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Mar 27, 2021 7:55 pm
Families and friends gather at the dock, waiting for the......second inaugural flight of the United Earth-born Fleet X-AE-XII, called "Archangel" by those who know her well. She's an older ship, about thirty years behind, but she was at the battle of Caramay, Sigma Eight, and even shuttled refugees off the collapsing Planet T'harr. A decorated vessel, to be sure, one most young human aviators ogled at the museum on Earth Beryllium, from which she launched originally. To think! Some of those same souls who were inspired by the Archangel's flights are now going to serve with her!

A strange honor, sure. But after about 90 years of hunting for better Antimony sources, humans are running out of their supply. The Grel'lix, a largely unknown race on the outskirts of the Treaty, are having a similar issue with an iodine variant they (loosely) call "Redjuice." The translation isn't ideal. Still, humans were invited with great caution to their latest trade negotiations, and that is exactly why X-AE-XII has been taken out of mothballs. She won't show up on the Grel'lix scanners as an enemy, and she already has the holding tanks necessary to make the first trade.

A few of Archangel's original crew remain, even humans, but the Captain is the stiff-necked daughter the great Admiral Orion Hamilton himself. There are rumors that Pleiades rues the opportunity to prove herself on her father's ship, but there's no mark of this in her casting-off speech. In fact, more of the nerdy child raised in the ship's underbelly comes through.

The beacon rings out in the dock as final kisses and farewells are exchanged. Time to board, and take this legend back to the stars!
Mar 27, 2021 8:44 pm
People instinctively step back as what appears to be a woman makes their way past them towards the ship. Already impressive due to their natural height and snow white hair, they, rather than mitigating these features, highlight them with tight, all-black clothes, including gloves and their elegant boots whose heels add a good couple more centimeters to their thin frame.

Next to this old, refurbished spacecraft, the people that most would call Professor Janine Bale, but who themselves despise being called by this inaccurate moniker, look out of place. Impressive, like the ship but in a completely different way. New where the ship is old. Cold and distant where the ship is filled with the warmth of memories and history.

The Sisters let their mismatched eyes wander over the dock, the ship and the spectators around. Without a single word to anyone, they step onto the ship, silent except for the clicking of their heels on the floor.
Mar 29, 2021 12:21 pm
X-AE-XII, the "Archangel" itself revived. Jonh stops to feel the piece of old technology. Yes, it can dodge the Grel'lix scanners in a way not even the newest ship can, but Jonh doubts it can do much more. Thirty years are many lifetimes for any technology. Still, he couldn't stop but marvel at the his luck: being aboard the legendary vessel from Caramay, under no other than Captain Pleiades Hamilton herself, on a mission to gain access to much needed supplies, without which humanity may as well be doomed!

His trance-like state is disturbed by the sound of heels clicking on the floor. He turns to see the disquieting woman boarding the ship. He puts up his best smile to greet her "Professor Janine Bale, welcome on board. I'm Jonh from maintenance and I'll be your contact if you need anything. Let me show you to your room." he looks around to check if she is carrying anything. "Is there any thing I can help you with in the mean time?"
Last edited March 29, 2021 12:27 pm
Mar 29, 2021 3:42 pm
The Sisters stop and look at the man for a moment. Their eyes narrow as they consider him. "That is not our name," they then state after a moment. "You may refer to us as The Sisters," they explain. "Or, if you prefer the title, 'Professors'." Then, their expression softens very slightly and they add: "We hired someone to bring our belongings to our cabin. If they haven't arrived yet, they will shortly. But we would appreciate you taking us there. Thank you, Jonh."
Mar 30, 2021 10:26 am
"Yes, sure, professors" Jonh replies still smiling, but a bit unsure what is going on. "Your belongings will be with you in no time. Please follow me"
Apr 7, 2021 9:14 pm
The day has come. Daniel and Elise have discussed this whole ordeal many times. The fact that they will be separated for however long. They hoped it wouldn't be for too long, but one can never be so sure when it comes to space expedition and securing trades with a race we – humans – didn't have much info about.

Daniel had to leave, join the spacecraft crew for the good of the community. For Elise and their future together. Living here without new, stable trade routes would be miserable. But waiting for the confirmation if everything went well, that would be awful, too. Daniel had some level of security clearance that allowed him to get more information about this than the regular Joe, and he told Elise everything, even if he shouldn't, so they were a bit nervous. There were many people whom Daniel could help if he stayed here, but he felt in his heart that he'd be more helpful by joining this mission. And he did get appointed to the crew. It wasn't easy, but Elise did give him a blessing after a while.

Today, they walked to the dock together. That was it, this is their last moment for some while. "At least I don't have to worry that something will go wrong... you'll keep everything order, right, hun?" Elise said while tightly holding Daniel's hand. "You can count on that!" was the reply.
"I'll be back in a light speed," he continued, and Elise smirked with doubt. "Or, close to a light speed." Daniel corrected himself. He glanced at the ship that will be his base now. Even Elise was impressed by it, and she wasn't the tech type.

Daniel looked back at his partner. "I love you."
"I love you too." responded Elise, putting something into his hand. He could recognize the item by touch, so he smiled and then kissed Elise goodbye.
Now on the ship, Daniel tried to visualize the mind map he had planned for the launch. First and foremost, he should check the armoury and make sure that everything is ready according to the list. He took off wandering, looking for the right section while playing with Elise's pendant.
Apr 13, 2021 7:26 am
On the way to the sister's room, Jonh notices Daniel looking a bit absent minded and fairly list as the man moves around the ship playing with what could be his lucky pendant. "Hi there! Can I help you with anything?".
Apr 13, 2021 10:24 am
Shoot, sorry, I completely missed your post in here or I would have replied, Paviinka
The Sisters turn to this other man, curious about their role in this journey. They don't speak up but their mismatched eyes are locked firmly on him as they wait for his introduction.
Apr 13, 2021 1:10 pm
All crew please report to your stations. Final checks pending. Launch in T-minus ten minutes.

The shipwide com system shows its age, but is still useful for large announcements. Captain Hamilton's voice is back to the cool, collected tone that her subordinates know to expect.

But one by one your own coms buzz on your collars.

Security detail, please report in the half hour for first assignments.

Professors, will you join me in the medbay please?

Oi! First shift'er not, all mechanics should come an' see this beauty crank from mothballs 'ta point five Cee fer tha first time in two decades!
Apr 13, 2021 5:02 pm
"Acknowledged," the Sisters reply through the comm. They watch the other two to see who responds to which message and then head over towards the medbay. Since they've studied the ship's schematics before, finding it should not be an issue.
Apr 14, 2021 6:27 am
"Oh, hello!" Daniel notices the engineer Jonh. "I wanted to check out the armoury," he replies. Before he could add anything else or offer a handshake, everyone's collars buzz.
"Security detail. That's me." he points at himself when the announcements end. "Well, see you around? I'll probably take a few minutes for myself to get familiar with the ship before reporting."
Apr 15, 2021 2:37 pm
"Oh! that was quick!" Jonh exclaims as he gets the message. He quickly gives the sisters some directions to the medbay, just in case. He advises Daniel of the best way as well and then grabs his comm. "Be there in a sec." he confirms as runs to the systems room, where they can check the full status of the ship's system in real time as it is finally revived. The moment he has been waiting for!
Apr 15, 2021 4:35 pm
Professors, a pleasure to meet you. The doors to the medbay hiss open and you're greeted by Chief Medical Officer Sotra Davis. His half-Relik features give him an angular expression, but his eyes are still human - including a well-meaning but clueless analysis of his guest.

I look forward to working with you, of course. I also help monitor some of the unique physiological needs of various crew members. If there are any issues with takeoff, for instance, I can assist.
It'll take us 5.3 Standard days to reach the Grel'lix. Your reputations preceed you, but this part-week is far more important. Only the best will be on the security detail for negotiations.

You stand in the room with several dozen others who will be assigned to various shifts. Clearly "within the half hour" is polite talk for "now." It's rigid here, but workable. Straightforward. Far better to be security for this trip than one of the diplomats.

Lieutenant Kron, a Galdorian with very pronounced eyebrow ridges and scaly olive skin, reviews his expectations before assigning everyone to their first shifts. You have evenings to start. Well. Maybe you can talk to Elsie before she leaves for work.
Lieutenant Commander Moira Bruce is......a lot to take in. She worked as a young prodigy on the Archangel, and is very clearly delighted to be home again. Her thick curly brown hair bounces and shudders as she climbs around the engine bay with impressive agility for her build. Only a few of the off-duty mechanics are here right now.

Oi! You! She points at Jonh. Yer clearly a man who knows what ta' prioritize! All these young kids. They dunnae appreciate a little grease an' grime. Get up here!

She offers you a hand as you climb to a platform below an air cycler. It's loud, but it's a fantastic view of the glowing red engine.
There's another announcement on the ship as it slowly starts leaving the harbor. You drift at a normal overland flight speed until you leave the gravity bank, at which point you feel yourself lifting slightly off the ground. This is to counteract the g-force of launch, and as the Archangel lurches forward toward half-celeritas (about 150 million meters per second), you don't shift too much. In the blink of an eye, Earth-Beryllium vanishes in a rush of stars. Behind, you leave your loved ones, your pasts, and the hopes of the planet.

The officer who called you looks your way.

Well? What do you think?
Apr 15, 2021 5:28 pm
The sisters nod. "I am pleased to meet you," they say. Not interested in smalltalk, they immediately get onto the most important question for them: "I trust you are aware of our condition and the special medical requirements that come from it?"
Last edited April 15, 2021 5:28 pm
Apr 15, 2021 5:44 pm
Absolutely. Although, now that we're traveling at speeds higher than .25C, I'll want to monitor the symbiote's positioning periodically. I can't imagine it'll travel more than a few millimeters, but that's quite a range in surgery.
Apr 16, 2021 3:36 pm
Jonh looks at Lieutenant Commander Moira Bruce, THE Lieutenant Commander Moira Bruce, returned to the Archangel once again. In fact, he looks for a little too long, lost in his admiration for the tales of her role in shuttling the refugees from T'harr. "Yes ma'am" he manages to say as he takes her hand and to climb the platform, taking the opportunity to peek into the glowing red engine. "Still a beauty" he says amazed, barely thinking about it.

As Moira stares back waiting for his input on the situation, Jonh takes a quick look at the air cycler. "Right, we probably need to run a test on the oxygen composition here. I don't like the noise this one is making"
Apr 17, 2021 2:33 pm
Pleased with his response, Bruce passes the code reader that's already running analysis. Dust, like an ancient Earth Prime furnace being turned on for the first time in the season.

Ah'm thinkin' there might be a bad connection with tha exhaust port, but we won't know that until we've leveled speed fer a parsec or two.
Apr 19, 2021 8:20 am
Jonh has a look at the reader considering the information shown. "Yes, it doesn't look too bad, but we should be an eye on it." he mentions as he continues reading the report. "We wouldn't want this to go on for too long"
Apr 19, 2021 3:56 pm
"We understand," the Sisters say. "It should not shift any further than any of our other organs but it is better to be safe than sorry. Is there anything we may assist with at the moment?"
Apr 26, 2021 2:23 pm
Not that I am aware of, though -

All of you are called to the conference room. When you arrive, you see Captain Hamilton waiting for you, standing behind the table.

Thank you for joining me. I will be brief. This is a delicate diplomatic endeavor, and surely there are those within the Treaty and outside it that hope we will fail. You have been assigned as my task force for the purposes of finding and preventing any attempts to disrupt the mission.

Engineer Jonh, at the recommendation of Lt. Commander Bruce.

Professors, for your...unique access to human-alien relations.

And Officer Cabral, for your lack of experience. Not being bogged down by various bureaucratic machinations within the Treaty will actually serve as a benefit in this case.

Your cover story will simply be that at the recommendation of your leaders, you are on the small-group detail for this mission. Which, in fact, is true.

Are there any questions?
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