the other night blades are doing?...Will Euphoria be safe climbing out of the well?...Will Ralavaz be joining their party?...What will they find when they leave this place?

Who knows what will happen after today if the night blades are disbanded - or will some of the bandits remain a problem? Will Alfrey and Ralavaz cease adventuring? Will Ralavaz be accepted in town? What will the party do after this?

Experience tells her that focusing on the moment is best because there could still be dangers behind the exit door. She puts these thoughts aside and wonders that Euphoria can rest so peacefully at a time like this.
Last edited May 3, 2021 9:47 am
May 4, 2021 12:19 am
"Let's get ready to leave as soon as possible," says Hilmar, moving towards the doors. He listens at the door for any noises. If there are no noises he will quietly slide back the slot in the door. He will stand back from this, in case any Night Blades are waiting to shove a sword through the aperture. Then he will peer out.
Last edited May 4, 2021 12:19 am
May 4, 2021 1:51 pm
As Hilmar's moving towards the door, Euphoria opens her eyes and gets up, quickly getting her posessions off the floor as well. She doesn't untie the grappling hook and just attaches the rope with it to her bag as is, throwing the mask inside the backpack as well. Ready here!,- she smiles as usual.
May 4, 2021 9:17 pm
Kaa gets on his feet and dusts himself off a bit, ready to go. "Let's see how the rest of the tower is, then food, bath and drinks?" he grins.


May 7, 2021 6:02 am
The party emerges from the throne room, black cloaks discarded. You climb the stairs to see what fate befell the other Night Blades. In the stairway you find only severed rope remains where once you had tied up sleeping Night Blades. Their comrades must have freed them in during their flight from the throne room. You climb back to the surface, and the light streaming through the broken roof of the Lonely Tower feels heavenly on your face after tangling that demonic monstrosity, as if washing away some unseen taint.

It becomes clear that the remaining Night Blades have run off to the surrounding hills. The big green shambling mound is quiet as ever, shuffling around in its wide patch of strangleweed. It seems oblivious to your presence.

Ralavaz chats with Alfrey, happy to have something to distract himself from the horrors of just moments ago.

"I don't know if you noticed it, but there's a temple in Hope. Its that circular stone building, you seen it? The folks in town keep it clean and have ceremonies and such there, but they haven't had a spiritual leader for a long time. Maybe the town would be open to you taking over the place?"
Is there anything else you'd like to do before returning to Hope?
May 7, 2021 5:53 pm
On the way out, Hilmar will quickly check down the tunnel that leads to the pit, where we came in and found Ralavaz, in order to see that the two Night Blades we tied up got out as well and are no longer tied up.
[ +- ] lenpelletier says
Only ensure we pour the Yamamoto bottle over our boots and lower leggings to make sure we can get past the strangleweed!
Last edited May 7, 2021 5:59 pm
May 8, 2021 7:02 am
Once it's clear that the bandits are no longer around, Naeris says 'I guess they'll be back but there's not much we can do about it. I don't want to stay here any longer.'
May 8, 2021 8:36 am
Pleased to have found a new comrade, Alfrey carries on his conversation with Ralavaz "It would certainly be an honor, if the town were to allow such a thing. It seems that the folk in Hope are not very… well… hopeful." He chuckles, noticing the irony in the statement. "At least not when it comes to the future of their town. It is a humble place, to be sure, but even a humble temple is more than I’ve ever had the honor of presiding over before. And who knows? Perhaps it could be the seed of something greater."

As the party makes their final preparations to leave the tower, it occurs to Alfrey to make another inquiry of Ralavaz. "Are you coming back into town with us? I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but the sheriff is looking for you. She seems to believe that you’ve gone back to your old ways. We will vouch for you, of course, but I can’t say for sure that there won’t be any trouble for you back there."
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