Mar 17, 2021 8:14 pm
So I brought it up as a side discussion for game pitches I was going to run so I'm figure we should split it out. There's games people want to play but not as many GMs for players as some might like. So if there was a demo game/workshop 'this is how to GM system X' that spanned a month to 3 months and it's done who would want to learn to GM a system then run a game? Looking for people who want to learn then start a game on GP. We can link them up with people to teach once we know. I guess we can do general GMing if that's something people want to learn as well. Thoughts on what people want to learn to GM with the intent to run a game in that system? I'll start a couple I can think of that I'd mentor and update as people say what they'd like to learn to GM or would offer to teach people.
[ +- ] This list got long kinda quick so condensed for post size reasons
Savage Worlds (Deluxe/SWADE)
Mentor: Remnant
Mentor: emsquared
Would like Mentorship: Viking1031
D&D or Pathfinder
Mentor: emsquared & DeJoker
Shadowrun 4 or 5
Mentor: emsquared
Vampire (and/or a few other World of Darkness lines)
Mentor: emsquared & DeJoker
Narrative Dice System (FFG Star Wars, or Genesys)
Mentor: emsquared
Deadlands (Classic)
Mentor: emsquared
Cortex RPG (Plus or Prime)
Mentor: emsquared
Blades in the Dark
Mentor: emsquared
Burning Wheel
Mentor: emsquared
General Going Off Script situations you find yourself in
Mentor: Remnant, Falconloft, Bowlofspinach, & DeJoker
World Building and Setup
Mentor: Bowlofspinach & Falconloft
Call of Cthulhu
Mentor: DeJoker
Most Superhero RPGs
Mentor: DeJoker
Mentor: DeJoker
13th Age
Mentor: Falconloft
Mentor: Remnant
Mentor: emsquared
Would like Mentorship: Viking1031
D&D or Pathfinder
Mentor: emsquared & DeJoker
Shadowrun 4 or 5
Mentor: emsquared
Vampire (and/or a few other World of Darkness lines)
Mentor: emsquared & DeJoker
Narrative Dice System (FFG Star Wars, or Genesys)
Mentor: emsquared
Deadlands (Classic)
Mentor: emsquared
Cortex RPG (Plus or Prime)
Mentor: emsquared
Blades in the Dark
Mentor: emsquared
Burning Wheel
Mentor: emsquared
General Going Off Script situations you find yourself in
Mentor: Remnant, Falconloft, Bowlofspinach, & DeJoker
World Building and Setup
Mentor: Bowlofspinach & Falconloft
Call of Cthulhu
Mentor: DeJoker
Most Superhero RPGs
Mentor: DeJoker
Mentor: DeJoker
13th Age
Mentor: Falconloft
Last edited July 4, 2021 6:02 pm