A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter One

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Sep 1, 2016 5:54 pm
Harlow arrives and everyone piles into the cars and truck and head to the site of Broken Hill. It's about 30 minutes away.

Jon, Mathis, Fr. Simon, Angel, Joseph and Clarissa opt to return to town to conduct more interviews. Clarissa particularly expresses her wish to stay in the farmhouse and not camp out and is hoping someone will remain with her, especially given that the most recent dream seems connected to the Maple Wood at the back of the house and the discovery of bones in the back yard.
Sep 1, 2016 6:04 pm
Jon will reassure Clarissa that he has no intention of letting anyone stay anywhere alone tonight, and agrees to stay at the farmhouse with her. Camping with a recently re-located shoulder isn't exactly his idea of a good time.
Sep 1, 2016 6:06 pm
I'm sorry clarissa, but i think there is something for us on the camp site, I am gonna try it one night. If nothing points me in the right direction there, i will be coming back here to explore more. But we have to talk to that witch first, she might change everything.
Sep 1, 2016 6:20 pm
Joseph will go with the others to the witch but would also like to speak to the librarian and her niece again
Sep 1, 2016 6:27 pm
Mrs Bellweather lives on the far side of the valley at the end of a cul-de-sac. The small home is in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint and some minor repairs. Here and there, potted plants and a homespun quilt add a splash of colour to the drab building. An old woman,a huge black on her lap, sits on a large rocking chair on the porch
Sep 1, 2016 6:29 pm
"Good evening Mrs. Bellweather. My name is Mathis, and I was hoping you would be willing to use some of your time to talk to us"
Sep 1, 2016 6:56 pm
The old woman lowers her spectacles and looks at you over the top of them, "Let me have a closer look at you, young man."
Sep 1, 2016 7:00 pm
Upon request Mathis approaches the porch, heads up the steps, and gets closer to the women.
Sep 1, 2016 9:33 pm
The little gnome of a woman peers at Mathis. Her silver hair is knee length, held in a single braid, her hazel eyes still have a spark. She stares in silence for a full minute, before putting her cat to the floor.

"Sit, come all of you sit, and tell me what I can do for you."
Sep 2, 2016 4:18 am
Angel walks forward, decidedly nervous about this meeting. It feels strange admitting that all the weird things he's experienced are real but it feels even more strange for him to be discussing it with a total stranger.

He looks around at the others, hoping one of them will be braver than him and talk to the old witch.
Sep 2, 2016 6:02 am
"We were hoping that you would be able to fill us in on some of the strange happenings that have occurred here over the years"
Sep 2, 2016 4:45 pm
"And especially with recent events," Jon adds. "Everybody else in the town is hesitant to talk to us about anything."
Sep 2, 2016 4:48 pm
"What it all comes down too is that we are all having horrible, vivid nightmares, and they are all the same. We are also encountering strange creatures that "don't exist" on earth. Something horrible is going on here, and people are dying. We are hoping you can help us make sense of it so we can stop it."
Sep 2, 2016 6:53 pm
"And why do you think I know anything about strange things? Have the townsfolk told you something about me?"

The huge black cat once again jumps into her lap and settles, purring loudly.
Sep 2, 2016 6:57 pm
Jon scoffs, not believing what he's about to say. "Yeah, they say that you're a witch, and that we should stay away from you. To me, that just means you might have something interesting to say."
Sep 2, 2016 7:00 pm
"With all do respect maam, you know they have. They have also told us that we are crazy, that there is nothing going on, or that we are just here to make trouble. I don't put much stock in what the towns people here say sometimes."
Sep 2, 2016 7:13 pm
Angel stares at Mathis. " 'So we can stop it'? Who do you think we are? Who do you think you are? This is insane." He turns to look at Agnus. "Mrs. Belleweather, we have experienced strange things. The townsfolk say you are a witch. We are grasping at straws here. If you can help us, in any way at all, please do. We're desperate for answers. I'm desperate."
Sep 2, 2016 7:18 pm
"Angel, now is not the time. If you can't gather enough testicular fortitude to see what is right in front of you, and believe that you can run away from this, then by all means stop wasting our time and run. Right now I am here to see what this woman knows, not listen to you wet yourself on her porch."

Mathis has had just about enough of people not being able to see that this is not something you can run away from. It will spread, and it will get worse if it isn't stopped. He is sure of it.

"Maam I deeply apologize for us not having things more together here, but as you can tell we are all flustered, and all of us are handling pressure differently. I promise I have the utmost interest in anything you could tell us about what is actually going on out here.
Sep 2, 2016 8:50 pm
"When you lot have finished bickering. I'm no witch, so if you're expecting some magic or hocus-pocus, you've come to the wrong place. I used to be midwife around these parts, but the sheriff made me stop when Dr Perry came to town. Folk still come this way though wanting remedies and advice. Off you go, Beltane"

Again the cat jumps down and curls up at her feet. She picks hair off her quilt, "If strange things are happening though, I wouldn't be surprised, given the history of the place."
Sep 2, 2016 8:53 pm
"What history do you speak of? Would you mind telling us what you know?
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