Combat Simulator

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Mar 13, 2021 9:31 pm
As you drift off to sleep, whoever you may be, you find yourself in a wide white void. Nothing but empty space for miles, save for the one figure standing not to far from you.

The man is not very imposing, he's as thin as a rail, and wrapped head to toe in bandages. His long red hair and cloak billow without the aid of wind. White flames flicker from his finger tips. His blue eyes stare vacantly in your direction. Every so often his form flickers, as if the world is rejecting him and yet holding him in place at the same time.

You both stare at each other for what seems like an eternity, then a voice rings out into the nothing.
"Prove your worth..."

You feel compelled to draw your weapon, and thus the fight begins.
Mar 13, 2021 9:36 pm
The Bandaged man twitches, and the flames spring up in earnest, running up and down the lengths of his arms.
He appears to be waiting for you to make the first move.

Bandaged Man
HP (???/???)
Healing lights (5/5)
Pact Magic (2/2)
Zone : 3
Mar 13, 2021 9:44 pm
I lock eyes with him as I take out my broadsword from underneath my leather trenchcoat and deploy the shield that my vambrace hides within by pressing the emerald gemstone that it's adorned with.

Gharn Greycastle
HP 28/28
AC 20
Action surge 1/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 2/2
Bullets (6)/36
Zone 1
Last edited March 13, 2021 10:08 pm
Mar 13, 2021 10:23 pm
I begin running towards the Bandaged Man as I'm reading my sword for an diagonal upward swipe.
I strike him across the chest with my broadsword, looking dead into his eyes.
Gharn Greycastle
HP 28/28
AC 20
Action surge 1/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 2/2
Bullets (6)/36
Zone 4
Last edited March 13, 2021 10:32 pm


Attack roll - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Attack damage - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Mar 13, 2021 10:41 pm
The bandaged man continues to stare blankly at you, he seems to not even notice as your sword slashes across his chest.
Wisps of light begin to press into the wound, making it fade away.
The man jerkily raises his hand to your face and sends a blast of holy energy at you.
The beam fires wide, and off target, not even coming close to hitting anything.

Bandaged Man
HP (???/???)
Healing lights (4/5)
Pact magic (2/2)


Healing lights - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Angelic Blast - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Mar 13, 2021 11:01 pm
I sidestep as he raises his hand and misses me by far;
I raise my sword with a roar as it gleams with a dark greyish aura and I swing it towards his right shoulder bellowing "Booming blade"!
Alas,as he got me by surprise I miss him as well
Gharn Greycastle
HP 28/28
AC 20
Action surge 1/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 2/2
Bullets (6)/36
Zone 4
Last edited March 13, 2021 11:07 pm


Attack roll - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Mar 13, 2021 11:14 pm
Rather than sidestep the incoming blade he takes the hit without flinching. White light stopping the sword before it could touch his skin, and repelling the weapon as the man raises his other hand to fire off a blast.

Bandaged Man
AC: 14


Angelic Blast - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Mar 13, 2021 11:36 pm
The blast aimed straight at me glances harmlessly off of my shield and I take a few quick steps back.
The runestones on my necklace start to glow as I channel my inner magic and I conjure a Chromatic orb sphere of fire energy and hurl it towards the mysterious being ahead of me.
Gharn Greycastle
HP 28/28
AC 20
Action surge 1/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 1/2
Bullets (6)/36
Zone 2
Last edited March 13, 2021 11:40 pm


Attack roll - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Mar 13, 2021 11:51 pm
Just as Gharn released the orb, the bandaged man jerked his foot forward, sending a concealed dagger flying out. The dagger collides with the young mage’s hand causing the magic to sputter and fad before being launched.

The world ripples with displeasure, and some light returns to the man’s eyes. Cold, feral , hatred is all you can see.
With purpose he raises both hands, blinding light flaring all around him, and smashes them together.
You begin to feel your body stiffen up.
Make a WIS save.
Bandaged Man
Zone :3
Mar 14, 2021 12:01 am
I struggle with the feeling of losing control of my body as it begins to stiffen up,but I fail to resist and I'm not able to move.

Gharn Greycastle
HP 28/28
AC 20
Action surge 1/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 1/2
Bullets (6)/36
Zone 2
Last edited March 14, 2021 12:04 am


Wis save - (1d20-1)

(12) - 1 = 11

Mar 15, 2021 9:04 pm
The Bandaged Man, shambles his way over to your frozen body. A malicious grin spreading beneath the wrappings in his face. He inches ever closer until he is right in your face. White light accumulating in his palms, forming into massive orbs.
He places a hand in either side of your head and with an evil glint in his eye he says "GoOdByE "
The white light explodes, and for a moment you feel nothing but searing pain.

In a cold sweat you wake up, quite certain you had a nightmare but not certain what it was about.
Mar 15, 2021 9:16 pm
A few weeks go by with no dreams to mention, until tonight, where you find yourself in the white void yet again.
This time however, in the distance you see a large shifting object, it’s form ever shifting but following one theme, a throne.

"Let’s try this again." The voice from the previous dream rumbles.

Across from you, yet again, stands the form of the bandaged man. Idly shifting back and forth, waiting for you to make the first move.
Mar 15, 2021 9:38 pm
I gasp as I lay my eyes upon the figure of my previous dream. I walk towards the bandaged man, but I keep a distance between us.
"What is this? Is it really a dream?" I call over to him. "What do you want from me? Why do I feel like I need to fight you? I will do so if need be, don't think lightly of me." I say trying to convince myself more than I try to convince him, while I try to discern the object behind the man and its surrounding.
Mar 15, 2021 9:56 pm
The Bandaged Man does not answer, but the voice of the realm rings out once more.
"You are not ready for what is to come, and so you will fight. He has no choice in the matter, and will fight you as many times as it takes."
Mar 15, 2021 10:07 pm
"At least you could show yourself and tell that to my face!", I shout towards the direction of the throne. "And what exactly is to come? Give a straight answer for starters!"
Mar 15, 2021 10:15 pm
The Bandaged Man continues to stare blankly, seemingly confused as to why you haven’t started fighting yet.

"I have no face, I am but the will of human kind, and it matters not what is to come, because you are already involved.
Hate me, hate the world, hate the destiny life has seen fit to give you, but waste not this opportunity for growth.
... not everyone gets the chance to fight a hero."
Mar 16, 2021 5:23 am
"Okay then Mr Hero, let's dance about one more time."
And then, shield at the ready in one hand, broadsword in the other, I move towards him. My swords glistens with magic as I swipe it wide across the man and shout 'Booming blade' .

Gharn Greycastle
HP 28/28
AC 20
Action surge 1/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 2/2
Bullets (6)/36
Last edited March 16, 2021 5:27 am


Attack roll - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Mar 16, 2021 7:32 am
The Bandaged Man, who before this moment seemed to be in his dazed trance, slapped the blade upward. His hand was suddenly coated in the mysterious white light.
Then he lurked forward, trying to get inside Gharn’s defenses. His movement seems... unnatural, as if he was fighting against heavy weights or chains.
He brings his hands together, drawing a solid sphere of light into his palms, and then launches it up at Gharn’s face.
Bandaged Man
HL (6/6)
PM (2/2)


Angelic Blast - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Radiant Damage - (1d10+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Mar 16, 2021 11:28 am
"Oi! That one had some punch innit!"
Gharn then attacked him with his sword, aiming for his left shoulder and with an Action Surge he moves back and conjures a Chromatic orb of acid , aimed at the bandaged man's face.

Gharn Greycastle
HP 18/28
AC 20
Action surge 0/1
Second wind 1/1
Spell slots 1/2
Bullets (6)/36
Last edited March 16, 2021 11:32 am


Weapon attack roll - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Spell attack roll - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Attack damage - (1d8+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Mar 16, 2021 9:45 pm
The sword comes down hard on the Bandaged Man's shoulder. The sword is stopped briefly by the white light before it shatters and the sword digs deep into the flesh of its victim.
Seemingly unfazed by this substantial injury, the Bandaged Man yanks the sword while its still imbedded in his shoulder, throwing multicolored orb far off its original course.
He yanks Gharn in until their inches from each others face and says. "ClEaNsEd ... In ... FiRe... FlAmInG SpHeRe!"

A writhing mass of white flames appears directly behind Gharn, and with a flick of the Bandaged Man's wrist, it comes hurtling at Gharn.
Make a Dex save. Take half damage if you succeed.
Bandaged Man
HP (???-13)
AC: 14
DC: 15
HL (6/6)
PM (1/2)


Fire Damage - (2d6)

(15) = 6

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