A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter One

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Apr 29, 2016 8:32 pm
What skill is needed to use the camera?
If we have arrived in town i will look for a local coffee shop. Old timers have the best stories.
Apr 29, 2016 10:51 pm
Kaosanddoom says:
What skill is needed to use the camera?
If we have arrived in town i will look for a local coffee shop. Old timers have the best stories.
Apr 30, 2016 6:38 pm
The students arrive at Cobb's Corners at about 1.30pm. Your first day will be for settling in so there will be no investigating or digging work to do but Blaine asks that no-one strays too far from the group as he's responsible for you.

Your place of lodging, the Maclearan Farmhouse is a two story unsightly eyesore surrounded by thigh high grasses. Behind the farm, large Sugar Maples grow. Within the house are a few unbroken chairs facing one another before a brick fireplace in which cold black ashes lie. A large window looks out on what was a front yard.

Misk U have been good enough to run a phone line to the house. but unfortunately the dwelling has neither electricity nor gas. The layout consists of a front room, a large kitchen area, and what must have been a parlor downstairs, as well as two large bedrooms upstairs The place is dusty and obviously could do with a clean. Oddly enough, the place doesn’t really feel abandoned, as if someone or some thing still visits here from time to time..... waiting.
Hanging on the wall above the hand pump in the sink is a faded yellow and blue hand stitched plaque that reads "God bless our happy home" Below the window looking out on the backyard stands a large insulated metal box into which ice can be poured and used to keep food cold. Through the rear window can be seen a decrepit outhouse that sits like an wooden island amongst a sea of grass—a collapsed barn, some fifty feet behind and surrounded by the Sugar Maple forest.

Clarissa, as the only female student, elects to take one of the rooms upstairs, while the men make do with cots downstairs and the second bedroom. Blaine chooses the parlor as his own private sleeping space.

Arrange who sleeps where.
Apr 30, 2016 7:54 pm
"I'd be okay with one of the cots, but I'd really prefer my own bed. But I'm fine with whatever."

Thomas is used to sleeping on nice, elegant, comfortable beds, but he doesn't want to come off as stuck up.
Apr 30, 2016 7:55 pm
I'll set down in the front room in a cot.
Last edited April 30, 2016 8:28 pm
May 1, 2016 2:39 am
Angel plops his bag down on one of the cots amd looks around at everone else. "I feel like stretching my legs a bit. Anyone fancy a walk around the premises?"
May 1, 2016 2:48 am
"This place is a little cramped for my tastes. I think I will set my tent outside. I work better when I can be outdoors. So yes I will take you up in that perimeter walk and find a place for my set up."
May 1, 2016 8:41 am
"Just make sure you stay close," says Blaine.
May 1, 2016 3:09 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to Kaosanddoom,Shark_Bone
May 1, 2016 3:46 pm
Jon drops his bags on another of the cots downstairs. Home sweet home...
May 1, 2016 5:03 pm
Mathis and Angel wander off outside leaving the rest of you to unpack. Thomas tries to hide his delight at getting the upstairs room to himself.
May 1, 2016 5:07 pm
"As Father Simon wasn't able to join us straight away, that's fine Tommy, but if and when he shows up, be a good chap and let him take the room," smiles Blaine.
May 1, 2016 9:36 pm
Looking at the flower arrangement is there any set pattern to them?
May 1, 2016 9:46 pm
Kaosanddoom says:
Looking at the flower arrangement is there any set pattern to them?
May 1, 2016 9:48 pm
"Angel look at these flowers. They are far to well kept to have grown natural. Somebody is tending to them."
Last edited February 1, 2017 5:30 pm
May 1, 2016 9:58 pm
"Yes of course, I'll have no issues with surrendering my room to Father Simon." Thank god I don't have to sleep on a cot. My body would not have enjoyed that.
May 1, 2016 10:22 pm
well setting the cot and my gear didn't take long I'll go and check out the fireplace to see if it needs much work to prep. Not sure how cold it's going to get out hear at night.
May 2, 2016 8:22 pm
Well out here by these flowers seems as good a place as any, plus if there is something weird going on i can keep an eye on it. I will set camp here.
May 2, 2016 9:51 pm
Once everyone has chosen their sleeping arrangements, Blaine says he's taking everyone to Jim's Grill to buy everyone a late lunch. You all get into your three vehicles for a short drive to the diner.

Cobb’s Corners is a place of great scenic beauty, a Rockwell painting come to life Small shops line the unpaved Main Street leading to the waterfront district consisting of a couple of warehouses and a few short piers Spread out behind the stores are a collection of homes, a public library, the town hall, a local sheriff ’s office, the office of the Cobb’s Corners Gazette, a one room schoolhouse, and an assortment of other buildings.
Access to the valley is by a two-lane road that meanders through the surrounding mountains.

Beyond the town proper lies the Gismend River Bridge (great for bass and trout fishing) Farming covers hundreds of acres of tilled soil bursting with a variety of crops, such as sweet corn. Any inch of land not used for farming boasts a cluster of trees, with thick forests of elms, oaks, and hickories in danger of taking over abandoned farms Standing majestically in the background, the Green Mountains rear up like a bulwark against the rest of the country.
A couple of handouts posted on the forum.
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