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Apr 26, 2021 3:43 pm
"We will assume you were referring to our academic expertise and experience, not our biological situation," the Sisters say, sounding almost offended. In response to that last question, they say: "We have read the mission briefing but would appreciate another summary, as we are sure changes to the original plan have occured since then."
Apr 28, 2021 8:19 am
"But..." Jonh looks surprised "Is there anyone onboard trying ti disrupt the mission?". He heard some rumours here and there, but is not like there would be some conspiracy conjecture around such a mission. Humanity's fate rests on this mission, why would anyone want it to fail, right?
Apr 30, 2021 1:19 pm
Your training, of course, Professors. I apologize if that wasn't clear.

The captain respects your knowledge, but your biology is definitely a part of it, too, whether she wants to admit it or not.

Again, we have a shipment of "Redjuice" - Hyper-Neutrated Iodine, which we will be able to leverage for our first return shipment of Antimony. We enter the trade agreements, make gestures of good faith as appropriate, trade goods, and come home to process any more complicated pieces of the treaty - infrastructure, scanner codes, and the like. In the event the Grel'lix have allies that we would also benefit from trading with, we are authorized to open discussion with them as well.

The problem is, there are Earth-Beryllium organizations that would benefit handsomely if their artificial synthesis of Antimony became viable, and the Grel'lix take a neutral stance towards certain nations that have less-than-favorable views of the Treaty. There have been no open hostilities, but this may be seen as an opportunity to send a message to the Treaty.

As for traitors on the ship, we believe we've rooted everyone out, but these corporations pay well. We need to be cautious.
May 3, 2021 12:50 pm
"Sure captain Hamilton" Jonh replies immediately. "I keep an eye on any abnormality with the systems, in case someone infiltrated X-AE-XII" she adds with a smile, sure that if the captain is confident all opponents were rooted out, then there is no reason to suspect any real internal threat.
May 5, 2021 11:59 am
lavtodd says:

1. A roll for your job
2. A roll for watching for anything suspicious
Jonh works and maintains the ship and walks around and chats with people and plays 0G-card games


job Tools d6: Technological <5 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

suspicious Intelligence d6: Street Smart < 4 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

May 5, 2021 1:25 pm
The Sisters familiarize themselves with the lab and all information on the crew. They also review all available data on the Grel'lix.
Fraternizing is very low on their list of priorities.
Hope I'm getting the rolls right


Job: Booksmarts 2+ - (1D6)

(3) = 3

Watch out: Pessimist 3- - (1D4)

(1) = 1

May 16, 2021 7:26 pm
I'm sorry for going dark there. May's been a trip!
Everything is...fine, actually. The trip to the council goes without a hitch. Trade negotiations go far better than anyone expected. You secure enough antimony to help Earth-Beryllium for the three astronomical cycles it'll take to establish well-organized trade routes. Nobody sabotages the redjuice. And the Treaty is able to open venues for other civilizations as well.

It's when you hear a bloodcurdling scream from the medbay that you know something is wrong.
May 19, 2021 4:47 pm
We're on the way back when that happens, right? What time is that? Would we be in our quarters?
And if so, do the Sisters have access to weapons in their quarters?
May 19, 2021 5:33 pm
You can assume you have a standard phaser just as a crew member, governed to "stun". Big write-up if you use "kill" and you're not security. This is maybe a day after leaving the negotiations, about a week from home, and you can choose whether you're on or off duty. Let's say 8pm equivalent or so.
May 19, 2021 5:48 pm
The Sisters are sitting in their quarters, still working on their report on the negotiations and the species they encountered. They're casually dressed, which in their standards means the same stiff suit as usual but with the top button open.
When a scream suddenly cuts through their focus, they raise their head and consider briefly what to do before taking their phaser and moving towards the medbay. This is part of their duties but as the medbay is part of their workspace, it seems prudent to check in on it.
They try to be quiet as, in case there is an attack happening, they don't want to be discovered by the assailant.


Sneaking: Fine Motor [D4 -> 2+] - (1D4)

(1) = 1

May 19, 2021 6:31 pm
As you round the corner, you hear CMO Davis' voice call out. He's stressed, and trying to be heard over the screaming, with a poor attempt at maintaining medical professionalism, stammering in his flustered state.

Doctor Bale - Doctors - You! Please! I need extra hands!

He barely notices you had your weapon drawn.

One of the lower-level officers writhes on the table as crystalline spikes seem to grow and push underneath his skin. None of the protrusions have burst, the skin instead going white over hardened points. They're worst on his hands, up his arms, a few on the soles of his feet, but you see some smaller pieces starting to push out of his chest. Davis tosses you the medical scanner.

See what you can find out. He doesn't seem to be internally bleeding, but I fear that's only because the spikes are holding his wounds shut. I'm trying a level two comatose trigger to try to stop the progress.
May 19, 2021 8:17 pm
The Sisters breathe a sigh of relief and straighten their posture, putting the phaser aside. This is something they can deal with.
Calmly, they walk over to the patient and pick up the medical scanner to conduct some scans. "Does any other crewmember show symptoms?", they ask.
Not sure if this would be Tech or Booksmarts for the investigation. Since those are opposite results, I guess I have to choose before rolling. I'll say Tech because I'm using the medical scanner.


Examine: Tech [D6 -> 5-] - (1D6)

(1) = 1

May 19, 2021 9:22 pm
Not that I am aware of. I had an uptick in rash cases since leaving talks with the Grel'lix. Only three, but all security. I'll need them called down immediately.

He glances sideways and swipes a few pieces on his data pad before continuing. While your scan continues you see the patient's body temperature drop to precisely 274K - a breath above freezing.

You see abnormally high levels of phi-radiation exposure in his system. It's a poorly-understood yet fairly common principle that allows for faster-than-light travel. Unlike normal electromagnetic waves, it impacts spacetime as a unit, even under observation. It seems to be having a strange reaction to trace elements in his body.

His hands and feet, his chest....that's when it hits you. All four potential patients worked security, meaning all of them would have had contact with the Antimony shipment. If this particular isotope is strong in phi-radiation-emitters, then of course they would have been impacted through gloves, shoes, even breathing nearby.
May 19, 2021 9:23 pm
Meanwhile, Daniel's comm badge buzzes softly. A pre-recorded message summons him to the medbay, at Dr. Davis' request.....
May 20, 2021 3:19 pm
"These people have been working with the Antimony shipment with insufficient protective gear and have been exposed to dangerous amounts of phi-radiation," the Sisters say coolly. They also relay all medical information their scanner reveals to them, including the reduced body temperature.
May 20, 2021 4:00 pm
274. Perfect. Comatose trigger successful. I'll have to biopsy one of these spikes and see the extent of his internal damage.

His voice trails off as he processes your other observations.

Phi-radiation? But antimony is a relatively stable element. They had gloves and masks. That should have been enough.
May 20, 2021 4:38 pm
"Perhaps the shipment is impure or damaged," the Sisters suggests. "You should have the quartermaster examine it."
May 20, 2021 6:34 pm
Jonh has just gotten to his room after a long shift of maintainer repairs to the air system. Things went well until that point. A clear success for the mission. That’s when he heard it. At first he ignored it, but then it hit him. That was not a regular scream from the medbay. Nothing that happens so far explains that scream... meaning something else is happening.

Though he is maintenance and this is clearly a security issue, he considered that, if the accident involved equipment, he may be able to help. He was, after all, the closest one to the medbay from the maintainer team.
Last edited May 20, 2021 6:34 pm
May 24, 2021 3:56 pm
Jonh slides into the medbay about when the Sisters make their recommendation. One of the members of security is lying comatose on the table, with unnatural spike-shaped growths pushing out of their body. The doctor continues.

The Quartermaster is outfitted for standard radiation and contaminants. If anyone had the proper gear to check, it'd be someone who worked on the engines....

He glances at Jonh, the unspoken question hanging in the air.

At least neither of you interacted with the shipment directly. But if this is a contaminant, then you may have been exposed during the talks. The Captain as well. Can I scan you?
May 24, 2021 5:22 pm
"You may," the Sisters say. "Although if we had been exposed to it during the conference and this person during the trip back, we should most likely be showing symptoms already. Unless the degree of our exposure was far less severe."
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