A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter One

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Aug 24, 2016 5:30 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to Scotash
Aug 24, 2016 5:33 pm
Blaine looks at Mathis, confused, then looks at the machete clutched tightly in mud soaked fist.

"Perhaps you'd care to put that down first?" He returns his gaze to Mathis' eyes, looking for some sign of madness or perhaps it's sanity he's looking for, "or should we get the Doctor and Sheriff over here?"
Aug 24, 2016 5:36 pm
"No I don't think I will. Everything that has been going on out here I don't think this will be leaving my side any time soon. But don't worry, it's not for you. Unless I find out your part of it. So let's start from the beginning. What actually happened last time you were out here?"
Aug 24, 2016 5:40 pm
Blaine turns, whiskey in hand and joins the others at the kitchen table, pouring for everyone that wants some.
Aug 24, 2016 5:42 pm
Noticing for the first time that things are starting to spiral out of control, Jon pushes himself to his feet and starts to move to get between the two of them, good hand held out away from his revolver, but close enough to draw it if needed. "Whoa...whoa. Mathis...put it down. We're all a little freaked out right now. Everything's gone to hell since we got here. Threatening Blaine isn't going to get us anywhere, but thrown in jail. Please...just calm down."
Aug 24, 2016 5:43 pm
Pouring the largest glass for himself, "I'm not sure where this hostility has come from. I know there's been some unusual things happening, at least according to some, and everyone's under pressure, but everyone just needs to calm down, you especially Mathis."
Aug 24, 2016 5:48 pm
Kaosanddoom sent a note to Knifesedgegames
Mathis sheaths his machete and walks inside.

You guys are probably right. I guess maybe i am a little over zealous at times. Our infamous leader obviously doesn't know anything about it, or why would he lead another group of students out here to possibly die.
Aug 24, 2016 6:59 pm
Angel walks to the table and sinks down to sit in a chair, his expression relieved. "We're all under an extreme amount of stress. We've seen things that can't be explained, even to others of us who saw similar things. I will continue to hold my position: Blaine, we need to pack up and get out of here. Something horrible is happening in this town and it's a danger to all of us. We need to leave. I came here to collect folk-tales. I've done that. There's nothing else keeping us here. Is there?" he finishes, staring right into Blaine's eyes.
Aug 24, 2016 7:45 pm
"I don't wanna go anywhere until I find out what happened to Daphne and Jeff. First step there is to hear the stories of what happened during the last expedition, instead of getting stonewalled at every opportunity. Jon says as he sits back down.
Aug 24, 2016 7:54 pm
Angel sighs in exasperated desperation and leans forward, resting his head in his hands, and says nothing.
Aug 24, 2016 8:24 pm
"Im not leaving. Im here, i know this is happening, and i can't in good conscious leave while i know people are dying.
Aug 24, 2016 11:11 pm
It takes Blaine several sips of whiskey before he starts talking. Everyone falls quiet while he does, staring into his glass and refilling it each time it empties.

"You want to know what happened, fine I'll tell you. Professor Harrold sent us on that expedition. We were one of five groups to various locations, me, Boyd Patterson, John Jeffrey and...and Daphne Devine." He almost chokes as he says her name, a tear running down one cheek.

"26th of June, I remember it like yesterday, an exciting prospect and the chance of extra credits. We were a great team but Jeffrey, who was assigned to collect ore samples decided instead to stay with the rest of us conducting interviews, planning to falsify records. He was jealous, jealous that Daphne liked me more than him. We let him do what he wanted, if he was found out, it was his neck on the line. We interviewed a local, Jethro his name I think. He started opening up about strange things, talk of ancient burial grounds. Daphne was smart," he smiles, remembering, "She was astute, she knew the tales were outlandish but she found a touch of authenticity but we needed more proof. Interviewing others, she found out more, seeing a pattern leading to the Native American's that once lived here, myths that had perpetuated from before the arrival of white settlers. We ran out of time and had to return to Arkham."

He refills, "We planned a return trip and presented our findings to the Professor. He was delighted we were so committed. He approved our second outing. The night before we were due to return, I threw caution to the wind. I...I ...proposed to Daphne. She said no...."

"I was devastated, I felt like my heart had been torn out, my life , my future, now nothing more than a grey blur. I drank that night, I drank more than I've ever drank. I went off-campus, to my apartment, fell down the stairs and broke my arm. That put an end to my plans to return to Cobb's Corner."

"The others left on the 13th of August. I didn't care, I didn't want be near her if she didn't want me. Next thing I heard they'd come to grief. Patterson was found at the foot of the Green Mountains, his body mangled by a long fall. I blamed myself. I travelled with the search parties, my arm in a cast. John and Daphne were missing. we found their last campsite at the foot of Broken Hill but they were never found,"
he wipes away more tears.

He looks at Angel, "You want a reason to stay? We have to find out what happened. We have to find her, we have to find out what happened. I'm not responsible for what's happening here, what you've seen, but I'm responsible for her, I should have been here, for her," at this he breaks down and quietly sobs, his arms crossed on the table, his head down.
Aug 24, 2016 11:47 pm
Mathis quietly removes his machete from its sheath and begins to sharpen it. He is astutely aware of everyone staring at him, he even revels in it for a minute. Then he says "Don't worry it's not for Blaine. But i am going to camp at the green mountains with or without the rest of you.
Aug 24, 2016 11:58 pm
There's a rumble of thunder and flash of lightning outside, reminding you how powerful the storm is.

"How you planning to get there? Hike?" says Clarissa, "In this storm? The bridge is down so you won't get a vehicle over there."
Aug 24, 2016 11:59 pm
oh tonight is prep. Tomorrow night is the night
Aug 25, 2016 12:07 am
"I don't know about you guys, but I need some sleep," he get's up and stumbles into his cot, now more than a little drunk.
Aug 25, 2016 12:08 am
"Agreed, I've had enough for one night too."
Aug 25, 2016 2:03 pm
Angel looks around at everyone for a minute, letting the ticking silence linger. Finally he inhales, "Fine. I'll stay. It's obviously important to Blaine. I'll even go with you tomorrow night, Mathis, if only to keep your wild machete wielding in check." He shakes his head again, scratching nervously at his chest as he does so. "God help us. I'm going to bed." And with that, he walks out of the kitchen to his cot and throws himself onto it. He stares at the ceiling, wondering if sleep will come at all this night.
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