Ad Astra

Mar 27, 2021 7:55 pm
Families and friends gather at the dock, waiting for the......second inaugural flight of the United Earth-born Fleet X-AE-XII, called "Archangel" by those who know her well. She's an older ship, about thirty years behind, but she was at the battle of Caramay, Sigma Eight, and even shuttled refugees off the collapsing Planet T'harr. A decorated vessel, to be sure, one most young human aviators ogled at the museum on Earth Beryllium, from which she launched originally. To think! Some of those same souls who were inspired by the Archangel's flights are now going to serve with her!

A strange honor, sure. But after about 90 years of hunting for better Antimony sources, humans are running out of their supply. The Grel'lix, a largely unknown race on the outskirts of the Treaty, are having a similar issue with an iodine variant they (loosely) call "Redjuice." The translation isn't ideal. Still, humans were invited with great caution to their latest trade negotiations, and that is exactly why X-AE-XII has been taken out of mothballs. She won't show up on the Grel'lix scanners as an enemy, and she already has the holding tanks necessary to make the first trade.

A few of Archangel's original crew remain, even humans, but the Captain is the stiff-necked daughter the great Admiral Orion Hamilton himself. There are rumors that Pleiades rues the opportunity to prove herself on her father's ship, but there's no mark of this in her casting-off speech. In fact, more of the nerdy child raised in the ship's underbelly comes through.

The beacon rings out in the dock as final kisses and farewells are exchanged. Time to board, and take this legend back to the stars!
Mar 27, 2021 8:44 pm
People instinctively step back as what appears to be a woman makes their way past them towards the ship. Already impressive due to their natural height and snow white hair, they, rather than mitigating these features, highlight them with tight, all-black clothes, including gloves and their elegant boots whose heels add a good couple more centimeters to their thin frame.

Next to this old, refurbished spacecraft, the people that most would call Professor Janine Bale, but who themselves despise being called by this inaccurate moniker, look out of place. Impressive, like the ship but in a completely different way. New where the ship is old. Cold and distant where the ship is filled with the warmth of memories and history.

The Sisters let their mismatched eyes wander over the dock, the ship and the spectators around. Without a single word to anyone, they step onto the ship, silent except for the clicking of their heels on the floor.
Mar 29, 2021 12:21 pm
X-AE-XII, the "Archangel" itself revived. Jonh stops to feel the piece of old technology. Yes, it can dodge the Grel'lix scanners in a way not even the newest ship can, but Jonh doubts it can do much more. Thirty years are many lifetimes for any technology. Still, he couldn't stop but marvel at the his luck: being aboard the legendary vessel from Caramay, under no other than Captain Pleiades Hamilton herself, on a mission to gain access to much needed supplies, without which humanity may as well be doomed!

His trance-like state is disturbed by the sound of heels clicking on the floor. He turns to see the disquieting woman boarding the ship. He puts up his best smile to greet her "Professor Janine Bale, welcome on board. I'm Jonh from maintenance and I'll be your contact if you need anything. Let me show you to your room." he looks around to check if she is carrying anything. "Is there any thing I can help you with in the mean time?"
Last edited Mar 29, 2021 12:27 pm
Mar 29, 2021 3:42 pm
The Sisters stop and look at the man for a moment. Their eyes narrow as they consider him. "That is not our name," they then state after a moment. "You may refer to us as The Sisters," they explain. "Or, if you prefer the title, 'Professors'." Then, their expression softens very slightly and they add: "We hired someone to bring our belongings to our cabin. If they haven't arrived yet, they will shortly. But we would appreciate you taking us there. Thank you, Jonh."
Mar 30, 2021 10:26 am
"Yes, sure, professors" Jonh replies still smiling, but a bit unsure what is going on. "Your belongings will be with you in no time. Please follow me"
Apr 7, 2021 9:14 pm
The day has come. Daniel and Elise have discussed this whole ordeal many times. The fact that they will be separated for however long. They hoped it wouldn't be for too long, but one can never be so sure when it comes to space expedition and securing trades with a race we – humans – didn't have much info about.

Daniel had to leave, join the spacecraft crew for the good of the community. For Elise and their future together. Living here without new, stable trade routes would be miserable. But waiting for the confirmation if everything went well, that would be awful, too. Daniel had some level of security clearance that allowed him to get more information about this than the regular Joe, and he told Elise everything, even if he shouldn't, so they were a bit nervous. There were many people whom Daniel could help if he stayed here, but he felt in his heart that he'd be more helpful by joining this mission. And he did get appointed to the crew. It wasn't easy, but Elise did give him a blessing after a while.

Today, they walked to the dock together. That was it, this is their last moment for some while. "At least I don't have to worry that something will go wrong... you'll keep everything order, right, hun?" Elise said while tightly holding Daniel's hand. "You can count on that!" was the reply.
"I'll be back in a light speed," he continued, and Elise smirked with doubt. "Or, close to a light speed." Daniel corrected himself. He glanced at the ship that will be his base now. Even Elise was impressed by it, and she wasn't the tech type.

Daniel looked back at his partner. "I love you."
"I love you too." responded Elise, putting something into his hand. He could recognize the item by touch, so he smiled and then kissed Elise goodbye.
Now on the ship, Daniel tried to visualize the mind map he had planned for the launch. First and foremost, he should check the armoury and make sure that everything is ready according to the list. He took off wandering, looking for the right section while playing with Elise's pendant.
Apr 13, 2021 7:26 am
On the way to the sister's room, Jonh notices Daniel looking a bit absent minded and fairly list as the man moves around the ship playing with what could be his lucky pendant. "Hi there! Can I help you with anything?".
Apr 13, 2021 10:24 am
Shoot, sorry, I completely missed your post in here or I would have replied, Paviinka
The Sisters turn to this other man, curious about their role in this journey. They don't speak up but their mismatched eyes are locked firmly on him as they wait for his introduction.
Apr 13, 2021 1:10 pm
All crew please report to your stations. Final checks pending. Launch in T-minus ten minutes.

The shipwide com system shows its age, but is still useful for large announcements. Captain Hamilton's voice is back to the cool, collected tone that her subordinates know to expect.

But one by one your own coms buzz on your collars.

Security detail, please report in the half hour for first assignments.

Professors, will you join me in the medbay please?

Oi! First shift'er not, all mechanics should come an' see this beauty crank from mothballs 'ta point five Cee fer tha first time in two decades!
Apr 13, 2021 5:02 pm
"Acknowledged," the Sisters reply through the comm. They watch the other two to see who responds to which message and then head over towards the medbay. Since they've studied the ship's schematics before, finding it should not be an issue.
Apr 14, 2021 6:27 am
"Oh, hello!" Daniel notices the engineer Jonh. "I wanted to check out the armoury," he replies. Before he could add anything else or offer a handshake, everyone's collars buzz.
"Security detail. That's me." he points at himself when the announcements end. "Well, see you around? I'll probably take a few minutes for myself to get familiar with the ship before reporting."
Apr 15, 2021 2:37 pm
"Oh! that was quick!" Jonh exclaims as he gets the message. He quickly gives the sisters some directions to the medbay, just in case. He advises Daniel of the best way as well and then grabs his comm. "Be there in a sec." he confirms as runs to the systems room, where they can check the full status of the ship's system in real time as it is finally revived. The moment he has been waiting for!
Apr 15, 2021 4:35 pm
Professors, a pleasure to meet you. The doors to the medbay hiss open and you're greeted by Chief Medical Officer Sotra Davis. His half-Relik features give him an angular expression, but his eyes are still human - including a well-meaning but clueless analysis of his guest.

I look forward to working with you, of course. I also help monitor some of the unique physiological needs of various crew members. If there are any issues with takeoff, for instance, I can assist.
It'll take us 5.3 Standard days to reach the Grel'lix. Your reputations preceed you, but this part-week is far more important. Only the best will be on the security detail for negotiations.

You stand in the room with several dozen others who will be assigned to various shifts. Clearly "within the half hour" is polite talk for "now." It's rigid here, but workable. Straightforward. Far better to be security for this trip than one of the diplomats.

Lieutenant Kron, a Galdorian with very pronounced eyebrow ridges and scaly olive skin, reviews his expectations before assigning everyone to their first shifts. You have evenings to start. Well. Maybe you can talk to Elsie before she leaves for work.
Lieutenant Commander Moira Bruce is......a lot to take in. She worked as a young prodigy on the Archangel, and is very clearly delighted to be home again. Her thick curly brown hair bounces and shudders as she climbs around the engine bay with impressive agility for her build. Only a few of the off-duty mechanics are here right now.

Oi! You! She points at Jonh. Yer clearly a man who knows what ta' prioritize! All these young kids. They dunnae appreciate a little grease an' grime. Get up here!

She offers you a hand as you climb to a platform below an air cycler. It's loud, but it's a fantastic view of the glowing red engine.
There's another announcement on the ship as it slowly starts leaving the harbor. You drift at a normal overland flight speed until you leave the gravity bank, at which point you feel yourself lifting slightly off the ground. This is to counteract the g-force of launch, and as the Archangel lurches forward toward half-celeritas (about 150 million meters per second), you don't shift too much. In the blink of an eye, Earth-Beryllium vanishes in a rush of stars. Behind, you leave your loved ones, your pasts, and the hopes of the planet.

The officer who called you looks your way.

Well? What do you think?
Apr 15, 2021 5:28 pm
The sisters nod. "I am pleased to meet you," they say. Not interested in smalltalk, they immediately get onto the most important question for them: "I trust you are aware of our condition and the special medical requirements that come from it?"
Last edited Apr 15, 2021 5:28 pm
Apr 15, 2021 5:44 pm
Absolutely. Although, now that we're traveling at speeds higher than .25C, I'll want to monitor the symbiote's positioning periodically. I can't imagine it'll travel more than a few millimeters, but that's quite a range in surgery.
Apr 16, 2021 3:36 pm
Jonh looks at Lieutenant Commander Moira Bruce, THE Lieutenant Commander Moira Bruce, returned to the Archangel once again. In fact, he looks for a little too long, lost in his admiration for the tales of her role in shuttling the refugees from T'harr. "Yes ma'am" he manages to say as he takes her hand and to climb the platform, taking the opportunity to peek into the glowing red engine. "Still a beauty" he says amazed, barely thinking about it.

As Moira stares back waiting for his input on the situation, Jonh takes a quick look at the air cycler. "Right, we probably need to run a test on the oxygen composition here. I don't like the noise this one is making"
Apr 17, 2021 2:33 pm
Pleased with his response, Bruce passes the code reader that's already running analysis. Dust, like an ancient Earth Prime furnace being turned on for the first time in the season.

Ah'm thinkin' there might be a bad connection with tha exhaust port, but we won't know that until we've leveled speed fer a parsec or two.
Apr 19, 2021 8:20 am
Jonh has a look at the reader considering the information shown. "Yes, it doesn't look too bad, but we should be an eye on it." he mentions as he continues reading the report. "We wouldn't want this to go on for too long"
Apr 19, 2021 3:56 pm
"We understand," the Sisters say. "It should not shift any further than any of our other organs but it is better to be safe than sorry. Is there anything we may assist with at the moment?"
Apr 26, 2021 2:23 pm
Not that I am aware of, though -

All of you are called to the conference room. When you arrive, you see Captain Hamilton waiting for you, standing behind the table.

Thank you for joining me. I will be brief. This is a delicate diplomatic endeavor, and surely there are those within the Treaty and outside it that hope we will fail. You have been assigned as my task force for the purposes of finding and preventing any attempts to disrupt the mission.

Engineer Jonh, at the recommendation of Lt. Commander Bruce.

Professors, for your...unique access to human-alien relations.

And Officer Cabral, for your lack of experience. Not being bogged down by various bureaucratic machinations within the Treaty will actually serve as a benefit in this case.

Your cover story will simply be that at the recommendation of your leaders, you are on the small-group detail for this mission. Which, in fact, is true.

Are there any questions?
Apr 26, 2021 3:43 pm
"We will assume you were referring to our academic expertise and experience, not our biological situation," the Sisters say, sounding almost offended. In response to that last question, they say: "We have read the mission briefing but would appreciate another summary, as we are sure changes to the original plan have occured since then."
Apr 28, 2021 8:19 am
"But..." Jonh looks surprised "Is there anyone onboard trying ti disrupt the mission?". He heard some rumours here and there, but is not like there would be some conspiracy conjecture around such a mission. Humanity's fate rests on this mission, why would anyone want it to fail, right?
Apr 30, 2021 1:19 pm
Your training, of course, Professors. I apologize if that wasn't clear.

The captain respects your knowledge, but your biology is definitely a part of it, too, whether she wants to admit it or not.

Again, we have a shipment of "Redjuice" - Hyper-Neutrated Iodine, which we will be able to leverage for our first return shipment of Antimony. We enter the trade agreements, make gestures of good faith as appropriate, trade goods, and come home to process any more complicated pieces of the treaty - infrastructure, scanner codes, and the like. In the event the Grel'lix have allies that we would also benefit from trading with, we are authorized to open discussion with them as well.

The problem is, there are Earth-Beryllium organizations that would benefit handsomely if their artificial synthesis of Antimony became viable, and the Grel'lix take a neutral stance towards certain nations that have less-than-favorable views of the Treaty. There have been no open hostilities, but this may be seen as an opportunity to send a message to the Treaty.

As for traitors on the ship, we believe we've rooted everyone out, but these corporations pay well. We need to be cautious.
May 3, 2021 12:50 pm
"Sure captain Hamilton" Jonh replies immediately. "I keep an eye on any abnormality with the systems, in case someone infiltrated X-AE-XII" she adds with a smile, sure that if the captain is confident all opponents were rooted out, then there is no reason to suspect any real internal threat.
May 5, 2021 11:59 am
lavtodd says:

1. A roll for your job
2. A roll for watching for anything suspicious
Jonh works and maintains the ship and walks around and chats with people and plays 0G-card games


job Tools d6: Technological <5 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

suspicious Intelligence d6: Street Smart < 4 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

May 5, 2021 1:25 pm
The Sisters familiarize themselves with the lab and all information on the crew. They also review all available data on the Grel'lix.
Fraternizing is very low on their list of priorities.
Hope I'm getting the rolls right


Job: Booksmarts 2+ - (1D6)

(3) = 3

Watch out: Pessimist 3- - (1D4)

(1) = 1

May 16, 2021 7:26 pm
I'm sorry for going dark there. May's been a trip!
Everything is...fine, actually. The trip to the council goes without a hitch. Trade negotiations go far better than anyone expected. You secure enough antimony to help Earth-Beryllium for the three astronomical cycles it'll take to establish well-organized trade routes. Nobody sabotages the redjuice. And the Treaty is able to open venues for other civilizations as well.

It's when you hear a bloodcurdling scream from the medbay that you know something is wrong.
May 19, 2021 4:47 pm
We're on the way back when that happens, right? What time is that? Would we be in our quarters?
And if so, do the Sisters have access to weapons in their quarters?
May 19, 2021 5:33 pm
You can assume you have a standard phaser just as a crew member, governed to "stun". Big write-up if you use "kill" and you're not security. This is maybe a day after leaving the negotiations, about a week from home, and you can choose whether you're on or off duty. Let's say 8pm equivalent or so.
May 19, 2021 5:48 pm
The Sisters are sitting in their quarters, still working on their report on the negotiations and the species they encountered. They're casually dressed, which in their standards means the same stiff suit as usual but with the top button open.
When a scream suddenly cuts through their focus, they raise their head and consider briefly what to do before taking their phaser and moving towards the medbay. This is part of their duties but as the medbay is part of their workspace, it seems prudent to check in on it.
They try to be quiet as, in case there is an attack happening, they don't want to be discovered by the assailant.


Sneaking: Fine Motor [D4 -> 2+] - (1D4)

(1) = 1

May 19, 2021 6:31 pm
As you round the corner, you hear CMO Davis' voice call out. He's stressed, and trying to be heard over the screaming, with a poor attempt at maintaining medical professionalism, stammering in his flustered state.

Doctor Bale - Doctors - You! Please! I need extra hands!

He barely notices you had your weapon drawn.

One of the lower-level officers writhes on the table as crystalline spikes seem to grow and push underneath his skin. None of the protrusions have burst, the skin instead going white over hardened points. They're worst on his hands, up his arms, a few on the soles of his feet, but you see some smaller pieces starting to push out of his chest. Davis tosses you the medical scanner.

See what you can find out. He doesn't seem to be internally bleeding, but I fear that's only because the spikes are holding his wounds shut. I'm trying a level two comatose trigger to try to stop the progress.
May 19, 2021 8:17 pm
The Sisters breathe a sigh of relief and straighten their posture, putting the phaser aside. This is something they can deal with.
Calmly, they walk over to the patient and pick up the medical scanner to conduct some scans. "Does any other crewmember show symptoms?", they ask.
Not sure if this would be Tech or Booksmarts for the investigation. Since those are opposite results, I guess I have to choose before rolling. I'll say Tech because I'm using the medical scanner.


Examine: Tech [D6 -> 5-] - (1D6)

(1) = 1

May 19, 2021 9:22 pm
Not that I am aware of. I had an uptick in rash cases since leaving talks with the Grel'lix. Only three, but all security. I'll need them called down immediately.

He glances sideways and swipes a few pieces on his data pad before continuing. While your scan continues you see the patient's body temperature drop to precisely 274K - a breath above freezing.

You see abnormally high levels of phi-radiation exposure in his system. It's a poorly-understood yet fairly common principle that allows for faster-than-light travel. Unlike normal electromagnetic waves, it impacts spacetime as a unit, even under observation. It seems to be having a strange reaction to trace elements in his body.

His hands and feet, his chest....that's when it hits you. All four potential patients worked security, meaning all of them would have had contact with the Antimony shipment. If this particular isotope is strong in phi-radiation-emitters, then of course they would have been impacted through gloves, shoes, even breathing nearby.
May 19, 2021 9:23 pm
Meanwhile, Daniel's comm badge buzzes softly. A pre-recorded message summons him to the medbay, at Dr. Davis' request.....
May 20, 2021 3:19 pm
"These people have been working with the Antimony shipment with insufficient protective gear and have been exposed to dangerous amounts of phi-radiation," the Sisters say coolly. They also relay all medical information their scanner reveals to them, including the reduced body temperature.
May 20, 2021 4:00 pm
274. Perfect. Comatose trigger successful. I'll have to biopsy one of these spikes and see the extent of his internal damage.

His voice trails off as he processes your other observations.

Phi-radiation? But antimony is a relatively stable element. They had gloves and masks. That should have been enough.
May 20, 2021 4:38 pm
"Perhaps the shipment is impure or damaged," the Sisters suggests. "You should have the quartermaster examine it."
May 20, 2021 6:34 pm
Jonh has just gotten to his room after a long shift of maintainer repairs to the air system. Things went well until that point. A clear success for the mission. That’s when he heard it. At first he ignored it, but then it hit him. That was not a regular scream from the medbay. Nothing that happens so far explains that scream... meaning something else is happening.

Though he is maintenance and this is clearly a security issue, he considered that, if the accident involved equipment, he may be able to help. He was, after all, the closest one to the medbay from the maintainer team.
Last edited May 20, 2021 6:34 pm
May 24, 2021 3:56 pm
Jonh slides into the medbay about when the Sisters make their recommendation. One of the members of security is lying comatose on the table, with unnatural spike-shaped growths pushing out of their body. The doctor continues.

The Quartermaster is outfitted for standard radiation and contaminants. If anyone had the proper gear to check, it'd be someone who worked on the engines....

He glances at Jonh, the unspoken question hanging in the air.

At least neither of you interacted with the shipment directly. But if this is a contaminant, then you may have been exposed during the talks. The Captain as well. Can I scan you?
May 24, 2021 5:22 pm
"You may," the Sisters say. "Although if we had been exposed to it during the conference and this person during the trip back, we should most likely be showing symptoms already. Unless the degree of our exposure was far less severe."
May 24, 2021 5:41 pm
A few beeps and boops later and the doctor muses over the reading.

I believe your second theory is correct. Professors, you appear to have exposure levels akin to what I'd expect in engineer Jonh. And you, Jonh, read like Lt. Commander Bruce. I need to ask you not to spend time in the engine bay until we can read this better. Phi-Radiation may be self-perpetuating, which would explain the exponential increase in your levels despite largely similar exposure.
May 24, 2021 5:43 pm
He pauses and does a second check on the Sisters.

For what it's worth, the organism has the same level as exposure as the rest of the original human biology. This may cause issues in the future if for some reason those levels differentiate, but again. You're at a safe level right now.
May 25, 2021 8:01 am
"Contaminated? Phi-rad?" Jonh looks confused as he tries to catch up with the events. "We need to get the Captain checked immediately.". After the doctor's suggestion Jonh add "I need to inform Lt. Commander Bruce of my absence." He grabs his comm to call the engine bay. "Do we have any anti-rad pills available?" he asks the doc as he waits for someone to pick up
May 25, 2021 1:17 pm
We do, but I'll need to mix them for your current exposure levels so you don't overdose. They're intended for massive mechanical failure. But...I think this applies. The doctor calls down the Captain and Lts. Altok Leya, who were the primary negotiators for the conference, then prepares an anti-rad dose for the spiky security officer.

Lt. Commander Bruce picks up the call. Phi-Rad contamination? Shet. Get yerself treated. I'll suit up an' check on things with -

The security officer cries out with inhuman pain, his back arching unnaturally on the table.

That shouldn't be possible.

But apparently this contaminant isn't slowed down by near-freezing temperatures.

His arms and legs erupt with sudden spike growth. The bones pop out of their sockets, you can hear the ligaments tearing, but his skin remains intact - just white, and stony.

His arm cuts the comm from Medbay. His leg impales the doctor. You just barely miss his other limbs.

Groaning, wailing, the patient staggers to his hands and feet like a distended spider. Blood and water leak from his mouth and eyes.
May 25, 2021 4:32 pm
Who staggers to his hands and feet like a spider? The patient or the injured doctor?
May 25, 2021 4:57 pm
Patient 0. Doc is gonna die if he doesn't get a LOT of help FAST.

Edited for clarity.
May 25, 2021 6:15 pm
It's just me and CESN in this game anymore, right? Not a problem but maybe we can put our feelers out to see if anyone else is interested in joining as well. Having three or maybe four players might be a bit better than just two for this
Last edited May 25, 2021 7:02 pm
May 25, 2021 6:21 pm
I'll ask a couple buddies who I know post regularly. I'll update everyone in the OOC chat. I was thinking the same thing.
May 25, 2021 7:08 pm
The Sisters take a measured step back, out of the patient's reach. "That should not be possible," they state as they ready their weapon again. Maybe it was good that they brought it after all. They also glance at the doctor to try and figure out how badly he's injured.
Do we have stun and kill settings or just kill?
Also, sorry, that previous post was supposed to go into the OOC 😅


Head 3 [Roll High] - (1D6)

(2) = 2

May 25, 2021 9:19 pm
You default to Stun. Kill is more paperwork, though I think it wouldn't take too long given the circumstances...
May 26, 2021 8:12 am
"Holy Nova in the void!" Jonh jumps back as the security officer does his unnatural thing. "What in the space-time is that?". With the comms offline, he looks for the nearest computer. Maintenance knows the ins and outs of the ship, particularly, how to get a medbay fully quarantine and, if needed, depressurized.
New plan: lock it and kill it :D

Can I use the Intelligence's Habit: "Disappears into the ships' bowels while working".?
Last edited May 26, 2021 12:03 pm


Book outSmart that thing! d6 => 4 - (2d6)

(41) = 5

May 26, 2021 1:06 pm
That wound would kill a normal human. Probably. But The Sisters aren't really a normal human anymore, and the doctor is half-Relik, so they just don't know....

Full Quarantine will be easy. To depressurize the ship's hospital? That's past your security clearance. The problem too, is that Drs. Bale are still in there.
One red dot in the data pad. Something's wrong in the medbay. Modwen Tarch should be relaxing, but information like this waits for no one.
May 26, 2021 1:26 pm
Grabbing his trid-rec, he dashes you the medbay. He'd will but made up his mind about taking matters into his own hands about getting access to the antimony shipment when the alarm set his thoughts into motion.

Someone was keeping him from reporting on the hugest news to hit the tachyon net since first contact. At least, when he was finished writing about it, that would be the case.

He runs to medlab.
May 26, 2021 9:24 pm
As Modwen strides down the hallway working out his opening paragraph, he nearly crashes into Captain Hamilton, Lts. Leya, and.....

A small dense rock-shaped being? One of the Grel'lix! But, how did he get on the ship?

And since you think it's so important to be involved in our affairs, you can tell us how to resolve this before we extradite you via storage capsule.

Hamilton is rarely this out of sorts, even in the short time you've known her. When she realizes it's you, she barks an order.

Tarch, I need everything you've got on Antimony: reactivity, source minerals, neutralizers - anything you can get me.
May 26, 2021 10:05 pm
A low grumbling voice comes from the stoutly musclebound figure, "Again, sir, you have my most humble apologies, but you must understand that the situation planetside grows more dire with each passing day. I've with my own eyes what lurks waiting for us below the surface. I don't know what it is, but I think it may be the piece we've been missing, the key to solving the Phi-radiation crisis once and for all."

The captain looms over the Grel'lix, unconvinced, "That's an awfully bold claim for someone without anything even resembling evidence."

"Not what, sir, but where. I've ventured beneath that blessed crust, and moreover returned. Why then would a Grel'lix such as myself be stranded on a moon so far from precious ground?" The captain stands silent, unsure where this line of conversation is leading. "Exile! I have spoken truth - uncomfortable truth - to my people and yet they label me a blasphemer. I need not be involved in your affairs, but the words that landed me here are intimately involved in those affairs, and you'd do well to keep them around."

The captain stands silent for a moment before turning to Leya in hopes of gleaning some insight. Empty handed, he turns back to the Grel'lix again, "What did you say your name was again?"

May 27, 2021 2:41 am
Modwen scrunches his eyes together. Inwardly, at least. Externally, he smiles broadly. "Captain, I've been blocked at every attempt to examine the Antimony. If I could get access to it, I... " He senses that he's skipped responding to the request. "I'd be happy to share my knowledge. It's quirky, and when it's not pure, it can be volatile."

He looks at the Grel'lix and nods a greeting. Yen'kos, I'm Modwen Tarch, United Federate Press. Do you have time to ahead a few questions about your people? My readership would love to gain your insight into the..."

He looks back at the Captain, who is turning red, then leans toward the Grel'lix. "Later, okay?"
May 27, 2021 7:41 am
"Professor... ssss, get out of there now!" Jonh shouts at the sisters. "Get the doc as well" he adds as he continues to type into the terminal.
May 27, 2021 5:39 pm
"Negative," the Sisters reply. "We need to find out all we can about this disease before it progresses to this stage in the other infected. Doctor, you need to move away from here, go to Jonh." As they are definitely aware of how bad his injury is, it appears they simply don't care.
Their weapon is still aimed at the patient but most of their focus is now on their medical scanner as they attempt to find out all they can about him.
Not sure if I can get any more since I already rolled for this but maybe since he tranformed now, there's more to analyze so I'll make a roll. Feel free to disregard.


Booksmarts [3+] - (1D6)

(1) = 1

May 27, 2021 5:58 pm
From outside, Jonh sees the captain and Leya rushing down the hall with....that self-righteous journalist and one of the Grel'lix? Fine. Whatever. Because inside he sees the victim staggering under its own weight, its own new biology, knocking supplies out of cupboards and tables.

The Doctor is bleeding heavily, his eyes glazed over. He grasps for Phi-Rad pills before he musters the strength to crawl out of the room - all far too slowly.

What are you waiting for? Captain Hamilton cries to Jonh. Quarantine it!

The Sisters are right, of course. They can't decompress such an important wing of the ship, and certainly not when there's a new organism inside. It's pleasing for the professors to hear.

Or rather, would be, if the creature wasn't about to rip them in two to escape into the ship.
Jonh, please roll to time the quarantine properly.
Yen'kos, please roll Extrovert to keep a level head.
Sisters, please roll Fine Motor to dodge.


Stabbity - 1d8, 2+, Brute Force - (1d8)

(5) = 5

May 27, 2021 7:25 pm
As the Sisters try scanning the patient, he attacks the closest person to him - which happens to be them. She quickly tries to take another step back, away from him, and avoid the hit.


Fine Motor [2+] - (1D4)

(2) = 2

May 28, 2021 12:15 am
Yen'kos face becomes excited at Modwen's offer before sharply turning concerned - frightened even. "It's here. If the radiation is here, then darkness comes for all of us. The nightmares are coming for us...". Everything in Yen'kos's head says to run away as the memories of dead explorers dance, beginning to swell to the surface.
Last edited May 28, 2021 4:11 pm


Extrovert save (2+) - (1d4)

(3) = 3

May 28, 2021 7:09 am
With the Captain arrival, and the presence of the... Grel'lix thing, Jonh nervously speeds up what he was doing. He simply nods in reply to the Captain.
Last edited May 28, 2021 7:09 am


head think fast d6 > 3 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

May 28, 2021 12:18 pm
The Sisters slide backward just in time, and from the way the medical scanner shatters beneath the creature's hand, they're glad they did. Yen'kos is able to focus - these humans have no idea what they're facing, and he does. So as Dr. Davis weakly stretches for the opening, the Grel'lix is able to yank him out of harm's way. As soon as his feet clear, Jonh's code finishes processing and the heavy doors to the medbay slam shut - just as the creature slams into the port window and shrieks. He's even able to send emergency protocol to the secondary and tertiary bays: No doctors working alone, extra precautions, and send someone down here ASAP for Davis. Captain Hamilton nods her thanks to Jonh, but she has bigger issues to deal with.

The security officers called down by the Sisters finally arrive - everything happened so fast - and by now some of the nearby officers are dribbling out of their rooms trying to help. Leya makes a move to contact the Command post on Earth Beryllium, but she stops them.

Give me thirty minutes. I owe them more in the briefing than this. As things calm down (such as that is), you see she's pale. Possible sources of emitters, information on the spikes, transmission mechanisms, and symptoms so far. She points to Modwen, the Sisters, Yen'Kos, and Jonh each in turn and adds with a quiet, choked voice. Please.
May 28, 2021 12:38 pm
Modwen puts down his custom recorder and nods to Leya, flipping his unruly hair from his forehead. "Emitters and transmissions, that's me," he says with a wry grin. He checks his play back, but knows he won't see Phi-radiation with this setup.

"I'll need scanning equipment. A Terrodyne Transient Phase Discriminator? I bet you have on of those new wonder toys already."

He doesn't expect Leya or the captain to know where that is stored, but they can tell him who to ask.
May 28, 2021 1:44 pm
Hamilton nods.

Lt. Commander Bruce should be done with her initial inspections of the shipment. Jonh can take you there. But first, are you feeling any exposure side effects yet? Any of you?
May 28, 2021 4:25 pm
Wait, did I get locked in with the patient or am I out of the medbay?
May 28, 2021 4:29 pm
You're out, but your scanner was destroyed.
May 28, 2021 5:46 pm
Oh, okay, I wasn't even planning to get out of the room
The Sisters relay all the information they got from their scanner and explain how the mutation spread, even after the patient was frozen.
May 28, 2021 6:08 pm
Huh. Bold move. Well, between the scan shatter and Jonh's perfection in shutting the quarantine down properly, I'll say it evens out. They might let you back in with protective gear if you're convincing.
Captain Hamilton sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose.

I'll take Lieutenants Leya and the other security officers into quarantine. She opens her palm and you see the rash forming where she would have shaken hands with Grel'lix. Go talk to Lt. Commander Bruce. Figure out the doses you need for the anti-radiation pills. Dr. Davis practically died bringing them out, after all. Unexposed security will set up a perimeter here, and I'll get some medics down to observe it.

As soon as she mentioned quarantine a couple officers started spraying the area and wrapping the negotiators in haz-mat material. Commander Key has the bridge, but report everything regarding this to me directly. Come to medbay delta in fifteen minutes. I need to tell high command.

She stops halfway down the hall and turns back, frustration still obvious through her plastic facemask.

And tell me why the stowaway isn't infected!
May 28, 2021 6:22 pm
"You are," the Sisters say coldly. "We cannot say whether the Grel'lix is just yet but they certainly warrant an examination." They look at the door to the medbay. "Can we flood this place with some sort of airborne tranquilizer? Maybe that will allow us to pacify the patient and conduct further tests on him."
May 28, 2021 9:33 pm
Yen'kos tries to calmly reply to Captain Hamilton. "Sir, Grel'lix are naturally resistant to the Phi-radiation, at least in adulthood. I can assure you all that I am not infected, but as a show of good faith I give my consent to an examination if you feel it necessary." The Grel'lix looks around at the others nearby, asking no one in particular which way the medbay is.

Upon hearing the Sisters recommendation, Yen'kos pipes with a rumble, "If you have any in supply, Redjuice would be your best shot at stopping the infection's progression. If you need someone to help conduct the research, I would like to volunteer my services. Anything we can learn is valuable. Perhaps then we don't have to flood the entire cabin with tranquilizers and opt for a local application."
May 29, 2021 11:10 pm
Modwen looks to Jonh. "Care to show me where the diagnostic gear is stowed? Looks like an unusually robust reaction to phi-rad. We better check outside of the standard quantum range."

He holds up his hands, "Or just me, I don't want to presume you don't already have an important task, man like you." Buttering up a possible CI was job one in chasing a story.
May 31, 2021 9:37 am
Jonh stares at Captain Hamilton unsure what to say. "Transmission mechanisms?" he repeats the question. "All systems were as expected and there is no way phi-radiation could escape" he says a little embarrassed. "Unless it was leaked on proposed which could explain why security is more affected since there would be a..." he struggles for words to avoid mentioned sabotage. "...the fault would have a specific point of origin..."

He is a bit relived Modwen takes over the conversation and nods "T-dyne TPD, yes, we have those." As he readies to take the man to the storage room he stops to listen to the alien rock man. "Grel'lix are resistant?" he asks surprised. "If you'd volunteer, it is safe for you to inspect the source of the leak, no? That will minimize the risk of exposure.".

Though he does not say much now, he wonder why the Grel'lix, who are immune to phi-rad, would want that red-juice so badly, the substance that stops the infection they are resistant to... Maybe the Professor... ors, would know something more about this iodine stuff.
Off he goes to get the equipment.
May 31, 2021 2:01 pm
When you arrive in Engineering, Bruce and another tech are in the decontamination chamber. She speaks loudly so you can hear her through the sprays, scanners, and glass

Et's not the Antimony etself. Far as we can tell, there are these....particles tha' emit, but we cannae tell what they are. Mah scanners'ave never seen anything like'em. Like how photons are one'er th'other - light or matter - dependin' on tha circumstance. But this is both at once. If et weren't fer tha madness goin' on in MedBay, we'd be up fer tha Gorisian Prize fer sure.

It's supposed to be a joke, but even Bruce doesn't find it funny.

You are directed to a closed off chamber with hand scanners on them. As it reads you and notes your Phi-Rad exposure levels, it crushes the pills Dr. Davis secured and mixes you each a thick, disgustingly sweet slurry with antidote. You notice Bruce is out of the decontamination chamber now.

Ah'm not sure et's much more than a fix, ah'm afraid. If tha contaminants cannae get out, yeh'll be back here soon enough.
May 31, 2021 4:04 pm
"Do we have exobiological data on the Grel'lix' immunity?", the Sisters ask. "If so, we might be able to use that to develop a treatment. If not, we could examine the Grel'lix stowaway and see if we learn something."
Jun 1, 2021 7:57 am
Jonh takes the mix of crushed pills without question. "Any tips on how this happened? All reading were ok" he drinks the slurry antidote as soon as he asks the question, his face twisting in disgust.
Jun 1, 2021 3:48 pm
Modwen chugs back the pill-slurry with suspicious ease. "Either the ships holds were contaminated before being filled, the Antimony was already contaminated, or a contaminant was entered later. If we can narrow that list, the path to follow could become obvious."
Jun 1, 2021 9:24 pm
Yen'kos breathes a small exasperated sigh. Treaty civilizations had been developing past the Grel'lix for ages, and it had a tendency to reflect that way in their attitudes as well. The Sisters talked about the Grel'lix, an entire race of sentient beings, as though they were nothing more than some kind of alien oddity, suitable for nothing more than to be poked and prodded in a lab. "Well, all mature Grel'lix are resistant to phi-radiation, but immunity is a bit of a stretch. And even then such resistance is acquired, not innate. Our young, after all..." The Grel'lix's voice trails off for just a mere moment before snapping back. It was difficult to maintain diplomacy and decorum when dealing with Treaty races, but it was for the common good. "Even still, as I just promised the captain, I would be more than willing to undergo a full medical examination, though I suspect it will not provide us anything of use."
Jun 2, 2021 7:09 am
Do those weird growths or whatever that the patient developed look anything like Grel'lix? Maybe some overgrown, mutated Grel'lix? I'm getting the feeling those guys are just mutated in the same way, only maybe slower or something
Jun 2, 2021 7:24 am
bowlofspinach says:
I'm getting the feeling those guys are just mutated in the same way, only maybe slower or something
Same feeling here, though it can be natural selection at work
Jonh repeats the possibilities to himself either the Antimony was already contaminated or a contaminant was entered later" He looks at the Grel'lix and then back to Bruce "The Grel'lix, Encu was it? If they aquire resistance, then it looks like the Anti-m may have always been contaminated... This could be seen as... " You all see Jonh's expression slowly morphing into worry as he tries to push though of "deliberate attack" crosses his mind.
Last edited Jun 2, 2021 7:25 am
Jun 2, 2021 12:18 pm
Certainly a reasonable guess on first observation. The Grel'lix are less crystaline in structure while the victim suffered fast-forming spindles.
Bruce catches the implications in the air.

Et's about time fer yer meetin' with tha captain. Let'er know that if th'antimony was contaminated after tha fact, it was expertly done. Emitters trace through it like mold in cheese. Far more likely it'd always been there.

Leaving that hanging over your heads, she nods into the hallway.

When you reach the secondary med bay, the meeting has already begun. High Admiral Orion Hamilton is a stoic, angular figure. It's clear he's less than thrilled to be called in on his daughter's first mission. Whether he's concerned for her health or not, you can't say.

Everyone who was exposed has been dosed with anti-rad and is under observation, your captain explains. She continues gesturing with her hands despite the needlepoint scanner attached to her palm where the rash formed. While we have yet to learn more about these emitters, initial tests appear to show that we can at least keep their effects at bay if we catch them soon enough.

And the stowaway?

About to be examined. They appear cooperative.

Interrogate it as well. Find out why the Redjuice was worth threatening a Treaty flagship.

Yes, High Admiral. She glances to you and nods. My planetside team has returned from decontamination. They are not showing symptoms, but may have more to add.
Jun 3, 2021 8:45 am
Jonh looks at the "En-cu", the stowaway Grel'lix. He doesn't say much, but wonders what may come out of an interrogation...
Jun 3, 2021 10:16 pm
The Grel'lix stands puzzled, "What's an Encu? Is that some kind of off-world slang?"

However, the inquisitive look is quickly turned defensive after the admiral's accusations. "Now you listen here, sir. I've been very patient with your sideways assertions about my motivations, but this has gone on long enough. I've not threatened a single soul on this ship, nor did I board with any intention to do any of you harm." The Grel'lix's voice raises, fists clenched in loathing anger, "But I swear on the mountains of Grel that if any of you refer to me as 'it' ever again, it will be the last thing you utter before your tongue is liberated from your mouth."

Having gotten the attention of most if not all of the crew with such a violent threat, the Grel'lix speaks once again in a lowered tone, "Now if someone would be so kind as to show me to the medical wing, I would love to pass my preliminary screen before beginning data collection on your captain's condition. I need not remind anyone that the clock is ticking, and the infection is relentless."
Jun 4, 2021 8:10 am
Jonh looks at the Grel'lix and tries to pronounce its... his... eerr... their (?) name a little better, afraid to trigger another outburst. "ya-ku?"
[ +- ] "it" or "Thing" who knows 😂
Jun 4, 2021 12:11 pm
You are in the medical wing, the captain enunciates stiffly, hoping to take control of the situation before her father feels the need to step in remotely.

You are the stowaway here. Meaning either you're trying to hide from us, or from your people. Neither of which makes a promising first impression. You have no right to discuss the nature of our assumptions when you continually refuse to explain why you are here. Now that you have openly threatened my crew, you may consider any sanctuary you may have claimed moot, and your person formally detained.

She doesn't notice that during this time, the High Admiral cut his line. With a glance to the screen her face flushes briefly. Then she cringes in pain and clasps her infected hand.

With a deep breath she looks to the others. What has Bruce told you? And has the Grel'lix Yen'kos told you anything of note yet?

The medical officers, meanwhile, start poking, prodding, and scanning the stowaway.
Jun 4, 2021 1:20 pm
"Well..." Jonh starts "It looks like the Anti-m is alright, but there are some rad-emitters contamination it. We think it was already in the Anti-m supply, because all sec-systems were top-notch". he looks at Yen'kos. "Ya-kuz here says the Grel'lix are resistant to this emitted phi-rad naturally so I have to give it to err.. him... It looks like Grel's Anti-m may be, let's say ... unprocessed. The question is now if the Grel'lix are aware of the... associated complications". He looks at the sisters looking for a medical insight on this. "...cause I don't think we were"
Last edited Jun 4, 2021 1:21 pm
Jun 4, 2021 2:30 pm
Modwen ignores protocols and checklists, and takes the scanner toward the antimony. Her first calibrates it, examining a few inert substances, like crewman Belares' elbow. Oh really, you're a Sagittarius? I pegged you for a Libra. I'm a Leo with a bad moon rising.

Duly calibrated, he approaches the tanks and begins to set up a grid search. "I'll need a suit to examine the exterior hatches, too," he tells no one and everyone in engineering.
Jun 4, 2021 3:16 pm
"It was not our intention to deny your personhood, Yen'kos," the Sisters say calmly, perfectly pronouncing the alien name that Jonh is struggling with. "But you do understand why caution is advisable around an uninvited stowaway." They look him over. "We also need to know everything you know that might help with this radiation poisoning. You mentioned something about your species' young. Please elaborate."
Jun 6, 2021 7:19 pm
Yen'kos sighs at Jonh's continued butchering of a rather simple name, "It's Yen'kos. Yen. Kos. And I'm not a 'him', though I can hardly blame you on that one." She continues addressing the matter at hand, "Indeed, Grel'lix are naturally resistant to phi-radiation. We're native to Grel, and in order to survive its harsh conditions we as a species have evolved to survive. Much like the planet possesses a rocky crust in order to protect its molten core, so too do the Grel'lix have a dense outer layer that shields our internal organs against all threats from radiation to blunt force. I'm not sure what this has to do with Anti-m, though."

The last remnants of Yen'kos's earlier aggression is assuaged as the Fused correctly name her. At least one, er two, of them are not explicitly trying to provoke a reaction. [b]"I understand that my sudden appearance here is cause for concern, but I assure you I mean no harm. Take all the precaution you need. Whatever..." the Grel'lix pauses and considers only briefly "...keeps your team safe."

At the mention of the species young, Yen'kos shies away, "Unfortunately, our young are of no use to your search. They are not resistant to phi-radiation the way that mature Grel'lix are."
Jun 6, 2021 7:29 pm
"That is precisely why we are asking about them. We are curious to learn what the difference between your young and your matures is," the Sisters explain.
Jun 6, 2021 9:02 pm
Bruce watches Modwen suit up with some concern. Ya cannae jes' run in an' outta tha containment chamber whenever ya like. Ah've got a feelin yeh won't find anythin' new this soon. But I suppose it'll be a good way ta test tha anti-rad medication. See how long et holds up.

She runs the scanner while he steps in.
Please roll to find....what are you looking for, again?

Secondary Medbay
Captain! Captain!

The med-tech who prodded Yen'kos chirps excitedly as the computer prints a read-out.

It appears that the Grel'lix retain a certain number of unprotected cells that are transferred when they mate. See, look. They show a picture of what you assume is a cell. Look. The centriolic diodes here. In a young cell, they display an S-enantiomer. But in the adult cell, the same location is an R-enantiomer. Not only does the iodinal isotope bond to the diodes, but the chirality of the remaining changes entirely as a result. They then act as a plug of sorts.

Captain Hamilton breathes evenly while she waits for the short version. The med tech blushes.

The Redjuice is what gives them resistance. But I don't know if it would work on other lifeforms.

Hamilton nods and looks to Yen'kos, her hand still curled up over the scanner.

So this treaty was to get nutrients for your children. But nobody thought to mention the harm your planet would do to us.

The tech, meanwhile, looks at another output and shows it to Jonh, speaking quietly.

lavtodd sent a note to CESN
Jun 6, 2021 11:38 pm
Modwen sets the scanners up and finishes suiting to go where the bad stuff might be. He is looking to find where the antimony became contaminated. It could be that it arrived that way, but he wants to first eliminate the possibility that sabotage occurred on board before accusing a foreign government of negligence or even crimes.

He looks for non-antimony contamination outside the internal access to the storage holds, and then goes outside the ship to examine the external loading hatches -- of the contaminants got into the antimony on the ship, the contaminants had to enter one way or the other. He intends to find traces or at least be one step closer to eliminating sabotage as an explanation.


Booksmart(d6,2+), Advantage - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (5) = 5

Jun 7, 2021 7:45 am
Jonh looks at Yen'kos and then at the sisters... This is getting too alien for him to keep up. "Captain Hamilton" he tries to get her attention "It seems there may be some patterns arising from the delta-rad we need to study a bit more" he looks around and then back at her "Have you been checked already. I would suggest taking a little break, do a little med-check and a drink a coffee. We need to be fresh and prepared for... " he stops to think how to put it. "any problems during the travel. While we analyse the data, I mean."
Last edited Jun 7, 2021 7:46 am
Jun 8, 2021 3:15 pm
The med tech was right, and there was no use hiding it. "Yes, you're right, the redjuice protects our young from the radiation long enough to reach maturity when they're natural biology takes over. Without redjuice, our entire race could go extinct. I'm not sure how redjuice affects other biologies, but for the sake of the already limited supply, I pray we find an alternative solution to phi-rad before we find out if it works on anyone else."

The captain seems less amiable about the situation. "All due respect sir, but the Grel'lix have continued to take every precaution against the spread of phi-radiation since before we even knew you existed. A conference on our moon was deemed unlikely to pose a significant threat to any species, Grel'lix or otherwise. As I mentioned, we don't need any more competition for redjuice than there already is, so there is no reason for my people to endanger you - we would only be endangering ourselves in the process."
Jul 8, 2021 8:53 pm


The good news is, it's not sabotage. The bad news's everywhere. The Phi-radiation emitters are completely integrated with every atom of Antimony. One too many strange quarks in the subatomic makeup, and everything's a mess.

Lt. Commander Bruce reads your scans as you continue.

Well, shet. Lemme see what ah can find.

By the time you're out and decontaminated, she's found an old old article. Is that newsprint archived digitally? Dang.

On Earth-Prime, in their year 1995, one of the first Terran photographic telescopes caught images of the blast from a massive nova. With some quick calculations, even their scientists were able to determine that the blast itself was several thousand years old, several dozen light years across. The "pillars" as the humans called them, were long gone, but the impact remained.

The image was one of the prime examples of the space organization's progress, but as it because more just, a background on a computer, it was largely forgotten. Several centuries ago, the Relik discovered what should have been a neutron star in the center of the original nova, but it was made entirely of strange matter. Luckily in the vacuum of space, very little was around to be affected and then absorbed.

But the planet Grel is in a reasonable shockwave distance for a nova that size.

No wonder they're a minin' planet, Bruce muses. Anythin' too close would'a been vaporized. Anything too small'd've been consumed entirely. You realize what this means? Grel could'a been a multi-core planet, stripped by tha nova, an' changed ta have all these emitters!
Secondary Medbay
While Yen'kos speaks, Captain Hamilton gets a cup of a bluish fluid from a replicator in the wall. She's a little clumsy, clearly holding her exposed hand tightly shut.

I trust that all issues aside, you are not a prime mover in them, Yen'kos. Thank you for your feedback. Perhaps, she calls to the techs in the room if Terran and adjacent biology cannot be directly benefitted by redjuice, the antidote could be boosted, in a way? Or the antimony could be neutralized directly.

Altok Leya passes this information on a data pad to central command on Earth-Beryllium as the medics in the room start feverishly researching the captain's suggestions.

Yen'kos, there must be a reason you were sent to live on the moon instead of among your people. Would you please expand on that?

The Grel'lix nods soberly and concedes. My team was sent to search for more redjuice stores, far closer to the core than any of our kind have traveled before. While there, we found creatures not unlike your security officer. As we traveled, we realized that their number, and a few remaining features, closely matched a mining team that had been lost in an elevator collapse. This was how we learned the phi-radiation emitters are not atmospheric, but geological.

Captain Hamilton leans forward, her demeanor far closer to when the ship disembarked - though still uneasy. Your people know the mines expertly well. Why did your leaders not listen?

Yen'kos blinks, twitching a little with the repressed memory. I was the only one who survived, Sir. My findings were written off as PTSD, then heresy. Our people worship the core, the soil. To think it is the source of our trouble is unthinkable for most Grel'lix.

Hamilton acknowledges the report with solemnity. Lieutenants, process Yen'kos as a materials expert seeking sanctuary on a Treaty ship. It'll be messy, but I think it's our best bet right now. She sighs and sets her drink back in the replicator to re-adjust it to something else. Most of you were assigned to be a diplomatic envoy for negotiations. Now it seems we have a larger problem on our hands. Will you help with this, too?
Jul 9, 2021 6:13 am
"Do we have a choice?", the Sisters ask, spreading their hands in a rhetoric gesture. "We all are stuck on this vessel for now. It would be unwise for any of us to not help out as it is our own lives at risk." They look over the other crew members to get a read on their reactions to this situation, then they say: "But aside from an autopsy on the affected crewmember, which is unlikely to reveal much the Grel'lix have not yet discovered, we are unsure how we can be of help."
Jul 9, 2021 9:10 am
Jonh focuses, trying to follow Lt. Commander Bruce as she reports the conclusions. Phi-radiation on every atom? Is this some sort of enriched Antimony? "So, that would suggest this nova of weird matter washed away the Grel's planet, and left only the contaminated core?" he considers what that could mean, but the sheer magnitude and age of such event is difficult even start to understand... "So did Grel'lix evolve before or after that nova?" Jonh thinks aloud for a moment and then breaks out of it. "We need to check what the Relik know and why they described this matter they found out as ... weird"
Jul 15, 2021 9:34 pm
Bruce nods and taps at her datapad. Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, and Charm are ancient Terran classifications of tha quarks in subatomic matter. Intergalactically they're classed I through VI but tha concept stayed. An' once ah finish drafrin' this, ah'll be able ta get in contact with tha Relik. Ah've got tha clearance fer it.

In the medbay Captain Hamilton nods soberly at the Sisters' observation. I cannot force this assignment on you. Though I suppose I also can't promise you any more safety one way or the other. All this said... she sighs and opens her palm. There are notable spikes growing under her sensor. The radiation appears to react to stress. Because you were exposed to an affected crew member, and we don't know much about transfer from these creatures, I would allow you to quarantine if you prefer.

A sensor starts beeping furiously and the med tech perks up with worry. Captain! Someone has lifted the patient's stasis field! Primary Medbay is being compromised!

Hamilton snaps back into captain mode. So if you're going, do it now. Warn engineering on your way. Authorization granted to set phasers to "kill."
Jul 16, 2021 8:43 am
Jonh nods as Bruce updates the situation. Unaware of the situation in the medbay, he waits for contact to be made with the Relik, helping out with technical set up as much as he can.
Jul 16, 2021 4:32 pm
"We will assist in whatever way we can," the Sisters say. "Will it be of most help for us to help contain the patient or should we find out who and why has sabotaged their confinement in the first place?"

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