The party emerges from the throne room, black cloaks discarded. You climb the stairs to see what fate befell the other Night Blades. In the stairway you find only severed rope remains where once you had tied up sleeping Night Blades. Their comrades must have freed them in during their flight from the throne room. You climb back to the surface, and the light streaming through the broken roof of the Lonely Tower feels heavenly on your face after tangling that demonic monstrosity, as if washing away some unseen taint.
It becomes clear that the remaining Night Blades have run off to the surrounding hills. The big green shambling mound is quiet as ever, shuffling around in its wide patch of strangleweed. It seems oblivious to your presence.
Ralavaz chats with Alfrey, happy to have something to distract himself from the horrors of just moments ago.
"I don't know if you noticed it, but there's a temple in Hope. Its that circular stone building, you seen it? The folks in town keep it clean and have ceremonies and such there, but they haven't had a spiritual leader for a long time. Maybe the town would be open to you taking over the place?"OOC:
Is there anything else you'd like to do before returning to Hope?